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The Only Thing We Have to Meme are Memes Themselves

Stuff to Steal for Reposting on Social Media

By Lightning BoltPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 4 min read
Top Story - August 2023
This 👆 is missing a sextion.

I've been away for a while.

In the past, I have authored a lot of short stories here, especially horror and sci-fi. I also write poetry. I have an FYI series entitled Top 10 Prophets, 👁👁 Prognosticators, & Visionaries. And last year, I compiled a slew of various memes, developing a kind of comedy series, long before Vocal created this glorious Humor Community.

It started here—> Meme-ing for Laughs.

All total, I've done thirteen previous installments of this type of buffoonery. I harvest this junk off social media— mostly Facebook. (I’m a proud member and administrator of the Vocal Social Society on Facebook. Join us; we support each other!) I'm thinking I'll eventually migrate all my earlier jocularity over here to the humor department. Heretofore, I published it mostly in the Journal Community, although some installments landed in Humans, and FYI, and Filthy (<—a batch all about sex).

Oh, and by the way, this Humor Community was totally my idea!!! Vocal owes me $63,000.15, in my opinion. 🤨 Note the date on this commentary/suggestion that I published—> What Really Sucks Ass About Vocal.


The beginning of 2023 was especially challenging for me. I have bad brains— seizures that devastate my memory, a health problem that didn't raise its ugly head until 2019. I was denied Disability because I had an incompetent lawyer and I'm now so broke, I can't even afford to pay attention. I've had heartbreaking troubles with my love life. Basically: a hellava lot of un-funny shit happened to me that I won't detail here in the comedy section— events that caused me to lose my writing mojo. Consequently, I was away from Vocal for many months. But my life is looking up... a little 🤏... and I try to forever remain positive, focusing on the good, not the bad. So, I have returned (obviously), and I think I’ve got my sense of humor back.

But I'll let you decide if that's true or not.

Without further ado, here's my latest (extra-long) batch of recently-harvested memes, accompanied with my own crude jokes. Hopefully, this idiotic mess will be good for a laugh or sixteen.

{— A quick WARNING before we proceed: some of this humor is salacious. I'm hopelessly male. 🤷‍♂️ It's a chronic condition. —}

Here we go!


Up 1st— One for the Psychiatrists among us—

feeling analyzed

Ego said, "Is that really necessary? We don't want that much to drink."

"Right," said Super-Ego. "Can we just get a Freudian sip?"


#2- — For the Enlightened—


feeling wizardly


🎼🎶🎵 Somewhere over bad rainbows

Blackbirds shit 🎶


#3- — For the Misfits

feeling odd

I tried hiding my light under a bushel once and the bushel caught on fire. 🤷‍♂️

Never again.


#4- — For Dog-lovers —

feeling ruff (like my humor goes against the grain)

Just make certain he's prescribed the shampoo for termites, not fleas.


#5- — For those going grocery shopping—

feeling hungry

I hate when groceries don't provide the information that is truly irrelevant relevant! 😡 What I need to know is: are they seeded seedless?


#6- — For the Impatient—

feeling tested

I've also had my impropriety tested.

I'm positive.


#7- — For the Listless—

feeling annoyed

They forgot 7. ...



#8- — For the all the Little People—

feeling glad this isn't me

Exactly! Just like when she gives you head, that dangly-dangle thing at the back of her throat is a taunter, not a target. 🎯


#9- — For the Easily Offended—

feeling daring

This is my Facebook page—> my real name is William Markly O'Neal. Please download that one 👆 to your phone or computer as potential evidence and if my disappearance lasts longer than the usual 30 days, call in the homicide detectives.


#10- — For the Argumentative—

feeling incredulous

The mythmakers who create memes like this one 👆 have no right to exist‼️ 😡 I'm too sleepy to explain now in great detail why but you can bet your ass that when I'm better rested, I'll be back to write a small(?) novel on this topic! 😡😡😡😡


#11- — For the Weight-lifers—

feeling sympathetic

Dumbbells need love too!


#12- — For the Clueless—

feeling embarrassed

Who knew? 🤷


#13- — For the Movie Lovers—

feeling thoughtful

Both first dropped in the same place?!? 🤯 Do you think radiation from the one led directly to the Ken in the other not having a dick? 🤔


#14- — For the Time Travelers from the 23rd Century—

feeling energized

Is this another test?



#15- — For the Super-sized—

feeling insatiated

Hold the pickle.

Please make certain the buns are fresh.

My appetite is outta control!

The last time I came here, it was soooo delicious! 🤤 But if you put in just a little extra effort this time, I promise to give you five stars!

On the other hand.... If you get my orders wrong, you can bet your fat ass I'll wanna talk to your manager!!!


#16- — For the Left-brained—

feeling somewhat confused

Translation: stay in and out of your mixed messages lane!



That's it, kids! I hope you enjoyed this nonsense. If you did, please hit that ❤️ button. SUBSCRIBE! I appreciate your readership and I thank you for your support. As I mentioned at the top, I'm dirt poor, so I'd be eternally grateful for any tips you could shoot my way. God Willing, I'll be writing more comedy soon!


Check out this quick, comedic poem of mine👇 another offering especially for pet-lovers. 🐕‍🦺🐈‍⬛ 🐾


About the Creator

Lightning Bolt

From out of the blue, _Bolt writes horror galore, Sci-Fi, Superheroes & strange Poetry + MEME-ing MADNESS X12.

Vocal needs a Comedy Community!

Proud member of the Vocal Social Society on Facebook.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (15)

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  • Marie Sinadjan7 months ago

    Oh gosh, I've found my happy place 😂 I'm that friend who sends memes (my mom even knows what memes are now hahaha) so yeah, I really enjoyed this!

  • Carol Townend8 months ago

    I loved these! It is great to see you back too.

  • Some fun ones there

  • Babs Iverson8 months ago

    Can't stop laughing!! Congratulations on Top Story too!!!❤️❤️💕

  • Rene Peters8 months ago

    I love this! Congrats on top story!

  • Missclicked8 months ago

    I loved reading this so much, congratulations on top story. I will be waiting for more posts from you.

  • Tiffany Gordon 8 months ago

    So Brilliant and fun as usual! I'm so happy that you're back Bill! You rock!!!!!

  • The Dani Writer8 months ago

    Hey there ol' friend! You haven't missed a beet (^∀^●)ノシ Well done on the Top Story!

  • Super happy to be back to say, Congratulations on Top Story!!!

  • KJ Aartila8 months ago

    God to see you back!

  • Cathy holmes8 months ago

    Haha. Welcome back.

  • So happy things have turned positively for you and that you're back! These memes were hilarious!

  • Judey Kalchik 8 months ago

    Glad to see you back!

  • This was a super fun look and read. I'm definitely going to go back and check out your other funnies.

  • Mariann Carroll8 months ago

    Welcome Back ♥️♥️♥️

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