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Khechari Mudra Sadhguru Teachings

"Unlocking Inner Potential: Sadhguru's Teachings on Khechari Mudra"

By SANTOSH THORATPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Khechari Mudra Sadhguru Teachings

Oh, how we all yearn for eternal youth! It echoes throughout the ages, captured even in the pages of the Mahabharata, where Yayati, in a bid to relish the joys of life, exchanged his aged years for his son's vibrant youth. Even in our modern era, we witness the futile attempts of youngsters eagerly shaving their tender faces, desperately striving to become men before their time. They resort to dyeing their gray hairs, their beards and mustaches, secretly seeking the illusion of youth through artificial means like false teeth and cosmetic transformations. How they yearn to immerse themselves in the exuberance of dance, theater, and cinema, while adorned as innocent children, accompanied by their own grandchildren.

According to the profound teachings of Swarashastra, there exists a remedy to safeguard the flame of youth. It beckons us to a moment when the rhythm of life pulsates within us, synchronized with the very breath that sustains our existence. It is in that precise instant, as the breath surges forth, that we are called to pause. Yes, to halt the ebb and flow of exhaled air, repeatedly, and by doing so, to unlock the gateway to prolonged life and everlasting youth.

The nectar that comes out from the Amala situated on the Sahasrara, gets absorbed in the solar system. That's why a little bit is visible in the human body due to laxity. Yogis protect the nectar coming out of Amakala from the grass of the solar system with

the help of Viparitakarani Mudra i.e. legs up and head down. Due to this, his body does not relax and without getting tired, he can live for a long time, remains permanent. But It is to be understood by the teachings of the teacher and not by the millions of scriptures. That is, it is entirely relative to the teachings of the Guru.

In addition, the Khechari Mudra also easily protects this spilled nectar. The rule of the Khechari posture is as

follows: Rasanam palamadhye tu shanai shanai

pravesayet, kapala kuhare jihuva pravashti viparitaga,

The gaze moving between the eyebrows becomes the mudra of the celestial being- Gherand code

Gently, let your tongue explore the inner recesses of your palate. With unwavering focus, fix your gaze between your eyebrows as you dare to perform the extraordinary Khechari Mudra. By turning your eyes upside down and venturing into the depths of your cranial cavity, a sense of boldness arises. Some may push their limits by touching the tip of their tongue to the root of the palate, but their courage ends there. Alas, nothing truly transpires. Uncertainty looms as we maintain this tongue position, unsure of what lies beyond.

As the elixir known as Somdhara trickles down from the Brahmarandhra through the practice of Khechari Mudra, an unparalleled intoxication befalls us, accompanied by a swirling sensation. The eyes take on a semi-glazed, fixed appearance, while hunger and thirst dissipate. Thus, Khechari Mudra reveals its power. The seeker becomes drenched in the nectar flowing from the Brahmarandhra, and their entire being undergoes a profound transformation. Strength surges forth, and the seeker becomes liberated, devoid of even the slightest affliction. Their body radiates with a luminosity akin to that of Kandarp, and they emerge as a force to be reckoned with. Remarkably, within a mere six months of practicing Khechari Mudra, the seeker sheds all ailments, emerging as a beacon of robust health.

Within the realm of Khechari Mudra, a multitude of flavors dance upon our senses, each yielding its unique consequence. When the taste of milk is savored, ailments crumble to dust, leaving behind a trail of destruction. The taste of ghee grants us a glimpse of immortality, a taste beyond compare. Through various means, our body is rejuvenated and endowed with everlasting youth.

Engage in this practice with fervor, for the journey of Khechari Mudra is a captivating one, filled with a range of emotions and profound transformations. Embrace its mysteries, and let your spirit soar as you unlock the hidden depths within. By doing this youth can be made permanent. Can't write all that here for fear of plurality.

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I am a spiritual researcher and writer with a passion for exploring the mysteries of the universe,and developed a deep understanding of including meditation, yoga.

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