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Meditation – The Right Way and The Wrong Way

Self-hypnosis is no Meditation

By Mal MohanlalPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

It is fascinating to observe how the world is going and how people think, but it is also sad because there is so much self-created human misery. As my understanding of how the ego operates in our mind becomes more apparent, my perception of reality becomes sharper. When comparing ancient civilizations with our present ones, I see no progress in understanding our minds. They created an escapist world then, and we are doing the same thing by following them now with a bigger and better one with our advanced technology. Thus, as we become more out of touch with reality, one does not have to be a prophet to predict mental illness increasing in societies worldwide.

With all the knowledge gained over thousands of years using our brains, today, we have progressed so far that we can land a man on the moon. We have done this using the thinking power of our brains. Yet no one is willing to use their brains to look at or understand the hypnotic nature of our world. Everyone is in the same boat. In most people's minds, the ego, the thinker, has no insight into how it appears in our conscious mind. The so-called scientific method is used to boost the ego, not to understand the ego, and is taken for granted and integrated into our educational system.

The ego in our mind is so consumed with the thinking habit that most people feel that they cannot stop thinking. Consequently, disorders of perception such as insomnia, anxiety, depression etc., with incidents of crime, violence and suicides are increasing in society. Yet, the world remains clueless and unwilling to look at our perceptions and how it affects our ego. No one wants to look at the ego.

Most people do not realize that the ego in their mind is a product of self-hypnosis. It means that ego cannot appear in our conscious mind without using words. Since we use words in our thinking process and cannot think without words, thinking is the means the ego uses to control the mind. Words have a powerful hypnotic effect on our subconscious mind. They help us dream, travel in time, and build our imagination. Words hypnotize us. All the philosophies and belief systems we have today are dependent on words created by fragile egos like ours seeking immortality. Today, we live in a world of words and are drowning in a sea of words. Twenty-four hours a day, the radio, TV, cinema, newspapers, books, etc., are spouting words at us that have a profound conscious or subconscious influence on us. Our beliefs, philosophies, and histories would have no substance without words. People argue, fight, and kill each other over words and stories created by clever egos like ours, thousands of years ago, seeking immortality. It is a fantasy world and a dream world we have made using the hypnotic power of words, and like in Tennyson's Lotos Eaters, no one wants to wake up.

Do you know that the world beyond words actually exists right before us in the here and now? This realm is known as reality. Unfortunately, many people fail to acknowledge that we are all connected to this timeless dimension, and only our perception keeps us from experiencing it.

Since words and beliefs create tension, conflict, and misery in mind, the ego has devised various systems of meditation to calm the mind. Meditation is the right way to get back in touch with reality because reality is timeless and eternal. However, did you know there is a right and wrong way to meditate? We can only create a world of delusions when we meditate in the thinker and the thought (the thinker thinking) mode. It is because the thinker, the ego in mind, is a product of self-hypnosis. In this mode, it can only create a world of self-hypnosis. The only way to meditate correctly is in the observer and the observed (the observer observing) mode. Here one can become aware of one's inner and outer worlds and understand how thinking and emotions affect us. In this mode alone, we can acquire self-knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. So please remember that awareness dehypnotizes you, and thinking hypnotizes you.

Since thinking hypnotizes us and takes us away from reality, we should learn meditation. Meditation aims to establish our connection to reality, harmonize our inner and outer worlds, and understand how words affect our thinking, emotions, and feelings. We become a part of the universe, and the timeless dimension becomes a reality when we experience the phenomenon of the observer in mind and what is being observed becomes one.

Here is a simple way to understand your mind, eliminate those fears, and eventually acquire the peace and tranquillity you desire. You can meditate in this manner anywhere and at any time. You may be sitting at a desk or walking in a garden; it does not matter.

Take in three deep breaths and relax. Look at the picture in front of you wherever you are. Become aware of the present moment and look at everything without saying any words to describe what you see. You can understand everything without saying a single word. Broaden your field of vision to see everything except the back of you.

Now you can see the whole picture with its contents. Do not say a single word. Try to understand the vision. You will find an observer in your mind, the ego, observing the whole picture. Note that the observer in your mind is still there; you have not disappeared from the mind, have you? You are fully alert and aware of everything in the present. If you keep looking at the picture without saying any words, you will notice and feel an ethereal quality and tranquilly in the world around you.

The habit we have acquired is to verbalize everything and control everything. Become aware of this habit. Please remember that you do not have to describe an object in front of you to understand what it is. If thoughts come to you, accept them. Do not verbalize and see what happens to your thoughts. You will find your thoughts have no substance. If emotions arise again, do not verbalize and see what happens. You will find that words give life to your thoughts and emotions. If you don't express your emotions in words, they go away. The idea is to understand that your thoughts and emotions have no substance unless you use words. With practice, you will become good at looking at a picture and understanding it without saying any words.

The timeless dimension is like a three-dimensional picture. At first sight, the 3D image looks flat. You can see just the length and the breadth. But if you keep looking at it, a third dimension will appear as depth. So when the observer in your mind and what is being observed become one phenomenon, you will experience the timeless dimension. It is just as real as the time dimension of our own. Please do not be afraid. Become aware and experience peace, tranquilly, and solitude in this state of mind. You will realize that you are part of this timeless universe and one with it. This phenomenon has to be a spontaneous occurrence. (You cannot will it or imagine it into being). It is why the observer and observed modes of meditation are the correct way to meditate. Any other way is self-hypnosis.

However, you can immediately step out of this timeless zone once you use words. The only thing that separated you from that timeless dimension was your perception. There's no need to worry about disappearing from the mind if you stop thinking. It is a false perception. (Please read my article on the modus operandi of the ego.) With awareness and practising meditation in this manner, you will soon gain more insight into your mind and appreciate the present instead of escaping from it. As you acquire self-knowledge, your usual thinker and the thought(the thinker thinking) mode, will switch to the observer and the observed (the observer observing) mode without any effort on your part. Practising meditation can help you understand and soothe your mind to such an extent that it becomes like a calm sea, where your thinking process only makes ripples in your mind.

I want people to discover the nature of their ego while alive, not after they die, by finding and experiencing the timeless dimension. We are all part of a Universal Mind, but you will not appreciate and realize it until you understand the timeless world beyond words. You will discover the truth in what I write by trying to disprove what I have written. Please read my articles and book to improve your powers of perception, awareness, and insight. Visit for more information.

addictionanxietybipolarcopingdepressionfamilyhow tohumanitypersonality disorderselfcaretherapytraumasupport

About the Creator

Mal Mohanlal

I am a family physician who graduated in medicine from the University of Queensland in 1966- retired from General Practice in 2021. As a clincal hypnotherapist, I try to give you insight into your mind so you can help yourself. Please hear.

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    Mal MohanlalWritten by Mal Mohanlal

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