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The 5 Best Weight Loss Tips if You’re Over 40

You’re over 40, and you’re carrying around a few extra pounds you’d like to lose.

By Hafsa HameedPublished about a year ago 5 min read
The 5 Best Weight Loss Tips if You’re Over 40
Photo by Jacob Bentzinger on Unsplash


You’re over 40, and you’re carrying around a few extra pounds you’d like to lose. You’re not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of Americans over the age of 20 are obese. And while there are plenty of weight loss tips out there, not all of them are effective for people over 40.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of the five best weight loss tips specifically for people over 40. Follow these simple tips, and you’ll be on your way to shedding those extra pounds in no time!

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Start With a Plan and Maintain a Routine

Starting off your weight loss journey with a solid plan is essential, as is maintaining a routine. When you have a plan, you know what you’re working towards and what you need to do each day to make progress. A routine helps keep you on track and makes it less likely that you’ll fall off the wagon.

There are lots of different plans and routines out there, so find one that fits your lifestyle and personality. If you prefer to work out in the morning, for example, waking up an hour earlier to fit in a workout before starting your day is a lot more realistic than trying to squeeze in a workout at night after work.

The bottom line: start with a plan and maintain a routine and you’ll be well on your way to shedding those extra pounds.

Take Control of Your Diet

You’re in control of what you put in your mouth, and that’s a big part of the weight loss puzzle. Start by making better food choices: Reach for lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. These choices will help you feel fuller longer, so you’re not tempted to reach for unhealthy snacks.

It’s also important to keep track of your calorie intake. Use a food journal or tracking app to monitor your intake and make sure you’re not eating more than you should. When you’re aware of what you’re eating, it’s easier to make healthy choices.

If you are struggling to lose weight, and you want to discover the little known secret most doctors don’t want you to know, be sure you get access to my FREE PDF revealing all of these secrets!!!

Incorporate Cardio and Weight Training

When it comes to weight loss, cardio and weight training are both important. But if you’re over 40, you need to focus on cardio more than weight training.

Why? Because as you age, your muscle mass decreases and your metabolism slows down. This means that you need to do more cardio to burn the same amount of calories as someone younger.

But that’s not to say that weight training isn’t important — it is. In fact, it’s crucial for maintaining muscle mass as you lose weight. So make sure to incorporate both into your routine.

Concentrate on Whole Foods

Focusing on whole foods is a smart way to lose weight and maintain your results. Whole foods are unprocessed, and typically healthier and lower in calories, so swapping out processed foods for whole foods can help you shed those extra pounds.

Start by focusing on one meal a day, focusing on fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and healthy fats like avocado and nuts. You’ll be surprised how much the nutrient-rich meals will fill you up faster and ward off those pesky cravings to munch away!

If you are struggling to lose weight, and you want to discover the little known secret most doctors don’t want you to know, be sure you get access to my FREE PDF revealing all of these secrets!!!

Focus on finding more whole food recipes that also include high-quality proteins like wild caught fish, organic eggs or lentils. If you’re used to eating fast-food or takeout food then start with simple swaps like swapping out potato chips for raw veggies or dark chocolate instead of candy. You can even make small changes that add up such as switching from white bread to wheat bread or high-sugar cereal for low sugar cereal.

Don’t Forget to Rest and Rejuvenate

Rest and rejuvenation are just as important as exercise when it comes to weight loss. Your body needs time to recover and rebuild muscle, so make sure to give it the rest it needs. Taking a rest day — at least one day a week where you don’t exercise — will give your body time to repair and help prevent burnout.

Also, make sure to get at least 7–8 hours of sleep each night. Not only will this help your body recover after a workout, but studies have shown that getting enough sleep can reduce cravings, increase metabolism and help you lose weight! So don’t neglect getting enough rest, as it is absolutely key for long-term success with any weight loss plan.

Mindful Eating to Foster Healthy Habits

It’s time to take control over what you eat and learn how to eat mindfully. All too often, we rush through our meals and don’t pay attention to what and how much we’ve consumed. Mindful eating is a way of paying attention to your hunger signals, helping you recognize when you’re full and ultimately curb overeating.

To practice mindful eating, make sure that you remove distractions while sitting down for meals. Turn off the TV or the computer, put away the phone, and focus on enjoying the meal in front of you. Chew slowly, savor every bite of food and think about its flavor, texture, and temperature before moving on to the next bite — this will help you recognize when you start feeling full faster.

It may be hard at first but with consistent practice, mindful eating can eventually become a habit that will help you foster healthy eating habits for years to come.

If you are struggling to lose weight, and you want to discover the little known secret most doctors don’t want you to know, be sure you get access to my FREE PDF revealing all of these secrets!!!


So if you’re over 40 and looking to lose weight, make sure you try at least a few of these tips. And if you’re not over 40, it’s still a good idea to try some of these tips — after all, they could help you stay healthy for years to come.

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    HHWritten by Hafsa Hameed

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