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Grow Your Own Potent Remedies

Testimony of the owner of medicinal garden.

By Kazi FinderPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Hi there! I'm a mother, an herbalist, a survival skills instructor, and a biologist. I know, it's quite the mouthful! I studied biology at McGill University and honed my herbal skills in the Kalahari desert, living amongst the San Bushmen.

Speaking of the San Bushmen, did you know that many of them live well into old age without ever taking pills or visiting a hospital? It's true! They rely on the natural medicines provided by the land, and I've adopted the same approach in my own life.

You see, when I was just 29 years old, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. This autoimmune condition attacked my brain and spinal cord, leaving me in constant agony and relying on a wheelchair for mobility. Western medicine didn't provide much relief, so I turned to natural remedies that I grew in my backyard.

Fast forward 20 years and I'm not only fully alive, but I even survived for 57 days straight in the wild on the History Channel's TV show Alone! I'm able to manage my MS symptoms with the plants in my backyard, and I haven't set foot in a pharmacy in ages.

And that's why I created the Medicinal Garden Kit - to empower others to take their health into their own hands. Imagine stepping out into your backyard and being surrounded by a colorful garden filled with the scents of lavender and chamomile. With the Medicinal Garden Kit, you'll receive premium quality seeds for 10 different herbs, along with a FREE Medicinal Guide to show you how to turn them into tinctures, ointments, and more.

It's like having a complete natural pharmacy right in your own backyard! And with the Medicinal Garden Kit, you'll be prepared even in times of crisis when pharmacies might be closed or looted. So why not join me in creating your very own backyard pharmacy? Your body will thank you!

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Chicory – The Painkilling Plant You Should Grow in Your Backyard

If you're tired of relying on over-the-counter drugs for pain relief, you might want to consider growing chicory in your backyard. This wild plant has been used for centuries by Native Americans to relieve physical discomfort, especially stiff and achy joints. The root is rich in chicoric acid (CA), a plant compound with potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Best of all, it's not addictive like some other painkillers.

Apart from pain relief, chicory has other uses. Ground chicory root can be added to your coffee or tea as a prebiotic and natural laxative that can help regulate your bowels. In your garden, chicory is an excellent soil builder, drawing nutrients up from deeper in the soil with its long taproot and returning them to the surface when it dies back.

In a brochure of recipes, you'll find many uses for chicory, including a chicory salve for pain relief, chicory coffee for better digestion, and a chicory infusion for sinuses.

Yarrow – The Backyard Wound Healer

If you're looking for a quick and reliable way to stop bleeding wounds and prevent infection, yarrow is the answer. It's a plant that saved the day for the survivalist on Alone, who accidentally cut his hand while gutting a fish. He wrapped the yarrow around the wound, and the bleeding stopped in minutes. Since then, he always carries dried yarrow with him.

Apart from wound healing, chewing on a fresh yarrow leaf can provide relief for toothaches. In your garden, the beautiful yarrow flowers attract beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs, which eat aphids and other pests and help pollinate your plants.

In a brochure of recipes, you'll find many uses for yarrow, including an infused yarrow oil for swelling and varicose veins, a stop-bleeding poultice, and a yarrow elixir for menstrual cramps and heartburn.

California Poppy – Better Than Sleeping Pills

If you're struggling with sleep, you might want to consider growing California poppy in your backyard. This plant is a natural and effective way to support deep and restful sleep, without the risk of addiction that comes with prescription sleeping pills. Drinking California poppy tea before bed can help you fall asleep and stay asleep for at least eight hours.

Apart from aiding in sleep, California poppy is also an important food source for beneficial insects, and it requires very little water.

In a brochure of recipes, you'll find many uses for California poppy, including a deep sleep tincture, an analgesic salve, and a California poppy decoction for head lice.

Marshmallow – The Most Powerful Plant for a Healthy Digestive System

Marshmallow isn't just a fluffy treat roasted over a campfire; it's also a powerful medicinal herb that can help soothe and repair your digestive system. Its leaves and root are antibacterial, and they contain a sap-like substance called mucilage that coats your digestive tract, soothing inflammation and helping with a variety of digestive disorders, such as heartburn, indigestion, and constipation.

Apart from its medicinal properties, marshmallow is also a favorite of painted lady butterflies and native pollinators.

In a brochure of recipes, you'll find many uses for marshmallow, including a cold root infusion for heartburn and reflux, a stomach tea, and a marshmallow poultice for skin repair.

Chamomile – The Relaxation Plant

If you're feeling stressed or anxious, chamomile is the perfect plant to grow in your backyard. Its flowers contain a potent anti-inflammatory compound called chamazu


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