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1 in 6 children between the ages of 2 and 8 has a mental, behavioral, or developmental disability.

By Les MorganPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Talk To Your Kids About Their Mental Health

Mental disorders in children are defined as significant deviations from how kids usually behave, learn, or manage their emotions, which can be distressing and make it difficult to get through the day. ADHD, anxiety disorders, and behavior problems are some of the more typical mental illnesses that can be identified in children. Their general health and well-being include their mental health, which is crucial. Children's mental, emotional, and behavioral health are all included in mental health. It has an impact on how kids feel, think, and behave. Additionally, it affects how kids deal with stress, interact with others, and make healthy decisions.

According to national U.S. data, the most often diagnosed mental diseases in children in the U.S. ages 3-17 are ADHD, anxiety issues, behavior issues, and depression. These conditions affect millions of children. Depression, substance use, and suicide are significant issues for adolescents since some of these illnesses frequently coexist with one another. Early childhood is when mental, behavioral, and developmental issues first appear, and as these illnesses become more prevalent as people age, their treatments vary.

Early Identification And Signs Of Mental Illness In Children

Here are some things to be on the lookout for:

  • frequent outbursts of anger
  • acting out or rebelling against authority
  • not doing the things they used to enjoy
  • frequent mood swings
  • lacking energy or motivation
  • significantly lower marks/grades in school
  • avoiding friends and family
  • feeling very down
  • not concerned with their appearance
  • increased risk-taking behavior
  • drinking and/or using drugs
  • changes in sleeping or eating habits
  • obsessed with their weight
  • worrying constantly

Parents look for expert assistance and secure the necessary medical care for their children and adolescents when they are ill or injured physically. Children and adolescents require their parents to react similarly when they exhibit signs of a mental disorder.

The majority of adult mental health problems start during these formative years. Keep in mind that it's critical to pay attention to early symptoms and indicators and get assistance promptly.

What You Can Do As A Parent/Guardian

If you are concerned about your child, trust your gut and gather as much information as you can. The best person to determine whether your child's behavior needs further attention is probably you. Make plans to meet with a qualified and reputable specialist. Trying to distinguish between signs of a mental illness and common difficulties that all children occasionally face can be difficult. As parents, you can use observed behaviors to guide your decision-making.

Here Are A Few Things You Can Do:

  1. Discuss your major concerns with your youngster (no more than 3 and keep it brief)
  2. If you can, listen to their response for three uninterrupted minutes
  3. Promise your child that you will work through challenging problems with them, together

Never forget that you don't have to do this by yourself. Help is accessible

Is It Autism? What Is Autism?

A wide range of conditions collectively known as autism, or autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), is characterized by difficulties with social skills, repetitive activities, speech, and nonverbal communication. As we are aware that there are numerous subtypes of autism, the majority of which are driven by a confluence of hereditary and environmental variables. Since autism is a spectrum disorder, each autistic individual has a unique set of abilities and difficulties. People with autism can learn, reason, and solve problems in a variety of ways, from highly skilled to severely impaired. While some persons with ASD could need a lot of everyday assistance, others might only need a little help and in some circumstances could even live independently.

Autism may be caused by a variety of circumstances, and it frequently coexists with sensory sensitivities, physical conditions including gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, seizures, or sleep disorders, as well as psychological difficulties like anxiety, depression, and attention deficits. And although they are different neurological illnesses, ADHD and autism may exhibit similar symptoms. A person can have both illnesses, but there are some significant differences. A person's social interaction and communication skills are impacted by autism spectrum disorder in a variety of circumstances.

The CDC estimates that 1 in 59 children in the United States has an autistic spectrum disorder diagnosis for which there is no known cure. Autism is 5 times more likely to occur in boys than in girls, and it often manifests before the child turns 3 years old.

Here Are Some Signs Of Autism In Children:

  • They don't engage in social contacts or respond to them
  • They may not comprehend turn-taking or imaginative play
  • Don't use gestures to communicate
  • Difficulty expressing their emotions and thoughts
  • Struggle with eye contact
  • Fixate on one topic of conversation

You should speak with your family physician or pediatrician if you have any worries that your child may have autism or other mental and/or behavioral conditions. The doctor can advise finding an expert in child behavior disorders for the youngster.

And as always, educate yourself on the matter as it can also better enable you to help your children manage their symptoms.


About the Creator

Les Morgan

Mindful! Dedicated to discovering ways to assist those in need, from mental health to physical and financial health for overall increased mental well-being and a healthier lifestyle. We do the work, you do the healing.

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  • Alex H Mittelman about a year ago


  • The Coffee Ghostabout a year ago

    It's interesting looking back at my childhood I clearly suffered from anxiety anxiety and anxiety attacks, but was simply told to get over it. This applied to many things that taught me to just suppress emotions, always agree with everyone else so as to not be rude, and never complain. As a child I was always complimented on my manners and maturity. I never acted out and I got fantastic grades. Now as an adult in my mid 20's I'm a mess who has no idea how to deal with negative emotions, have difficulty managing my anxiety, I struggle to enforce boundaries, I have trouble saying no, and suffer from anxiety and depression. I also overeat as I was taught to always finish everything on my plate. The things you learn as a child that may not even seem significant can have a massive impact on how you function on your own later in life even if you are "the good kid".

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