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Foods that are rich in Calcium: Top 6 Foods list is here!

Here is a List of the top 6 foods that are rich in Calcium!

By SANTHOSH TPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Top 6 Foods that are rich in Calcium

Calcium plays an important role in leading a healthy life. It is one of the essential minerals for all Humans. The main job of Calcium is to strengthen your “teeth and bones.” Also, a proper level of Calcium helps to prevent Osteoporosis. So here, we will discuss the "Top 6 foods that are rich in Calcium."

Let's get started.

The list of the Top 6 Foods that are rich in Calcium is here:

1) Sweet Potato:

Here comes the first food, Sweet Potato.

Sweet Potato

One large Sweet Potato contains approximately 70mg of Calcium.

It is also rich in Potassium, Iron, and Vitamins A and Vitamin C.

People with “high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels” should not consume more than 4 pieces of Sweet Potatoes in a day.

People with normal health conditions can eat less than 6 pieces of Sweet Potatoes to avoid health-related issues.

Due to the presence of high fibre and high antioxidants, they protect your body from free radicle damage and promote healthy gut and brain function.

Let's see the next big foods that are rich in Calcium.

2) Milk (foods that are rich in Calcium):

Here comes the main contributor of Calcium, Milk. Milk has most of the nutrients your body requires throughout the day.

Milk (foods that are rich in Calcium)

It is rich in Calcium, Vitamins, Proteins, Phosphorous, etc.

You can also take fat-free Milk if you are concerned about your Calorie intake.

Reduce the addition of sugar while drinking it. Also, Drink Milk in the nighttime for a better sleep cycle.

Males can also drink Milk with Pumpkin seeds to enhance their testosterone levels.

Drink at least 500-700 ml of Milk daily for enormous health benefits. The amount of nutrition in Cow’s Milk is more when compared to Soy milk.

So, add this to your diet list.

3) Salmon Fish:

Salmon fish is a great source of Protein, Minerals, Calcium, and Vitamins.

Salmon Fish

Salmon fish usually contains high-quality omega-3 fatty acids, Proteins. Due to these contents, you can enhance your heart, skin, and hair.

It also helps to improve your brain function and reduce your cholesterol level.

Due to the presence of enormous nutrients, it helps provide lubrication to joints.

Grilled Salmon” is a great choice for leading a healthy lifestyle.

So, add this food to your diet list to enhance your health and Calcium content.

4) Almonds (foods that are rich in Calcium):

The next vital thing is Almonds.

Almonds (foods that are rich in Calcium)

Almonds are rich in Calcium, Protein, Healthy fats, Vitamin E, and Fiber.

Some of the various health benefits of Almonds are as follows:

. Reduces the Blood Pressure

. Helps in the weight loss process

. Lowers the Blood Sugar Level

. Reduces the Cholesterol Level

. Enhances your hair growth

Before eating the Almonds, peel off the skin. You can also consume Milk along with Almonds to gain numerous health benefits.

5) Beans:

Beans are high in Fiber, Calcium, and Protein, including Iron, Zinc, and Folate.


Beans are loaded with “numerous health benefits.”

Much research suggests it may help reduce your cholesterol level and risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

One cup of cooked beans contains approximately 20-25% of Calcium.

So, Add this food to your Diet list to enhance your Calcium levels.

6) Dark Green Leafy Vegetables:

Dark green leafy vegetables usually contain enormous nutritional content. The best among those is Calcium.

Yes, it has a great range of Calcium in it.

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

Spinach, Collard greens, and Kale are all the best sources of Calcium.

Regularly consuming these leafy vegetables offers numerous health benefits like reduced risk of (obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease).

It can also promote hair growth and provides enormous strength to the hair follicles.

Hence, these are some benefits of consuming dark green leafy vegetables daily or thrice a week.

Hence, these are the list of the "Top 6 foods that are rich in Calcium!"

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Fitness Enthusiast and Trainer from INDIA. I'm here to share my "key points" on Health and Fitness in a beginner-friendly language. So, Stay with me, and we all lead a healthy lifestyle together.

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