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How To Know If Your Seven Major Chakras Are in Alignment

Description and Holistic Tips for Each Chakra

By Jolie JodiePublished 2 years ago 5 min read


Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. There are seven chakras in our energy body. The chakras are depicted as lotus flowers which, combined with the idea of wheel, results in a circular shape spinning around its centre as the flower petals unfold. Each chakra has a number of attributes, colour, relation to an element and the maintenance of specific physical and emotional functions.

The chakra tradition starts somewhere around 4000 years ago in the Indian yogi community. Although, we have the testimony of it all around the globe, like in ancient Egypt, mystical Judaism, Buddhism, several native American tribes and the Mayans.

Chakras are used by spiritual and holistic practitioners to diagnose and help to heal energy imbalance that provokes emotional and physical ailments. Some of the Biofield Therapies are Reiki, Ayurvedic medicine, Acupuncture and Qigong.


Names, position in the body, associated colours and crystals

Root Chakra - Muladhara

  • Red color
  • Earth element
  • Smell sense


  • Agate
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Bloodstone
  • Hematite
  • Tiger eye

Situated at the perineum between genitals and anus

The Root chakra opens downwards connecting with the Earth. It is associated with security, mental stability as well as survival and prosperity. To strengthen this chakra one should, first of all, make the decision to honour oneself whatever are the circumstances, connect with nature and one's own sexuality.

Testes and ovaries are parts of the endocrine system associated with the root chakra. Physical health issues which may arise with a disconnected from earth chakra may affect feet, ankles and knees as this is the route through which the energy flows. Lower back pain especially around the sacrum.

At a mental and emotional level, the root chakra gives confidence in ourselves and in the world. Issues may manifest in lack of trust in oneself and in the world in case of childhood traumas. People who were born in a stable environment in which they felt protected will grow up thinking that is safe to trust the world around them.

Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana

  • Orange color
  • Water element
  • Taste sense


  • Carnelian
  • Citrine
  • Coral
  • Moonstone

Situated just below the navel, in the same location as Hara Centre.

The sacral chakra is related to the life-sustaining energy, unconscious and creative impulse. The main functions are to help to form healthy emotional and sexual relationships. The energy may also manifest in the form of creativity, enthusiasm and joy of life.

Adrenal glands are connected physically with the Sacral chakra and govern dealing with stress-releasing adrenalin to support the body. If the stress is constant the body is unable to switch off the flow of adrenalin and can cause damages.

Dysfunction in this chakra often results in an inability to receive love, forming relationships with the opposite sex. This chakra if unblocked enables one to experience unconditional love.

Solar Plexus - Manipura

  • Yellow colour
  • Fire element
  • Sight sense


  • Calcite
  • orange Citrine
  • Malachite
  • Topaz

Located in the centre of the lower ribcage.

The Solar plexus chakra is associated with power, fear and anxiety. This chakra can affect digestion and stress, ulcers and stomach, diabetes and pancreas. To strengthen this chakra, Reiki, yoga and Chi Kung are beneficial.

On the mental and emotional level, the chakra solar plexus involves the perception of other people of oneself. The more energy is drawn to this chakra, the more attractive one will seem to others and more access to the higher wisdom for healing purposes. On the opposite side, dysfunction will include unhappiness with life and arrogance.

Heart Chakra - Anahata

  • Green color
  • Air element
  • Touch sense


  • Green stones
  • Rose quartz

Located next to the heart in the centre of the chest.

The heart chakra is associated with passion and devotion. It is the gateway between the three lower chakras that are more connected to the physical body, while the other three above the heart are associated with emotions, spirituality and higher consciousness.

It is related to circulatory system diseases, frustration and anger. If unbalanced can feel loneliness, anxiety and depression. Loving unconditionally oneself first will attract love from the Universe and others.

Throat Chakra - Vishuddha

  • Blue color
  • Ether element
  • Hearing sense


  • Aquamarine
  • Turquoise

Located between the centre of the collarbone and the larynx, vocal cords

The throat chakra is associated with communication and the expression of the inner self. It affects the respiratory system and hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

If unbalanced the individual becomes shy, fearful and afraid to speak up. On a mental level, the lack of communication can lead to depression. It may be needed a counsellor which will listen in a non-judgemental way.

Singing, talking, yelling is beneficial for the chakra opening and balancing.

Third Eye Chakra - Ajna

  • Purple/indigo color
  • Light element
  • Intuition sense 


  • Amethyst
  • Moldavite
  • Purple Fluorite

Located at the centre of the forehead

The third eye chakra is connected with the mind, intuition and psychic abilities. At the physical level migraines and headaches are the frequent diseases for an unbalanced third eye chakra.

The pineal gland produces serotonin and melanin, hormones that affect mood and sleep.

To balance it, essential oils and meditation are needed, as well as focusing with the two eyes on natural sights such as the sky. It may be felt the taste of a liquid in your mouth when the chakra is opening.

Crown Chakra - Sahasrara

  • bright white and golden light colour
  • Cosmos element 


  • Celestite,
  • Clear Quartz,
  • Spirit Quartz

Located on the Top of the head

The crown chakra opens upwards towards the heavens and keeps the connection with the universal consciousness. An individual who is in denial of feelings can experience a headache. Epilepsy and obsessive behaviour and dealing with emotions are connected with the crown chakra.

High blood pressure can be another disease caused by unbalanced crown chakra.

ref. from The Reiki Bible by Eleanor McKenzie, page 106–115


After assessing and recognising the specific chakra imbalance, you can use these techniques

Guided Chakra Balancing Meditation

You can meditate on each energy wheel and you can use affirmations to strengthen the connection with it. You will be asked to visualize the chakra colour and to focus and touch the body position.


You can choose to wear the specific colour of the imbalanced chakra

Red - Root Chakra

Orange - Sacral Chakra

Yellow - Solar Plexus Chakra

Green - Heart Chakra

Blue (sapphire blue or turquoise) - Throat Chakra

Purple (or deep indigo) - Third eye Chakra

White (sometimes purplish white) - Crown Chakra


Root Chakra: Elderberry, strawberries, tomatoes, raspberries.

Sacral Chakra: Parsley, oranges, bell peppers.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Chamomile, bananas, lemons.

Heart Chakra: Lemon balm, green vegetables, green apples.

Throat Chakra: Sage, blueberries, black currants.

Third eye Chakra: Spruce, indigo vegetables.

Crown Chakra: Thyme, eggplant, red grapes.


Root Chakra: Walking barefoot on sand or in the Forrest

Sacral Chakra & Solar Plexus: Yoga postures

Heart Chakra: Running/Swimming

Throat Chakra: Singing, reading out loud, speaking

Third Eye Chakra: Deep Breathing exercises

Crown Chakra: Writing

Essential Oils

You can ask your aromatherapist or masseuse to blend it with your normal massage oil or you can use it in the room diffuser.

Root Chakra: Cedarwood, Oakmoss

Sacral Chakra: Rose, Orange 

Solar Plexus: Black pepper

Heart Chakra: Cypress, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Mandarin

Throat Chakra: Spearmint, Peppermint

Third Eye Chakra: Frankincense

Crown Chakra: Myrrh

In summary,

in the first section of this article, you can find out about the notion of chakra, names, elements and stones, which illness or discomfort can provoke if imbalanced. The second section is dedicated to balancing the chakras through meditation, colours, food, exercise and essential oils.


Thank you for reading!

bodydietfitnesshealthhow tomeditationmental healthself carespiritualitywellnessyogasexual wellness

About the Creator

Jolie Jodie

JolieJodie writes essays about mental health, love and healing.

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    Jolie JodieWritten by Jolie Jodie

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