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Now is the Best Time to Exercise for Better Blood Sugar


By TestPublished about a year ago 3 min read
 Now is the Best Time to Exercise for Better Blood Sugar
Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

In recent years, the importance of exercise in maintaining good health has become increasingly evident. Regular physical activity has been linked to various benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, weight management, and enhanced mental well-being. However, a new study has shed light on an additional advantage of exercise: better blood sugar control. This blog post will delve into the findings of this study and highlight why now is considered the best time to exercise for individuals seeking to manage their blood sugar levels effectively.

The Study:

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Diabetes Care, the timing of exercise may significantly impact blood sugar control. The researchers found that exercising in the late afternoon or early evening resulted in the most favorable outcomes in terms of blood sugar regulation. The study involved a group of participants with type 2 diabetes who engaged in various exercise routines at different times of the day. The findings revealed that those who exercised during this specific time frame experienced lower blood sugar levels and improved insulin sensitivity compared to those who exercised at other times.

Understanding the Connection:

To comprehend why exercising during this time of day yields greater benefits for blood sugar control, it is crucial to consider the body's natural circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is the internal clock that regulates various physiological processes throughout the day. It influences hormone secretion, metabolism, and glucose regulation. Research suggests that insulin sensitivity tends to be highest during the late afternoon and early evening, making this period ideal for exercising to maximize blood sugar control. Furthermore, physical activity during this time can help prevent the post-meal blood sugar spikes that are common after dinner.

Optimal Exercise Routine:

Now that we understand the significance of timing, it's important to discuss what constitutes an optimal exercise routine for better blood sugar control. The study recommends engaging in a combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training during the identified time frame. Aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling, help improve cardiovascular health and increase insulin sensitivity. Resistance training, involving exercises with weights or resistance bands, strengthens muscles, which aids in glucose uptake and utilization.

Tips for Incorporating Exercise into Your Routine:

If you're looking to improve your blood sugar control through exercise, here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Consult with your healthcare provider: Before starting any exercise program, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

2. Set realistic goals: Begin with achievable goals and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of exercise.

3. Find activities you enjoy: Engaging in activities you genuinely enjoy will increase your motivation to exercise regularly. Whether it's dancing, swimming, or playing a sport, choose activities that bring you joy.

4. Prioritize safety: Warm up before exercising, wear appropriate footwear and clothing, and stay hydrated throughout your workouts. Safety is crucial to prevent injuries and ensure a positive exercise experience.


Exercise has long been recognized as a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. Now, with the findings of this new study, we understand that timing plays a vital role in maximizing the benefits of exercise for blood sugar control. By exercising during the late afternoon or early evening, individuals can optimize their insulin sensitivity and regulate their blood sugar levels effectively. So, if you're looking to improve your blood sugar control, there's no better time to start incorporating exercise into your daily routine than now. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider, set realistic goals, and prioritize activities you enjoy. Take charge of your health and experience the positive impact of exercise on your overall well-being.

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