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I Hope She Thinks of Me

Dear Lex, Does my Christmas Sweater mean that much to her???

By XelPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Dear Lex,

Does it mean anything if a girl likes the Christmas Sweater I got her will she think of me everytime she wears it?



Dear Anon,

Unfortunately, probably not. If I am going to be honest, it is just a sweater and after a while she may completely forget who gave it to her. However, it is not like I know all of the intimate details about the relationship that the two of you have so I could be wrong. BUT if you are asking in general if a sweater will have her actively thinking about you everytime that she wears it, then my answer would definately be no. Atleast I know that I don't think of a man everytime that I wear something that he gives to me.

On the bright side, you will definitely cross her mind from time to time for while. Not even ust when she wears it but if she is washing clothes and comes across the sweater; or whenever she is going through clothes hanging up in the closet and sees the sweater, she may definitely think about you. It will more than likely not be in the way that you think though.

Although, your question makes me think that you may have deeper feelings for this girl...

If you are hoping that she will be thinking of you often, why not just give her a better reason to think about you.


Women love a man who is confident and knows what he wants. So simply do that, either tell her that you are interested in her or accept that nothing may ever happen.

The best way to do this in my opinion would be to first express that you would like to explore things with her outside of just being friends. Don't be too aggressive but make sure that you are honest and leave the conversation open for dialogue. That means tell her that you like her without telling her "hey, I like you."

Something more appealing to a woman would be something along the lines of "Hey Kate, how do you feel about going on a date sometime? I would love to get to know you beyond a friendship." Not saying to use this exact sentence. This may be a situation where you want to hit up your guy friends for some smooth talking but just make sure that you express your interest and find a way to add in something that gets an answer out of her in return without sounding needy, aggressive or awkward.

Also, if you were wondering of better gifts to give a woman that may make you think of her, the best thing to remember about gift giving is that the best gifts are personal. Gifts that root back to memories that the two of you have shared, whether it be big or small are always the most memorable. Also, remembering the little things that they say and like are important.

If she did happen to say one day that "hey I love Christmas Sweaters, they mean the world to me," then okay maybe then I would say yes she is probably thinking of you every single time that she puts the sweater on. She may even develop feelings for you simply based on the fact that you remembered something that she said and then went and brought it.

I want to end this by saying that regardless of anything that I say, you will never know until you ask her. If she is someone that you have developed feelings for, don't keep going without telling her. The worst thing that can happen is her telling you that she is not interested. As long as you do not make it weird, it will not ruin the friendship. We often put unneccesarry pressure on things and that can make it weird. So dont make it weird. Express how you feel and if she does not have the same feelings, let her know that that is okay and you can continue the friendship like regular.

Don't let this be a "what if I would have..." situation. You got this!!

Goodluck!! Hope this helped!!

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A writer with a lot to say. Below you’ll find advice, late night thoughts and diary entries! Don’t forget to check out my podcast, tik tik and instagram!🌸❤️

All The Feelings.

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    XelWritten by Xel

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