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The Biochemistry Of Fitness And Health

Health and Fitness

By Biswajit DeyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The Biochemistry Of Fitness And Health
Photo by mk. s on Unsplash

Our body should be fueled enough to sustain our daily activities.

Imagine it to be a vehicle that should be maintained for long:

checking if gas will not run out and if the engine is running smoothly.

How much we take care of our vehicle should be the same with taking

care of our body. We should check daily if our food consumption is

enough for a day’s work. Not too much as it may clog veins nor too

little to cause dizziness.

Do you know how to check your body’s fuel? Check your body’s

biochemistry of fitness and health by doing these practical tips:

You Need To Be Aware Of Signs

The biochemistry of fitness and health should start with knowing the

warning signs your body is giving. All unnatural intakes, especially

drugs and other medicines, may affect the biochemistry inside your

body so you may feel better if you are suffering from any disease.

On the other hand, it may also cause complications especially when

these are taken without proper precautions. In order to check your

biochemistry, you need to be more sensitive and be aware of signs

and symptoms.

By Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Just like any ordinary vehicle, your body should be maintained in a

proper way. With that, it is good to practice a healthy way of living by

investing on healthy food items that are low in fat. A balanced diet

should also be practiced with the right amount of carbohydrates,

proteins and fats. For example, you are to drink alcohol tonight so

you need to understand that at large consumptions, you may feel

dizzy. This is your body telling you to stop. This also goes when we

feel sleepy with sugary snacks or feel full as we eat a high-fat meal.

By Johan Godínez on Unsplash

Tune-Up and Check-Up

Our body needs the right tune up in order to function well. With that,

a thorough check-up should be done once or twice a year – even more

when necessary. It is ideal to go visit your doctor for a series of

medical check-ups and talk to healthcare professionals on how to

maintain a healthy lifestyle. In this way, you will get to learn how your

body’s chemistry works. You will know how to deal with any signs and

take control of your over-all wellness.

By Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Long Term Maintenance

If you are on a restricted diet without the help of food supplements,

you are sure to be susceptible to nutrient deficiencies. This is the

reason why health advocates continue to hold campaigns of fortifying

certain food items with vitamins and minerals.

These are the facts that you need to know about the biochemistry of

health and fitness. We all have a different biochemistry, just as we

have different thumbnails. Some people may have fast metabolism

while other have slower ones. A drug can be effective to one but

ineffective to others. Others have a strong immunes system while

some develops infections easily. This is how we are different and the

way to define the balance of your biochemistry is called homeostasis.

Get regular exercise

Exercise can lower your risk of developing diabetes, colon cancer, heart

disease, and stroke. It can aid in the treatment of high blood pressure,

osteoporosis, and depression. Exercisers also sustain injuries less

frequently. Regular exercise might help you feel better and manage your

weight. Try to be active five times a week for 30 to 60 minutes. As always,

any quantity of activity is preferable to none.

adviceathleticsbeautybodydietfitnesshealthhow tohumanityhumorlifestylemeditationmental healthself carespiritualityweight lossyoga

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