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A Toast to the Winners of the 'Write me a letter' Challenge

Congratulations to every participant...you're all awesome!

By Heather HublerPublished 8 months ago โ€ข 7 min read
Top Story - October 2023
Created with NightCafeStudio

All I really want to say is WOW and leave it at that as no words will truly express the sheer joy you all brought me with this challenge. I am the winner, hands down, for having gotten to read the letters you wrote and all the comments both on my challenge piece and on the forty-six entries submitted. Thank you.

I knew going into it that we have a community full of generous, kind and brilliant creators, so it's no surprise that judging was particularly difficult. Yet I was still stunned at the creativity and depth of emotion in each piece. You all had me laughing, ugly crying, giggling, looking over my shoulder, and checking to make sure there weren't cameras in my house (some of you did your research!!).

So please join me in taking a moment to congratulate everyone on a job well done. I would've chosen every last entry to win as each one held something special from the creator, and I was incredibly touched. I will never forget that you took the time to pen your wonderful thoughts to me. Please know that if your piece was not chosen, it was absolutely NOT for lack of sincerity, creativity or worth. I sincerely mean that. But I did promise winners (with prizes), and I shall deliver :)

Thankfully this is my contest, and the beauty of that is I can do what I want, lol. Sooo...I decided to expand the amount of winning entries. Woohoo! I've chosen one grand-prize winner ($10); four, second-place winners in four different categories ($5 each); and eight, runners-up, two in each of the four categories ($1 each). Those categories are as follows: Uplifting, Humorous, Unexpected, and Not-What-They-Seem.

Without further ado, here are the winners!


Grand Prize ($10) - Since we last spoke by S.A. Crawford

You told me, when the fire first started, that it couldn't burn forever. That fire clears dead wood. That a controlled blaze is better than slow rot; you were right. The crabs that scurried out to eat the morsels whipped from my paper box by the wind understand that; food falls from the heavens and they don't question it. They just enjoy the gift.

Even before I went back and listened to her lovely voice, Crawford's words whisked me away to a scene I couldn't help but feel in my soul. The pace of it was just right, the cadence and word choices, lilting but full of depth and emotion. I felt the pain of distance, of time, of the day to day. But also the hope, the tenacity to cling to life despite the ugly and bitterness that leak in. It expressed how I feel so often these days. Thank you for this stunning piece, S.A.!


I'll reveal the remaining winners by category with a write up for the 2nd place winners and my favorite quotes for each. I've also added a few honorable mentions that stood out to me as well.


2nd Place ($5) - From light years away x by Celia in Underland

When you gaze upwards to the night sky, know that each flicker is a silent but sincere acknowledgment of all that is you - your pain, your joy, your struggles, and your immense capacity to love and uplift others even within the confines of your own solar winds.

I loved that this beautiful letter felt very personal and yet I think the positive message could be received by so many others as well. The night sky has always been a source of reflection and comfort for me, so Celia's approach resonated. And her choice in words and phrasing made this a true joy to read. Thank you, Cosmic Star!!

Runner Up ($1) - Greetings and Salutations by Hope Martin

Because whether we feel it or not, we are powerful. We are beautiful. And we have kingdoms to run, fellow Queen.

You're not alone, and I hope you know that.

Runner Up ($1) - Yes, Heather, There is a Writer in You by JBaz

The written word gives so much more than any of us will ever know, and asks for so little, other than to be set free.

How many people in their daily life, have jobs that offer this type of freedom?

Honorable Mentions - An Abecedarian of flowers by Novel Allen; A letter to Heather by Hannah Moore



2nd Place ($5) - Deer Sissy by Dana Crandell

Deer Sissy, I jes thot I wood rite and ketch you up on things since you bin gone. By the way, this is me, just so you don't have to wait til the end to figger it out.

Those opening lines were enough to have me cracking up and thrilled to keep on reading. What a genuine bit of clever fun. The play on words, the dialect, the humor, the wit. It was the total package, and I loved it. I was so happy that Dana went on to write a follow up letter, Me Agin, Sissy! Thank you for the laughs, Hillbilly Bro :)

Runner Up ($1) - Dear Auntie Heather by Abigail (aka Cathy Holmes)

She wonders why Iโ€™m so concerned about her being rude, when youโ€™re worse. She says you can be downright mean. Oh! How dare she say that about my wonderful Auntie Heather? I am offended on your behalf, and mine as well. I may have to give her a nick for that.

Runner Up ($1) - Harlequinade by Dharrsheena Raja Segarran

No worries, it didnโ€™t stop me from committing other mischievous deeds but thatโ€™s a story for another letter. I know youโ€™ve been going through a tough time and I hope my story made you smile.

Sincerely, The-Boy-Slapping-and-Potato-Chip-Stealing Thief

Honorable Mentions - Dear Heather by Paul Stewart; Dear Heather by Dana Stewart



2nd Place ($5) - You Need to Hear This by Kendall Defoe

Questioning: Again, as I said about turning 50, you consider what you need and what your life is all about. You question what things you would change, and maybe perhaps what can still be done. Not always a healthy thing to do, but I have a questioning mind. And the answers...?

Although there were several creators that chose to use the alphabet requirement in a similar fashion, I appreciated Kendall's approach as it felt like things I'd share with my friends that I was writing or chatting with. Our frustrations, questions we don't have answers to yet or maybe never will, just having a conversation. It seems we're at a very similar stage in life, and I felt a shared understanding with so many of Kendall's musings deep in my gut. Thank you for trusting me with your thoughts, KD.

Runner Up ($1) - Across Worlds Across Universes by Thavien Yliaster

Aerin informs me that you lost your dragon form. Don't fret. Your manna's been siphoned off. It'll return soon.

Oh, let me know how when Aerin's due. For the longest time you were like Aribella, not wanting younglings. I can't wait for you to be a father.

Runner Up ($1) - Hello, Lover (The Map of Icarus) by lucyjb

Sometimes things are sad.

But I think that ignoring the sad things is to discount their cause, and so I will let myself miss you, I will be sad, because you are worth missing.

Is that so pessimistic?

Honorable Mentions - Memories of Qatar by Lynda Spargur; Vampire Boy by HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo Ward)



2nd Place ($5) - Thanks for the shoes by JD Pernoste and Anneliese Dahl

I have a weird neighbor that I keep an eye on, gaunt and creepy and always looking hungry. His hours are strange, and he always glares at me. He conceals his cigarette as I walk up, almost like hiding his habit from his lover. When my cat disappeared, I swear he looked a little bit less hungry.

This story!! It kept twisting and turning but had so many parts that were true from my life. It was an impressive piece to say the least. Whatever you think is going to happen, well...just keep reading. Kudos to Anneliese for doing her research and finding enough (or remembering enough) from previous stories of mine that gave this a chillingly personal touch. Thank you, Annie (I think...lol)!

Runner Up ($1) - Dear Poltergeist by Rachel Deeming


In desperation,

[There is no name. The letter writer could not remember his own name, not even an initial.]

Runner Up ($1) - Camouflaged by Lamar Wiggins

I apologize for breaking our exciting streak of creative collaborations. This year, I just want to be myself. Together with all my flaws and idiosyncrasies, with all my attitudes toward petty differences, all my phobias and my blatant hatred of oysters, everyone can take it or leave it.

Honorable Mentions - Fact is Creepier than Fiction by Veronica Coldiron; I Hope This Letter Finds You Well by Rebekah Conard


Please check out all the other amazing submissions linked in the original challenge post shown below. They are a feast for the mind and soul.

My endless thanks to everyone that took the time to participate and read!

Much love to you all,


Note: Tips will be paid to the winning stories by Thursday, November 2, 2023.


About the Creator

Heather Hubler



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Comments (36)

  • Kristen Balyeat8 months ago

    Oh my, what an amazing collection! Iโ€™ve read lots of these, but some I havenโ€™t. Looking forward to catching up on a few. There were some seriously incredible letters! I really wanted to participate in this amazing challenge- I started a letter but it got away from me. I will try to finish it, just for fun! ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ซ I truly think you are wonderful and awesome human, and a treasure on this platform. ๐Ÿฉท

  • Dear Heather, Sorry I haven't written. (I told you I was really bad at it, but you didn't believe me.) It's been really busy here. We just finished the charge conferences for our two churches this afternoon. My wife tends to be a basket case until those things are out of the way. In the midst of those preparations, she's conducted a few funerals & I've done a wedding. Wednesday School (what we do here instead of Sunday School) has started up again with the new school year averaging 68-72 preschool through fifth graders. Not bad for a town with fewer than 200 people, lol. Frozen Potatoes (the youth-chosen name for the youth group) began at the same time, averaging around 25 per week grades 6-12. The high school students just went to a MercyMe/David Crowder concert last Sunday evening & thoroughly enjoyed themselves. "Happy Dance" was such a favorite they requested it for last week's youth group & this morning's worship services. But those aren't the real reasons for not writing. They're more like excuses. The real reason is that I could never think of anything good enough for me to bother you. I knew the kinds of friends you have, their talents & wonderful imaginations &, well let's just say I've never been able to compete with a crowd. But I've read many if not most of their letters & those which were more personal all I can say is I second every tribute they paid to you. You are one of the most generous, gracious, thoughtful & kind persons I know. You're the type of person everyone wants to know & with whom they'd like to spend their time. I know that you said you'd been going through a bit of a rough patch lately. I hope you've taken all the wonderful things your friends have said to heart, for I am certain we all feel our words are inadequate to declare all that we feel for you & the high esteem with which we hold you. Again, I'm sorry for not writing. I just couldn't find the words to express.... Yeah, I know there's nothing clever or witty about this brief note. Sometimes it's just easier to say what I mean without resorting to bad puns or dad jokes. But I really do want you to know, even when the words are not there, I hold you in my thoughts & prayers. May you always be blessed to know how tenderly your friends hold you in their/our hearts & how blessed & happy we are simply to know you. Yours truly, Randy

  • lucyjb8 months ago

    this challenge was so much fun for me! I have always loved writing letters especially, so i'm so glad you liked it!! Thank you for the runner up placement!!!!

  • S. A. Crawford8 months ago

    Goodness, I'm so humbled by your kind words - thank you! Both for the praise and for starting this challenge; it was so refreshing and inspirational to take part in this ๐Ÿ˜„ after reading some of the other entries I'm blown away by the emotion the challenge drew out of everyone!

  • Denise E Lindquist8 months ago

    Congratulations to all๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

  • StoryholicFinds8 months ago

    Love it! โค๏ธ

  • JBaz8 months ago

    P.s. Thank you for the awardโ€ฆ..my first cash winning challenge. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคช

  • JBaz8 months ago

    Wow these are all so good. This was one of those challenges that made me go inside and draw out a personal piece to put word to. I wrote this as a close friend of mine was saying his final farewells and I , because I had more to say. This was a way for me to heal. Thank you for putting this challenge out there.

  • The Dani Writer8 months ago

    Oh my! That was a BLAST! I cannot offer documented proof but I smiled multiple times through reading that. Top Story? Why wouldn't it be?! Essences of multiple genius on a page. Righteous!

  • Rachel Deeming8 months ago

    Heather, I thank you. To get a mention after reading some of the other entries would have been great; for you to place my little effort has humbled me. I wanted to return to write a second letter directed just to you but like a Whack-a-Mole game, Vocal provides distraction after distraction and I struggle to keep up with all the new and exciting things that being a participant here proposes, never mind the pesky outside world and all its demands. So, please accept my thanks again. Great challenge and hope to see more stuff from you on here in the future if life allows it.

  • Caroline Jane8 months ago

    This has been awesome. The calibre and the sincerity and the heart has been off the scale. Heather, you are an inspiration for helping conceive such amazing art. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘โค

  • Test8 months ago

    Thank you so much Heather ๐Ÿค It was a lovely challenge and I am so glad so many creators supported you and it! ๐Ÿค

  • Jon8 months ago

    WOW! What an amazing contest and an even more amazing community of writers. I am so impressed by the creativity, depth of emotion, and sheer talent of all the participants.

  • Shirley Belk8 months ago

    Congratulations everyone...I look forward to reading your stories, too! Thank you for your idea for this.

  • Oh wow, I was so surprised to see mine! You're so sweet and kind! Thank you so much sweet looney partner! โค๏ธ You're so nice to expand the winning entries! Gosh you're like the sweetest person ever. Thank you again. Congratulations to everyone! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽŠ


  • Dana Stewart8 months ago

    Great prompt Heather that shook loose some cobwebs so thank you for the inspiration. I am blessed to call you a friend and Honorable Mention is in fact, a honor. Looking forward to making my way through all of these. P.s. this photo is gorgeous! Congratulations everyone!

  • Grz Colm8 months ago

    This was a great idea Heather and so many more Iโ€™ve yet to read, but I enjoyed the ones I did! Congrats to the winners and thanks for organising. ๐Ÿ˜

  • Hope Martin8 months ago

    Well done everyone! I am so looking forward to reading everyoneโ€™s articles! Thank you for making me honorable mention! You are so sweet and I hope beyond hope that our letters helped you in whatever way you need - and that whenever you need encouragement you can go back and read them again!

  • Naomi Gold8 months ago

    Congrats everyone! ๐Ÿพ Reading submissions for this challenge was the most enjoyable experience Iโ€™ve had on Vocal in a long time. And, I see I missed a few, so Iโ€™m excited to read more. Letters are such a beautiful, intimate, vulnerable form of writing. All the greatest writers were pen pals with other writers. Ever notice that? Even antisocial Bukowski had a male writer and English professor he exchanged letters with. Do great writers naturally desire to write letters? Or does the act of regularly writing letters hone their skills, making them into great writers? Donโ€™t know, but this was a brilliant idea for a challenge. And I guess this comment is a letter in itself, LOL.

  • Rebekah Conard8 months ago

    Thank you for the honorable mention! Congrats to everyone!!

  • Lynda Spargur8 months ago

    Thank you for the Honorable mention. Again this was a fun challenge and I am glad you enjoyed my letter.

  • Cathy holmes8 months ago

    Congrats on the TS, Empress.

  • Thanks for sharing and congratulations to everyone

  • Dana Crandell8 months ago

    Aw, thank you so much, Sissy! This was an amazing challenge and I was more than happy to throw a bit of hillbilly humor your way. I'm sincerely happy that you had such a great response; you deserve it! Hillbilly hugs!

Heather HublerWritten by Heather Hubler

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