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Conquering Mental Burdens

Unveiling the Power of Thought

By Talha Bin AsadPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

In this world of misery, maintaining perfect mental health is no easy task. We all face moments of stress and struggle, and finding ways to cope becomes paramount. Throughout my own journey, I have discovered several strategies that have consistently helped me navigate the most challenging situations. I have developed a sense of control over my thought process, which has shielded me from overthinking and shielded me from the grasp of tensions, depression, stress, and anxiety. But how did I achieve such a level of control?

It is said that each person has their own unique method for managing stress. For some, it may be meditation—a quiet retreat into the depths of one's mind. Others may find solace in the rhythmic release of physical exertion, whether it be at the gym or through running. Reading offers an escape to different worlds, while cooking allows for creative expression and the satisfaction of a delightful meal. Even the simple act of sleeping can grant respite from the turmoil of everyday life. For me, however, it was the act of engaging with the problem itself that provided solace.

Whenever I found myself burdened by a sense of depression over a particular event, I would confront the issue head-on. I would delve deep into the heart of the problem, seeking to understand its intricacies and exploring potential solutions. By actively engaging with the issue, I would often uncover a pathway forward—a solution that would help me alleviate the weight of my worries. Armed with this newfound clarity, I would implement the solution and gradually feel the weight of my burden lift.

But what happens when a problem has no apparent solution? In those moments, I would remind myself that excessive rumination and stress would not magically conjure a resolution. Instead, I would redirect my thoughts toward accepting the situation as it was, acknowledging that some things are beyond our control. By consciously shifting my focus, I could avoid the debilitating cycle of overthinking and embrace a more constructive mindset.

This approach extended to moments of anxiety as well. When feelings of restlessness and unease overwhelmed me, I would employ the same technique. By immersing myself in a thorough examination of the source of my anxiety, I would often uncover the underlying causes and triggers. With this understanding, I could then address the root issues, finding ways to mitigate or resolve them. In doing so, I effectively counteracted the grip of anxiety, replacing it with a sense of empowerment.

While this method has proven effective for me, it is important to note that each person must discover their own weapon for combating their mental burdens. The world offers an array of tools—a sword, an arrow, a spear, or even one's own bare fists. The key lies in exploring various approaches and finding the one that resonates most powerfully with your unique journey.

However, amidst the pursuit of relief, it is crucial to recognize the negative habits that can emerge as misguided attempts to alleviate stress. Stress eating, violence, and abuse are detrimental paths that may momentarily dull the pain but only serve to deepen the wounds in the long run. It is essential to seek healthy alternatives—positive outlets that nourish the soul and promote well-being.

In conclusion, the world's burdens can threaten our mental health, but by finding our own strategies, we can maintain a sense of control. Whether it is through introspective thinking, or the exploration of various techniques, we can discover the tools that empower us. Embrace the journey, for in finding your own means of conquering mental turmoil, you can navigate the challenges of life with greater resilience and serenity.

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About the Creator

Talha Bin Asad

Words are free. It's how you use them that may cost you (or pay you).

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