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A study reveals a diet that can reduce the risk of miscarriage!

A study found that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce the chances of miscarriage by up to 61%.

By News CorrectPublished about a year ago 8 min read

Women who ate a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, seafood, dairy products, eggs, and grains had a lower risk of miscarriage.

It turns out that women who eat a diet high in processed foods — such as many breakfast cereals, fast foods, and anything altered from their natural state — have double the risk.

Experts believe that anti-inflammatory foods and those rich in antioxidants - typically found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains - can help maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Meanwhile, those known to cause inflammation — such as red meat, processed foods and refined carbohydrates like white bread — increase the risk of miscarriage.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham analyzed 20 studies involving more than 60,000 women, which explored eating habits in the months leading up to and shortly after pregnancy.

The review found that compared to low consumption, higher intake of fruit was associated with a 61% lower risk of miscarriage.

The women who ate the most vegetables had a 41% lower risk of miscarriage, compared to the control group. As for dairy products, it represents a decrease of 37%, 33% for cereals, and 19% for seafood and eggs.

The researchers also looked at whether pre-specified dietary types, such as the Mediterranean diet or fertility diet, could also be linked to miscarriage risk. They were unable to find evidence that following any of these diets reduces or increases risk.

However, eating a whole diet that includes generally healthy foods, or foods rich in sources of antioxidants, and low in inflammatory foods or unhealthy food groups may be associated with a reduced risk of miscarriage in women.

And a diet high in processed foods has been linked to a double risk of miscarriage, according to findings from the Journal of Fertility and Sterility.

Lead author Dr Yilin Zhong said: “There is a growing body of evidence to show that lifestyle changes – including changes in diet, smoking cessation and not drinking alcohol – before conception and in the early stages of pregnancy – may have an effect. We encourage Couples strongly encourage couples to consider the importance of making positive lifestyle choices when planning a family, and for continuing to make these healthy choices throughout pregnancy and beyond.By knowing that positive lifestyle choices can make a huge difference in reducing the risk of miscarriage, couples can feel empowered Take responsibility for their health and the health of their children.

It can be argued that eating a healthy diet, taking supplements such as vitamin D and folic acid, exercising and trying to reduce stress are all things people can try to do, but there is a lack of clear evidence on links between diet choices and miscarriage.

Given this lack of evidence, there are no evidence-based guidelines outlining dietary advice for women, newborn babies or their partners - something the findings of this review suggest could have a real impact in helping people reduce their risk. Source: Daily Mail

A nutritionist reveals the foods that prevent us from losing weight and what to eat instead

If you're concerned about not gaining weight, a piece of fruit might seem like a guilt-free snack option.

But, not all fruit is created equal, according to diet expert Dr. Michael Mosley, who made the 2:5 intermittent fasting system famous and is also a staunch advocate of the Mediterranean diet.

And while fruit snacks are usually encouraged by dieters, Dr. Michael revealed that some of them may actually hinder weight loss.

On his website, the diet expert said "sweet tropical fruits such as mangoes, pineapples and watermelons" should be avoided due to their high sugar content.

Instead, he suggested choosing raspberries, apples, or pears. Dr. Moseley explained that these fruits contain "less sugar" than their tropical counterparts.

Speaking on his BBC Just One Thing podcast, Dr Moseley revealed the health benefits of eating an apple a day.

He said this "tasty snack" can improve blood flow, sharpen the mind, and shrink waistlines.

Apple peel is rich in chemical compounds called flavonoids, and can help improve heart health and cognitive function.

The doctor claimed that eating one of these humble fruits daily was associated with a longer life, as it could improve cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation.

And if you're looking to lose weight quickly, Dr. Moseley also suggested "cutting sugar straight" by cutting out desserts, sugary drinks, and desserts. Instead, he recommends eating raspberries or a small piece of dark chocolate.

Dr. Moseley urges refraining from starting your day with breakfast cereals as well as low-fat products and processed starchy foods.

Mosley pointed out that the best foods that can be enjoyed without worrying that it will affect your health is to start your day with eggs. He explained that eating it boiled, scrambled or as an omelette will make you feel full for a longer period compared to breakfast cereals or toast.

Full-fat yogurt enhanced with berries, nuts, and cinnamon was among his recommendations.

Scientists found that eating the equivalent of three and a half cups of broccoli per day can significantly improve gut health, in addition to helping with weight management, brain health, inflammation and immune function. Source: The Sun

Five "unknown" symptoms of dementia that you should know about to slow the progression of the disease

Dementia describes an impairment in the ability to remember, think or make decisions that interferes with carrying out daily activities.

The good news is that early treatment can help slow the progression of symptoms, which is why awareness is key.

And while memory loss is one of the most common symptoms of this mind-stealing condition, it's not the only sign that can set off alarm bells.

Emma Hewitt, chief of dementia at KYN in Beckley, revealed five symptoms of dementia that may not be well known:

- Change in behaviour

Loss of confidence

Isolation and loss of interest in friends, work, or hobbies

Disturbed sleep or vivid dreams

Problems recognizing and understanding money

change in behaviour

A person with dementia may start repeating the same questions and activities over and over.

And the NHS notes that patients may become agitated or nervous or even start following their partners around.


Because of memory problems caused by the brain condition, people with dementia can experience confusion.

From trouble recognizing familiar people to not remembering if they had breakfast, such problems can leave them confused.

Once they start to feel this way, it can lead them to become isolated and refuse to participate in activities they once enjoyed such as spending time with friends or participating in their usual hobbies.

sleep problems

According to the Mayo Clinic, Lewy body dementia can lead to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder, which means you mimic dreams with your own body while you sleep. This may include behavior such as punching, kicking, yelling and screaming during sleep.

A review published in The International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that at least one type of sleep disorder is usually present in up to 90% of people with Lewy body dementia.

The research was based on a total of 70 articles that included 20 studies focused on personal sleep.

Money problems

According to the National Institute on Aging, people with dementia may begin to have problems with calculating change, paying for purchases or understanding a bank statement.

You may also notice that this person has unpaid bills or that there is money missing from their account.

Moreover, frequent financial mistakes can be one of the first signs of the condition.

While these symptoms may indicate other health conditions and do not confirm dementia, it is important to get tested to ensure an accurate diagnosis.

Hewitt added: “Memory problems can also be caused by other factors such as stress, menopause, medication, anxiety and depression. Therefore, you are always advised to speak to your GP if you have concerns about your memory, or the memory of a family member, so that other causes can be identified that can be treated. ". Source: Express

An oncologist reveals the risk factors for the development of breast cancer

Professor Alexander Siryakov, an oncologist, declared that the main factor in the development of breast cancer is heredity.

In an interview with "Izvestia" newspaper, the professor points out that the risk factors for the development of breast cancer in women are first heredity, then age, abortions, obesity, chronic stress and many other factors.

According to him, there are currently about 15 known genetic mutations that make women predisposed to breast cancer. Among these are the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 gene mutations, CHEK2, NBS1 that are usually checked for at first.

He says: "In other cases called sporadic, that is, random often affect the development of breast cancer - poor environmental conditions and poor production of female sex hormones (progesterone and estrogen), hormonal disorders, age over 40 years, miscarriage, severe chronic stress, obesity, lack of physical activity, Bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol) and a number of other factors.

And the professor recommends, as a precautionary measure, to exclude all these factors. And women who carry the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes should not neglect this and undergo ultrasound and x-ray examinations, as well as CT scans once a year, and see a gynecologist. Source: newspaper "Izvestia"

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