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Why is it hard to be genuinely happy? Do we need materialistic things to be truly happy?

Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions

By Word Weaver Published about a year ago 4 min read

The pursuit of happiness has been a driving force for humanity since time immemorial. Despite significant progress in various areas of life, however, genuine happiness remains elusive for many people. So, why is it so hard to be genuinely happy? And, do we need materialistic things to be truly happy? In this essay, I will explore these questions, providing good explanations and examples.

One of the reasons why it is hard to be genuinely happy is that we often place unrealistic expectations on ourselves and others. We believe that happiness is a constant state of mind, and when we fail to achieve it, we become disheartened. Moreover, we compare ourselves with others who seem happier and more contented, leading to further feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. For instance, social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have made it easy for people to present a perfect and happy life, leading others to feel like they are missing out on something.

Another reason why it is hard to be genuinely happy is that we tend to focus on what we lack rather than what we have. For instance, we often think that if we had more money, a better job, a bigger house, or a more attractive partner, we would be happier. However, research shows that materialistic things are not the key to happiness. In fact, studies have found that once people's basic needs are met, such as food, shelter, and clothing, additional wealth has little impact on their overall happiness.

Moreover, materialistic things tend to offer temporary satisfaction and do not lead to long-term happiness. For example, buying a new car or a designer handbag may bring momentary joy, but the pleasure quickly fades, leaving us craving for more. Therefore, we need to cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciate what we have rather than constantly seeking more.

Another factor that makes it difficult to be genuinely happy is our tendency to dwell on negative experiences and emotions. We often allow the past or negative thoughts to consume our minds, leading to anxiety, stress, and depression. For example, if we receive negative feedback at work, we may dwell on it, even if we receive positive feedback on other occasions. Similarly, if we experience a breakup, we may replay the event over and over in our minds, making it difficult to move on.

To overcome this, we need to practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, without judgment or distraction. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall well-being. By staying in the present, we can appreciate the good things in our lives and not allow negative thoughts or experiences to control us.

Additionally, relationships and social connections are crucial for genuine happiness. While materialistic things can provide temporary pleasure, relationships with friends, family, and loved ones can provide long-term happiness. Being able to connect with others on a deeper level and have meaningful conversations can bring a sense of joy and fulfilment.

Furthermore, studies have found that people who have a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives tend to be happier. Having a clear sense of what we want to achieve and working towards it can provide a sense of direction and fulfilment. For instance, volunteering for a cause we care about or pursuing a passion project can bring a sense of purpose and joy, even in difficult times.

In conclusion, genuine happiness is elusive, but it is not impossible to achieve. We need to let go of unrealistic expectations, focus on what we have rather than what we lack, practice mindfulness, cultivate meaningful relationships, and have a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives. While materialistic things can provide temporary pleasure, they are not the key to genuine happiness. Ultimately, happiness is a state of mind, and it requires a conscious effort to cultivate. It is important to remember that happiness is not a destination but a journey, and it requires consistent work and effort. We need to let go of the notion that we can achieve happiness by acquiring more material possessions or by comparing ourselves to others. Instead, we need to focus on developing a sense of gratitude, mindfulness, and purpose in our lives.

One of the ways to cultivate a sense of gratitude is to practice daily gratitude exercises. This involves taking a few moments every day to reflect on what we are grateful for in our lives. It could be as simple as appreciating a beautiful sunset, a warm cup of coffee, or a supportive friend. By focusing on what we have rather than what we lack, we can develop a more positive outlook on life and feel more contented.

Mindfulness meditation is another effective way to cultivate happiness. Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment or distraction. By focusing on the present, we can let go of negative thoughts and emotions and experience greater peace and happiness. Studies have found that regular mindfulness practice can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and enhance overall well-being.

Developing meaningful relationships is also crucial for genuine happiness. This involves spending time with loved ones, connecting with people who share our interests and values, and being open to new experiences and opportunities. By building supportive and positive relationships, we can enhance our sense of belonging and feel more connected to the world around us.

Finally, having a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives can provide a sense of direction and fulfilment. This involves setting goals and working towards them, pursuing activities that bring us joy and fulfilment, and contributing to something greater than ourselves. By doing so, we can develop a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in our lives and experience greater happiness and satisfaction.

In conclusion, genuine happiness is a complex and multifaceted concept that requires a conscious effort to cultivate. While materialistic things can provide temporary pleasure, they are not the key to genuine happiness. Instead, we need to focus on developing a sense of gratitude, mindfulness, and purpose in our lives, building meaningful relationships, and letting go of unrealistic expectations. Ultimately, happiness is a state of mind, and it is up to us to cultivate it in our lives.

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