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Band Wagon Jumping Self-Reflection; An Interview with Me, by Me

Self Interview idea by Rick Henry Christopher

By L.C. SchäferPublished 4 months ago 5 min read
Band Wagon Jumping Self-Reflection; An Interview with Me, by Me
Photo by Michal Czyz on Unsplash

I'm not the sort of person to interview myself in front of a mirror, or sit and practise interviews when I'm by myself. Honest. The idea makes me cringe so hard I can taste my own bumhole.

I was interviewed for radio once, but the topic wasn't me, so it was easier.

But I recently said to Stephen:

Reflection should be a built-in part of the process. It's integral to improvement and personal growth. Doesn't have to be (shouldn't be!) all self-congratulating wank.

I stand by that. Reflection is important, and who knows, this could be fun.

Jim Carey as the Grinch

1. What type of writer do you feel you are?

At the moment: a bad one. I'm inconsistent. I'm all or nothing.

I write stories. Sometimes poetry. Sometimes I write about a thing I know, like hamster taming, or easy food. Sometimes I just crack my skull and pour my thoughts out. That's always nice.

2. What type of writer do you not want to be?

Well... A bad one. Inconsistent.

But also dull. Ugh. I'd rather never write again than be boring. Stab me with my own pen or beat me to death with my laptop. I don't want to be pretentious, either. I hope my stuff doesn't read that way, and I'm almost certain it does to some people.

3. What do you like about yourself as a writer?

I try to be authentic. That's good, right? I've got a half-way good... thingy. You know. Has lots of words. Vocabulary. I don't think I take myself too seriously.

4. What do you look for in other writers?

Eloquence. Humour. A bit of self-deprecation. Satire.

5. Where do you feel your opportunities are as a writer?

I have no idea. I'm just going to keep scribbling and see what, if anything happens.

6. What do you not like about yourself as a writer?

Plenty! To start, see above! Inconsistency. In my defence, I am actively changing that with my project for 2024.

My problem is, I'm just good enough to know how bad I am. I like fantasy and sci fi, but I suck at world building.

6. Which writing genre or category do you feel is your best?

Possibly speculative fiction. I enjoy writing fantasy, but I'm definitely better at some aspects than others.

I like taking old (well-known or obscure) stories and ideas turning them upside down. I have a soft spot, (and possibly a knack) for twisted fairy tales. I like writing dystopia.

7. In which genre or category do you feel the most challenged?

Romance. I am terrible at it. I think because I don't like it. I'm pompous enough to consider it beneath me. The tropes are dull and outdated. There's something inherently toxic about it. It's centred around relationships, but there is no story without conflict. This means it often portrays relationships that are full of drama. Ughhh. SPARE ME.

Worse, sometimes it has sex scenes. If there is one thing worse than romance, it's erotica. If there's one thing cringier than interviewing yourself, it's reading a sex scene. Just... WHY. I don't get it.

Shut up you know who this is

I do feel challenged when writing fantasy or sci-fi as well, because I'm still working on world-building. But at least when I try, I feel like I'm aspiring to something and not just wasting my time on vapid, toxic crap.

8. When did you first start writing?

I started writing before I could even write properly. I'd steal pens and pencils and write on any surface I could. It's one of my earliest memories. It was just a bunch of squiggles, but the intent was there. As far as I was concerned, I was writing a story. It probably had a puppy in it. Or a mouse, or a dragon.

9. Why do you write?

Dunno. Why do sparrows fly? Why do fish swim? Self-expression, innit. We all have a hankering for it one way or another. The human condition or something.

10. This last question is off-topic. If you could be part of any television sitcom family, which one would it be and why?

Oh, don't you even! How long have you got?

Red Dwarf is a huge favourite, but Earth (and everyone on it) being destroyed would be a bit of a bummer. Plus, I'd feel morally obliged to have to try to keep the human race alive with Lister. Stick me in something written by Graham Linehan - Black Books, for preference. All those books!

+ + + + + + +

One extra question added by Novel Allen (for Mariann's sake).

Where are you when you write, or, where do you do your best writing?

I answered this when Mariann Carroll interviewed me!

I try to write whatever I can whenever I can. If that means a notes app on the bus or train, then that's what I do. I prefer to use my laptop at home, though. I usually write more in the evenings and at weekends... I have a comfy spot on the sofa where I sit with my laptop and annoy everyone with my clicky clacking.

I also write in the bath sometimes, and in bed. Sometimes if I have an idea or an urge, I run with it, wherever I am. But I prefer sitting with my laptop and doing it properly. I never write on paper with a pen any more. I hate people reading my stuff. It has to be locked away behind a password so any old Tom, Dick, or Harry can't put his eyes on it.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Thank you for reading! Please comment to make it easy for me to reciprocate.

Please don't comment with a link, unless you've also done a self-interview, in which case I'd love to have a look.

Come back tomorrow for my first story in my story-every-day project in 2024!

+ + + + ++ + + + + + +

Here's Rick's - the one that started it all!

Here are a few more I enjoyed!


About the Creator

L.C. Schäfer

Book-baby is available on Kindle Unlimited

Flexing the writing muscle

Never so naked as I am on a page. Subscribe for nudes.

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Sometimes writes under S.E.Holz

"I've read books. Well. Chewed books."

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (15)

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  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock4 months ago

    L.C., you are far more talented than you allow yourself to admit--& consistently so! Your comment on self-deprecation takes me back to my college days & how I took to handling insults. I'd simply thank the individual &, when they responded with a puzzled, "Why?" I would respond, "Because your words acknowledge my existence & anything or one who does that I consider a compliment."

  • Omgggg I'm so glad I'm not alone about the way I feel about romance and erotica, lol!

  • Sid Aaron Hirji4 months ago

    OMG RED DWARF! I thought I was the only one.

  • Shirley Belk4 months ago

    I sooo agree with Novel! And the only part of "bad" about your writing is are that in your writing skill.

  • Alexander McEvoy4 months ago

    Great answers, L.C.! Loved this look behind the curtain, and thrilled to know that we share a distaste in general for sex scenes! I don't know what it is about them, but they've never quite fit the flow of the narrative for me. Except in a few examples where they were mostly meant to add to the comedy of a piece. Those are more often handled well but I'd still prefer that they not be so... explicit. Then again maybe that's my loneliness talking lol Also the explanation for 'why write' was awesome. Why do fish swim or birds fly? Because it's in their nature, they have to. Wishing you all the luck on your writing challenge and a happy New Year!

  • Mother Combs4 months ago


  • Test4 months ago

    You've eloquently unraveled layers of your writing self in this self-interview! Your candidness and humor cut through, making it an engaging and relatable read.

  • Dana Crandell4 months ago

    I'm glad you jumped on, L.C. and I really enjoyed your answers although I can't agree with "A bad one". It's proving interesting to learn our similarities and differences through these self-interviews. I almost answered Romance for #6, but in order to be challenged, I'd have to try it. I don't, for pretty much the reasons you listed. Also, I, for one, have never viewed your writing as pretentious! Thanks for the link, and Happy New Year!

  • Scott Christenson4 months ago

    A fun read! Im enjoying that everyone has such a different style of interview.

  • To be clear, what I was doing was not “self-congratulating wank” either. Just in case anyone might misinterpret that comment outside the context of the original article 😁

  • Hannah Moore4 months ago

    I suppose you could read a sex scene about yourself? That would be worse, right?

  • Novel Allen4 months ago

    Well, goodness gracious, bumhole. Well...I never!!! This had me giggling the entire way. What whobilation and hate, hate, hate you brought, which led to love, love, love this so much. The grinch certainly brought it home. This is great. Thanks for the shoutout.

  • This is an interesting process. I’ve never thought to self-interview. I’ve been interviewed many times, and I love reading and listening to interviews of others. I may have to follow suite here.

  • Well, this was quite interesting L.C., I'm glad you jumped on this crowded bandwagon. Reading your self-interview has spurred me onto a fun idea. I will let you know when it's ready.

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