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Making it easier for you to find shi- stuff on my page

By L.C. SchäferPublished about a year ago Updated 4 months ago 6 min read
Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella on Unsplash

I've using Vocal as a place to collect my short stories and ideas, and flex the ole writing muscle. This year, I'm also using it to build a habit of daily practise.

What you'll find here

Short stories are my happy place, but I occasionally try some wanky poetry. I post the odd recipe or review here and there.

This year, I am submitting a microfiction every day, so I expect the majority of recent pieces on my profiles will be these submissions. They're generally 3-minute reads. I've made a separate pillar post for these.

I've divided it all into six categories:

  • Stories (short fiction, microfiction)
  • Wanky Poetry
  • Recipes
  • Reviews
  • Thoughts about writing
  • Miscellaneous non-fiction

Within those categories, everything is mostly ordered newest to oldest.


Daily Micros - A Story Every Day in 2024 are now in a separate pillar post which you can find here:

Fiction (regular length short fiction)

God is Empty, Just Like Me

That Infernal Clock

The Speaking of Trees (Whispering Woods Challenge entry)

Deep in the Neverwood (Whispering Woods Challenge entry)

The Nevergreens (Whispering Woods Challenge entry)

Deliver Us From Evil - entry to the Misplaced Challenge

A New Friend - entry to the Misplaced challenge

Thoughts of a Dead Person - entry to the Misplaced challenge

Dead End - crime fiction, for the Whodunit challenge

A Barn Owl & A Blood Angel

Chapter ?: On Angels

Paper Dolls

Skipper - Love story, which is not my usual!

Meat, Walking - fantasy, Top Story 🏅


Never is a Long Time

Have You Got A Minute?

Dirty Soles micro

East of the Sun and Text of the Moon - Top Story 🏅twisted fairytale, entered into the Tales Retold challenge

Run, Run As Fast As You Can - Top Story 🏅, twisted fairytale, entered into the Tales Retold challenge

The Vocal Plus Secret Society

The Tale of Amber's Cove

Straw Dolls

The REAL Story of the Three Little Pigs - twisted fairytale

But I Told Her I Don't Like Cats - short story

Lost - fantasy (Top Story 🏅)

Found - fantasy, (in two parts, maybe read Lost first)

The Future Tree - true story (Runner Up 🏅 in the Passing Ships challenge)

Ms Fortune - fantasy

Déjà Rêvé - fantasy

The Scientist's Daughter - fantasy, (Runner-Up in Unexpected Uncovering Challenge)

The Kelpie - fantasy, young adult, series

Blood Honey Salt - twisted fairytale, dark, series

Glass Dolls - scifi, dystopian (Part 1 of a series)

The Squinch - submission for the Little Black Book challenge



Panthera Uncia - entry for the Snow Micro Challenge

Cragfast - entry for the Snow Micro Challenge

Snow Golem - entry for the Snow Micro Challenge

Revenge of the Snowman - entry for the Snow Micro Challenge

Snow Angel - entry for the Snow Micro Challenge

Blood on Snow - Runner Up in the Snow Micro Challenge

Joy at the Top of the Hill - entry for the Snow Micro Challenge

The Snowman - entry for the Snow Micro Challenge

The Invisible Man - micro fiction (250 words) for Oneg and James' Summer Writing Challenge

The Worst Heist - microfiction, Top Story 🏅, my most read piece!

The Jewel - microfiction, Top Story 🏅

Dragon Scales - microfiction (100 words)

Bloom - microfiction (100 words)

Graduation Day - AKA The Dying Room - microfiction, fanfiction (100 words)

Cornflakes - microfiction (100 words), a true story

Mummy Took Me to Watch The Hanging Today - microfiction, (100 words) (Top Story 🏅)

25 seconds and more of agonyShe Always Had Her Nose Buried in a Book - microfiction (<100 words)

Confessions of a Murderer - microfiction (<100 words)

The Intruder - microfiction (<100 words), adventure (sort of)

Just One Wish - Microfiction (100 words)

Wanky Poetry

Tea, is it?

A Horse Called Story - entry for the Abecedarian Challenge

Let's Dance - entry for the Abecedarian Challenge

Little Brush Strokes of You - entry for the Abecedarian Challenge


Hitting Snooze on the New Year

Stuck for Gift Ideas?

Stop It

Miracle Soup

My Small, Black Heart -

The Process - content warning necessary

Dying - acrostic, regarding Man Flu

Distractions (submitted to Dancing with Distraction) (Top Story 🏅)

Coffee (submitted to Sensational)

Creative Constipation (submitted to Sensational) (Top Story 🏅)

Fresh Bread (submitted to Sensational)

Flight (submitted to Sensational)

Whose Idea Was This? (submitted to Sensational)

I Smelt It On Him (submitted to Sensational)

For Children Of All Ages (submitted to Sensational)

Forest, AKA, "A Woody Sussuration" (submitted to Sensational)

Mistress Rain (submitted to Sensational)

String Theory - (submitted to the Epistolary challenge)

to drink the ocean


I like food that is deceptively easy to prepare, but tasty! Bonus points if it's also low-cost and keeps well. My style is pretty much to dive straight in to the ingredients and method, without much pre-amble.

Eggs Benedict - easiest hollandaise recipe I've ever tried!

Easy Bread Rolls - similar to brioche, very quick!

Level Up Your Curry Night - Very easy flatbreads

Germerican Pancakes - Easy dessert or snack. Great with fruit and cream.

Put it in your mouth and tell me you love me - strawberry & white chocolate cheesecake

Writing about writing

Fucked Up Fairytales - An Unofficial Challenge

A Story Every Day - Prompts for April

Sex Robot Challenge - And the Winner is...

The Urge to Scribble

Going Nuts: Reflections on A Story Every Day- February Edition

Why Do I Write? Let Me Count The Ways

My Usual: The Snow Micro Challenge

Musings on the Misplaced Challenge

A Brief Contemplation

Hunting Cats: Reflections on "A Story Every Day" So Far (January Edition)

A Story Every Day - Prompts for February

Show Me Your Bloopers

Don't Buy My Book

Reflect & Aspire: Twin Mirrors

Prompts for January 2024

A Story Every Day in 2024

I Don't Want a Block Button

The Next Big Thing


Couch to 5k Reads

You Know You're a Writer When...

Schäfer's Gloves-Off Iron Maiden Challenge

My Suggestions to Vocal

Getting Comfy With Critique - Part 2

Reflection on 4k Reads, AKA "How Writing is a Bit Like Sex"

Critique Me (Moonlighting)

When I Put Down My Pen

The Beginning, The Middle & The Twist

Word of the Day

Losing My Vocal V-Plates

My Musings on the Tales Retold Challenge

New Musings on the Block - on writer's block

The Little Writer - musings on my first written piece

More Musings on Microfiction

My Reflections on the Microfiction Magic challenge

Ten Books You Have To Read Before You Die

Never Have I Ever (Writers' Edition) - A conversation about the little things that pull us out of a story (Top Story 🏅)

Hey You! Yes, You. Write Something - The importance of writing for your mental well-being (Top Story 🏅)

What's the best strategy for posting on Vocal? - Chatting about what works and what doesn't (Top Story 🏅)

You Write What You Read - A motivational wossname to put some good shit into your eyeballs (Top Story 🏅)

Naked Truth - A gynecologist never knew a patient so well. Possibly ironically, the only piece of mine about writing that didn't get a top story, but in my opinion the one that most deserved it.


Critiques That Didn't Squeak

E-Readers vs "Real" Books

Words That Changed My World II - Discworld; Witches Abroad

Words That Changed My World - The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

Schäfer's Round-Up - A shout out to fellow Vocal writers

Schäfer's Round-Up 2

Schäfer's Round-Up 3

Shaun of the Dead - micro critique (50 words), Top Story 🏅

Harry Potter - micro critique

Terminator 2: Judgement Day - micro critique

A Christmas Carol - micro critique

Lord of the Rings (books) - micro critique (50 words), Top Story 🏅

Breaking Bad - micro critique

Kill Bill Vol 1 - micro critique


Snow White (1937) - (50 words)

Good Omens 2 - (50 words)

Barbie - (50 words)

Oppenheimer - (50 words)

The Little Mermaid

The Father

Miscellaneous Nonfiction

The Big Debate

Eff You, January Gloom

Tipping (Not Cows or Waiters)

My If-ffiness

Bandwagon Jumping Self-Reflection

From Which River

Ten Lessons I Learned From My Dog

Hamsters: How Not To Get Bitten


Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate engagement and do my best to reciprocate reads.

Last edited on 23rd September 2023


About the Creator

L.C. Schäfer

Book-baby is available on Kindle Unlimited

Flexing the writing muscle

Never so naked as I am on a page. Subscribe for nudes.

Here be micros

Twitter, Insta Facey

Sometimes writes under S.E.Holz

"I've read books. Well. Chewed books."

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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  4. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  5. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

Add your insights

Comments (13)

  • T. Licht22 days ago

    love that you combined everything for easy reading. congrats on all your accomplishements

  • ema5 months ago

    Yours is a great work goal, congratulations on your commitment. I stopped for a few months, but I started writing again and finding this today is a great inspiration and motivation!

  • B.R. Shenoy6 months ago

    Wow! You are a prolific writer!

  • Very Cool. Love fairy tales and "Wanky Poetry"!

  • Grz Colm8 months ago

    Nicely organised! I think I have generally read more of your writing related pieces and critiques, plus reviews and a few of the food ones! For shame I remember the food ones the most ! 😅😆 I tell myself I’m gonna get to everyone’s backlog of fiction - it’ll happen! 😊

  • Marie Sinadjan10 months ago

    Oh this is a wonderful idea! I should do this sometime too. I'm going to slowly go through your list now 😉

  • Sethryn Caege12 months ago

    This is such a clever idea and wonderfully organised! *grabs a mug of tea and settles in for a read* Thank you for being a writer ^ ^!

  • Sid Aaron Hirjiabout a year ago

    I love this idea of Vocal. It helps me speak out of trauma I have

  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    L.C. Was in love with this article from the subtitle, I was already smiling. I love the idea of organizing all your work into the categories of your choosing! So smart! I wonder if Vocal would ever put that in our profile settings? 🤔

  • Yayyyy, thank you so much for getting your shit together! 🤣 Sorry I mean stuff, thank you for putting stuff from your profile together! 😁

  • Roy Stevensabout a year ago

    Great idea and it will be helpful!

  • Dana Crandellabout a year ago

    Nice job! This will make it much easier to make sure I've read all your stories. Also, I love the cover photo choice!

  • Chantae Hardingabout a year ago

    I like this. Your pride in your work is clear and putting it together to make it easier for your audience to access is really cool.

L.C. SchäferWritten by L.C. Schäfer

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