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Pick Up A New Hobby To Help Improve Your Mental Health

In this article, you may discover some valuable suggestions that you could implement in your life and that may set you on the path to both physical and mental health improvement.

By Les MorganPublished 2 years ago 17 min read
The Importance Of Hobbies For Better Mental Health

A fantastic technique to help with enhancing your general mental health and well-being is by taking up a new pastime. There are many benefits to having a hobby, but for many people, the health advantages rank first. Hobbies come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They could be artistic, academic, physical, or simply unwinding. Despite the fact that it's not always easy to find spare time during the day, maintaining good mental health can be made easier by the many various activities and hobbies we can incorporate into our everyday life. However, during these rare moments when you are free from your regular responsibilities, you may have the chance to engage in things that you actually like. A hobby is more than just something you do for yourself; it's something you put time and effort into because it makes you happy and sparks your interests.

One of the biggest difficulties I encountered as a victim of my wife's mental illness was learning how to manage stress, worry, anxiety, wrath, fear, and the list goes on. And as a result, I began to see a decline in my own mental health and realized that something urgently needed to happen. One thing that resonated with me after interacting with various persons and organizations in the search for my family is that everyone kept telling me to stay optimistic—not just for my family but also for myself and my sanity.

My family and I shared a number of hobbies together. We set up a small garden on our back porch where we raised our own peppers, herbs, and some "easy to maintain" vegetables. We also have some pear trees and blueberry bushes in the backyard, where my kids would pick the fruit while I made jams and spreads. We love pizza, and I've always wanted to make it at home, so I bought a bread maker and started making my own dough. Needless to say, the kids thought it was the best pizza they had ever tasted. And despite how challenging it was to continue performing these activities without my family. I started again and was so happy I did.

Since I was so involved with my family previously, I didn't have much time to pick up my guitar and resume my lessons but now I do, which helps me cope with the quiet in my home. Even more recently, I went fishing for the first time in my pond. I've started a journal, increased my workout, learned new recipes, read more books, and more. By filling my free time with these hobbies and activities, I've been able to deal with my own mental health issues and depression much better.

Just speaking from my experience, I know there are several new hobbies and activities that you as well can pick up that can help keep you in a good place in your mind when it comes to your mental and physical health.

Here Are 9 Of The Best Hobbies I Found To Be Helpful For Improving Your Mental Health:

1. Start A Small(or large) Garden

Gardening and being around plants can both be beneficial for mental health. You can take advantage of the great outdoors and everything that nature's splendor has to offer. If you prefer and have enough sunlight, there are even miniature garden boxes for indoor use. You can begin with taking care of house plants, succulents, or herbs if you'd prefer to garden gradually. While not everyone enjoys gardening, the benefits it has on our physical and mental health are ones we could all use more of in this day and age. It is good for your physical and mental well-being to start a garden. Your garden is a place where you may unwind and calm yourself while connecting with nature. Growing plants promotes healthy mental stimulation.

Even having a plant on your desk can help you feel energized and improve your ability to think coherently. Gardening has proven to be highly useful for people with anxiety or depression. Growing plants in the natural world are excellent for us as people, and there is a ton of evidence to support this. While gardening might be physically demanding, it is a good way to remind yourself that there are some things we cannot control. People who grow their own food are more likely to be aware of the health advantages of eating crops produced organically as gardening promotes healthy eating. No feeling compares to that of eating food that you have grown, I assure you. Additionally, growing a tiny bit of vegetables in your garden fosters a greater appreciation for naturally grown items that are locally produced. In the garden, you can grow your own food, which is a very healthy approach to living life to the fullest. We are more likely to eat food that has been grown in our own backyard since it is fresh and we are aware of the labor-intensive process that went into making it.

It has been demonstrated that gardening has a substantial positive impact on your mental and physical health. When you are busy in the garden, your brain's serotonin levels rise, making you happier all day. You can elevate your mood via gardening. Try it; I'm confident you'll be pleasantly surprised.

2. Go Fishing!

Get out and do some fishing! This is an excellent activity for mental wellness! At the same time, it is tranquil and thrilling. Stress and worry can be lessened by spending time outside, and looking forward to your next fish can be exciting. Fishing is also an activity that creates feelings of self-fulfillment and success. Fishing requires skill and creates challenges to overcome. You will experience a sense of accomplishment once you overcome obstacles and master the fishing techniques required. Nature can have a good impact on your mental health, whether it be through the views, sounds, or smells, or just the chance to get away from the daily grind. Going outside for a fishing expedition, a nature stroll, a camping vacation, or some other activity might be calming. This is due to the therapeutic effects of spending time outside, which are peaceful and relaxing.

Fishing provides many opportunities to experience nature and the emotional high that comes from being outside, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro. The ability to concentrate on the basic act of fishing is one of fishing's biggest psychological advantages. It gives you the chance to relax and take in the beauty and delight that a day on the water (or shore) brings by letting go of all your troubles and problems. Planning a solitary fishing excursion will give you the chance to disconnect from the incessant noise around us and focus solely on yourself. Some people find that spending a day alone in seclusion on the lake provides the ideal opportunity for introspection and clear thought, which can lead to increased understanding and enjoyment. But is also a fantastic pastime to share with your loved ones and friends. It's also fantastic for some physical activity and your self-esteem. key elements that can improve your mental wellness overall.

So get outside and get that hook in the water! You can catch and release, or you might catch something that you can use in a recipe to go with some of the fresh herbs, fruits, and veggies that you grew yourself. Whatever you decide, taking up fishing is a terrific way to improve your mental health. Just keep in mind fishing requires patience as it's called fishing, not catching-LOL. This brings me to number 3

3. Learn Some New Recipes

By focusing attention on carefully following a recipe, cooking can help soothe stress, enhance self-esteem, and stop negative thinking. A therapeutic technique to reduce stress and improve your mood when cooking is to let yourself get lost in it. Get a bread maker, for instance, and prepare your own bread and dough (like I do). This can assist in getting rid of some of the unhealthier ingredients in your diet that may be detrimental to your general mental and physical health. Don't be scared to try something new or recreate a classic recipe with fresh ingredients. Be imaginative. Choose a fruit or vegetable you've never used before the next time you go grocery shopping and research different methods to prepare it. Growing your own food and utilizing it in recipes is another excellent opportunity to try something new and can make you feel quite accomplished. This is a fantastic approach to making sure you're getting the right nutrition and nourishment. Cooking (or baking) gives you a chance to express your creativity, challenge your brain, and even connect with people or places you can't physically travel to. Another fantastic way to connect and create new memories is to cook together with your family and friends. It gives you the chance to communicate with others in a fascinating way and can be entertaining to do while passing the time.

Cooking and baking have advantages for those with poor mental health, according to mental health experts. Cooking exercises might help people regain control of their lives. They have the ability to restore the fun and excitement that worry and depression have long since removed from their daily lives. Cooking requires time management, which encourages people to take the lead and makes them feel powerful. Their minds are diverted from the genuine concerns in the real world by the peculiar problems they meet while cooking. This routine can significantly boost mental health, even if it only lasts a few hours.

The whole point of cooking is to distract yourself from stress, not to make it worse. The art of cooking requires originality and variety. There are no restrictions on creativity, and perfection is not necessary. You can get a general sense of the technique or the ingredients from the directions you receive. The rest relies on the course you want your meal to take. Since this is your dish, you are free to alter it however you choose. The ability not only enhances your mental well-being but also broadens your knowledge within this hobby.

It's acceptable to deviate from recipes and make them your own with your own creative spin. It demonstrates your independence of thought.

4. Read More Books

Reading is a relaxing hobby that may help you forget about any stress you may be experiencing and take you to a different world created out of the books pages and your imagination. Reading can even help you unwind physically by bringing your heart rate down and releasing tension in your muscles. Reading can lower stress levels by as much as 68%, according to a 2009 study from the University of Sussex and people are finding connection and purpose between the pages of books, whether they read alone or with others, which helps to improve their mental health. Additionally, studies have demonstrated that reading reduces stress more effectively than music, a cup of tea, a walk, and playing video games.

When you get into a really good book, it can be difficult to put it down since the tale engrosses you and the passage of time seems to fly by as you read. It is a lovely experience, and picking up a book can have a great impact on your mental health. When compared to people who didn't engage in mentally stimulating activities, it has been demonstrated that participating in cognitive activities like reading throughout your life (both early and later in life) can reduce memory loss. The same study also discovered that engaging in reading, writing, and other hobbies later in life reduced mental deterioration by 32%. Those who engaged in less stimulating exercise on a regular basis discovered that their deterioration occurred 48% more quickly than those who engaged in more activity.

What benefits do people specifically gain from reading books? Is it just for pleasure, or are there additional advantages? Yes, without a doubt, according to science. Your physical and mental health will benefit from reading, and these advantages can last a lifetime. So, pick up a book and get lost for a while.

5. Start A Journal

You can manage your anxiety and depressive symptoms, as well as stress, by keeping a journal. Writing in a journal enables you to pinpoint and address any living circumstances that are leading to stress, despair, or worry. The ability to plan how to handle any challenging circumstances that might be endangering your mental health results from doing this. You can work on your positive self-talk and think back on happy memories by journaling. When you express yourself artistically in this way, by keeping a journal you can focus on the aspects of your life that don't serve you and reduce stress. A notebook can be used to cultivate good habits, set and achieve objectives and manage your mental health which can be significantly improved by investing even a small amount of time each day.

The advantages of journaling extend far beyond self-improvement and drive. Journaling can be useful as an adjunct therapy in addition to other research-based types of treatment, according to a review of 31 clinical studies on the topic. The ease of implementation (requiring essentially no resources) and negligible to zero danger of any negative impacts are at the top of the list of the many advantages that journaling has to offer. Daily journaling as a complementary intervention can also provide the following additional benefits for mental health:

  • Reduced mental stress and anxiety
  • Coping with major depressive disorder (MDD)
  • managing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

You can start using journaling as a potent self-help tool right away for your mental health. All you need is some time, some paper, and a pen or pencil. If you're anxious, stressed out, or having trouble with something, you might want to give it a try. But if you don't enjoy writing by hand, no worry. You can also keep a journal on your smartphone, desktop, or laptop. Use whichever approach is convenient, easy, and at ease for you. The most crucial action is to simply start.

6. Learn An Instrument

Music is one of the oldest artistic disciplines and is practiced almost everywhere in the world. Did you know that playing an instrument has great advantages for your mental health in addition to being fun, calming, symbolic, and frequently having important cultural or religious ties? Among other benefits, it can elevate your mood, enhance cognitive function, lessen anxiety and tension, and improve memory. The good news is that you don't need to be an accomplished musician to enjoy the benefits of studying an instrument for your mental health. It turns out that learning to play one for the first time or after a long absence is also advantageous. Even better, you can study at any age, and you don't necessarily need exceptional abilities; just dedication, a willingness to learn, and patience will do. Now is a fantastic moment to think about taking up an instrument as a hobby, especially in our increasingly "plugged-in" environment when stress levels are rising.

The intense focus required to learn an instrument naturally induces a state of mindfulness and a sense of calmness. Stress is reduced as a result of that relaxing effect, which helps transform negative ideas and energy into more uplifting ones. Simply practicing an instrument has been shown in studies to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and aid with anxiety and depression. However, it has been demonstrated that learning to play an instrument benefits people psychologically as well as physically. It can really boost vigor, excitement, and happiness because it has such a strong impact on mood. According to studies, learning a musical instrument improves cognitive function by improving neuronal communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which has a positive impact on learning, memory, fine motor skills, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, and results in an all-around more capable brain that can be applied in a variety of contexts, which may be beneficial for mental health in general.

This might be a fantastic time to take this up as a hobby if you've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, harmonica, or even something simple like a tongue drum, which has wonderful calming tones I have many instruments around the house including one of my favorites which is just a little bongo that I found at a thrift store one day. And I always practice my instruments and am getting better, at least I think, but more than anything, they give me coping mechanisms and are excellent stress relievers and it's just fun. You can also learn music in a variety of ways with the help of the many lessons that are readily available even if you are just a beginner, and you don't need to be an expert in "music Theory" to enjoy making music.

How far you want to take your interest is entirely up to you

7. Exercise, Meditate, Or Learn Yoga

The benefits of exercise for mental health are numerous. It causes the release of endorphins in the brain, which increase feelings of happiness and lessen anxiety and depressive symptoms. Additionally, it has been discovered that exercise helps with symptoms including social disengagement and low self-esteem. So if you are suffering from mental health and/or physical health issues, now is as good a time as any to get some more exercise, even if it's just going for a nice walk.

Better attention and concentration, increased self-awareness and self-esteem, less tension and anxiety, and the promotion of kindness are all advantages of meditation for improved mental health. The physical benefits of meditation include increased pain tolerance and aid in the battle against drug addiction (if that's a concern). Meditation has been known to strengthen the mind and grow the brain regions responsible for problem-solving, mental fortitude, and emotion control through meditation. They become heavier and bigger during meditation. This enables these regions to become stronger and function more effectively overall.

As a form of low-impact exercise yoga has been demonstrated to reduce stress hormones in our body while simultaneously elevating healthy brain chemicals like endorphins and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). These feel-good substances aid in lowering anxiety and elevating mood. It should come as no surprise that yoga has mental advantages including lowered anxiety and sadness given its emphasis on breathing techniques and meditation, both of which help quiet and center the mind. The fact that it improves brain function may be more unexpected. Your muscles get bigger and stronger when you lift weights. When you practice yoga, your brain cells form new connections, and structural and functional changes take place that leads to an improvement in cognitive abilities like learning and memory. Memory, attention, awareness, cognition, and language-related brain regions are strengthened by yoga. Think of it as brain weightlifting.

You may struggle to find motivation, or stay motivated for these routines. Consider how you can include one of your choosing, or all into your daily schedule and way of life. Choose which you think are enjoyable, begin slowly, and ask your friends or family to encourage you and help you stay on track. Even though it might begin as a hobby, using these techniques on a regular basis can help you sleep better, which is crucial for a variety of reasons, as well as reduce stress and the symptoms of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. It can also aid in the recovery from mental health issues. Utilizing these techniques along with a healthier diet will increase your motivation and assist you in becoming a better version of yourself, both physically and psychologically.

8. Start Painting

While maintaining mental and physical acuity is important throughout our entire lives, it becomes much more crucial as we become older. Finding a creative outlet keeps your mind sharp while also broadening your horizons, which is just as vital for your health as maintaining a physically active lifestyle.

Your mind will be stimulated by painting, which is a pleasant new activity that also improves your mental health and general quality of life. Through conceptual visualization and application, painting helps to improve memory recall skills and works to sharpen the intellect. People who regularly engage in creative activities like writing, painting, and drawing have a lower risk of aging-related memory loss disorders including dementia and Alzheimer's. People can convey their sentiments and emotions through painting without using words. Painting is a terrific technique to express inner thoughts and encourage critical thinking because it might be difficult to open up sometimes.

Stress is a problem everyone deals with to some degree during all stages of life. High levels of stress and anxiety contribute to mental health issues. Painting and other artistic pursuits offer an emotional release or outlet for people that struggle with stress or are having a stressful moment in their lives. Focusing on painting allows a person’s mind to relax and let go of all the problems and demands that may have led to stress. Painting also allows people to stimulate their creative minds to produce something lovely. A person can relax and let go of all the tensions in their mind by painting as a type of anxiety release. It should come as no surprise that a low level of stress promotes a happier, healthier lifestyle and enhances general mental health.

The cognitive advantages to general health outweigh the potential modest physical fitness benefits of painting. Given all the advantages of this creative pursuit, it is obvious that painters of all ages have great mental health. Taking up painting encourages happiness in the artist as well as in those around them.

9. Explore Photography

Take out your smartphone or digital camera, whichever you like. You would think that picking up a camera to calm your mind seems contradictory in a world where we spend more and more time staring at our screens, but scientific evidence shows otherwise. In addition to allowing you to express yourself, photography also helps focus on pleasant life experiences, improves your sense of self, and even lowers the stress hormone cortisol. It turns out that taking pictures provides you with a unique perspective in several different ways.

Ever heard of "going with the flow"? The flow is a mental state of operation in which a person is entirely engaged in a sensation of energized attention while engaging in a task. It is also referred to informally as being "in the zone." Flow frequently happens when you are fixated on a creative job, whether it be cooking, dancing, or taking images. Time vanishes, you forget yourself, and you merge with a greater whole.

Absolute focus is required throughout the whole photography process, from selecting a subject to finding fresh angles to adjusting the lighting. By its very nature, the act of observing is a contemplative activity that calms your mind. In addition to being healthy for our mental health, this frame of mind is frequently where we produce our most creative work. In this way, mindfulness and photography are the same things. Not to mention, selling your photographs can earn you a lot of extra cash and some extra income can certainly boost your mental health.

In Conclusion

You can take a breather from stress through the incorporation of new hobbies. You can unwind from your day by engaging in a hobby and doing something that makes you happier or more at ease. You can reenergize and feel more equipped to handle whatever life throws your way by carving out some time for yourself to indulge in a pastime. You could notice that depressive or anxious thoughts start to creep in, sowing the seeds of gloom or pessimism in your life but you can actively combat these emotions and restore your mental health by engaging in something new. You can rediscover your true self with the aid of these activities.

You'll keep in mind that you are more than the issues that have afflicted you as you partake in activities that pique your interests, tap into your talents, and amplify your strengths. You matter because you are a unique individual.

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About the Creator

Les Morgan

Mindful! Dedicated to discovering ways to assist those in need, from mental health to physical and financial health for overall increased mental well-being and a healthier lifestyle. We do the work, you do the healing.

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