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'Write me a letter' Challenge

impress me, love me, lie to me...win prizes?

By Heather HublerPublished 9 months ago β€’ Updated 8 months ago β€’ 3 min read
Top Story - October 2023
Created with NightCafeStudio

UPDATE: I'm extending the deadline to tonite, Friday (10/20) 11:59pm EST as I know Vocal was having issues with Unsplash images not working which prevented/slowed down stories being published.


Well, well, well...lookie what we have here. A new unofficial challenge (with prizes!). I've been so inspired and thoroughly impressed with the creativity by creators on this platform that I wanted to throw down my own gauntlet :)

So, here is my call to you:

Write me a letter.

Woo me, lie to me, make me cry, sell me something, break my heart, make me laugh out loud, tell me your dirty secrets, take me on a trip down memory lane, tell me about the blind date gone wrong, or about the neighbor you suspect buries bodies in the backyard...

I don't care what genre it is, whether it's true or not, but tell me all about it in the most compelling way possible. Put it in whichever community you please (including Poets).


1) Must have an opening greeting of some sort and a closing sign off.

2) Must use ALL 26 letters of the alphabet by the end (What? I had to be a little extra).

3) Must post link in the comments section of this article to be considered for the prize. Also, please mention the 'Write me a letter' Challenge in your story and include this link (I'd appreciate it).

4) Max word count: 800

5) Max entries per creator: 2

(of course you can write more than this, but please only post your best two in the comments section for consideration)

6) Challenge open immediately. Challenge closes on Thursday, October 19th, 10pm EST...your story MUST be posted to the comments in this story by that time, so don't wait to get it published by Vocal first and get stuck in a holding pattern, lol.

7) Challenge winners will be posted on Thursday, October 26th.

8) First place winner - $10; Second place winner - $5. Winnings will be paid as tips to your story on Vocal.

My morning coffee and I are looking forward to being wowed! Extra bonus points if you include a voice recording of you reading your letter to me (I lied, it would just be for my own selfish enjoyment...haha...but I'd love it!).

And now, here is my letter to you :)


Dearest Friends,

I've been missing you. I'm sorry for the distance lately, but life has been pulling me in so many directions. It's hard to keep up. Some of the things are heavy, leaving my heart and mind a mess. Some of them are just daily realities that keep my planner full. Some are sources of joy that keep me grounded and allow me to put one foot in front of the other.

No matter how my time is spent, know that I look forward to any small moments I get to interact with you. Your stories bring me joy, sorrow, inspiration, and so much self-reflection. But also a sadness that I can't get to them all. Please know that if you only see a heart from me, I probably don't have time at the moment to comment. If I'm not visibly around, I'm still here.

I'll spare you all the things that have gone wrong that have kept me away, as that list is depressing as hell. I'd love to tell you about a good thing, though. My writing. I've been working on really getting into my novel for the last year, but couldn't get more than a few chapters and some planning time in.

Life kept popping up and taking my time, energy, and sanity away. Not gonna lie, the last few months have been really rough and my spirit has suffered. I've gone into self-protection mode, which to me means reading. It's my escape. Always has been. I've been devouring novels as though they'll teach me to breathe again. Clamoring to dwell in other worlds to keep the ugly at bay. And I'm finally coming around.

I've gotten all my notes out, gathered my resources and guides, and have been feeling excited about the whole process for the first time in a very long time. I can't wait to someday share it with all of you!

I'll end this with letting you all know how grateful I am for your constant support in continuing to read my work when I haven't been doing as much of the same. It is such a blessing to know that anyone reads what I write and enjoys it. I appreciate all the messages I've gotten from so many of you just checking in and sharing life with me.

With my whole heart, I thank you,


Writing ExercisePromptsCommunityChallenge

About the Creator

Heather Hubler



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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (94)

  • J. S. Wade8 months ago

    Help Me!!!!!!! https://vocal.media/fiction/dear-heather-6l3u0ct1

  • Novel Allen8 months ago

    My second one, hi everyone. https://vocal.media/confessions/dear-jezu

  • Leslie Writes8 months ago

    This is an awesome idea and I am loving the entries. I started to write you a letter for the challenge, but I wasn't happy with it, so I ditched it. I am sure I was overthinking it as usual LOL

  • Wow this was so good! Loved the letter and the contest!

  • Phew, I made it! Here's my link my fear friend! I'll comment it below. I hope it makes you smile! πŸ₯°

  • Veronica Coldiron8 months ago

    Hey Heather! Here's my second effort. Still mostly non-fiction, but kinda wild. LOL! https://vocal.media/humans/fact-is-creepier-than-fiction#comment-5d2a82f5-02d0-4fc1-85f4-da479531cd10

  • Dana Stewart8 months ago

    Yes, thank goodness for the extra day! Here's mine! https://vocal.media/fiction/dear-heather-225vb0zpf

  • Thavien Yliaster8 months ago

    Well, thank goodness for the extension. This letter of mi- I mean from another friend was recently crafted and published. May You enjoy it, Heather. https://vocal.media/fiction/across-worlds-across-universes

  • I'm extending the deadline to tonite, Friday (10/20) 11:59pm EST as I know Vocal was having issues with Unsplash images not working which prevented/slowed down stories being published.

  • Rebekah Conard8 months ago

    Well... I may have cut it too close. I usually see my stories get published within a few minutes but I'm not sure it'll make it this time. It's already been a half an hour. Totally my bad. As a desperate Hail Mary, I'll include the probable link and hope that it publishes in time, or that you'll consider it anyway. πŸ₯² https://vocal.media/fiction/i-hope-this-letter-finds-you-well

  • Tony Baca8 months ago

    Here is my submission. I hope it will be considered for this challenge. https://vocal.media/fiction/the-unknown-messenger

  • Naomi Gold8 months ago

    This is from Amber Annabelle, she’s having problems posting comments from her account: https://vocal.media/journal/a-letter-to-heather-hubler

  • JBaz8 months ago

    Heather, I did it. I am so happy I was able to partake in this challenge. https://vocal.media/motivation/yes-heather-there-is-a-writer-in-you

  • Lynda Spargur8 months ago

    This was a very fun challenge. I have been having difficulties finding time to write but this challenge started a fire in my heart. Thank you, Heather for doing this. I hope you enjoy my letter which you can read here: https://vocal.media/wander/memories-of-qatar

  • Dana Crandell8 months ago

    Hey! Good to see this on the leaderboard, too!

  • Gerald Holmes8 months ago

    Thanks, Heather. Here's my entry, "Thanks Heather." https://vocal.media/wander/thanks-heather

  • k eleanor8 months ago

    Alright, let's get started!

  • Kendall Defoe 8 months ago

    Okay, I'm developing a few ideas right now...

  • S. A. Crawford8 months ago

    I couldn't resist making a second entry, this challenge is too interesting (I even remembered to use all the letters of the alphabet this time!) https://vocal.media/confessions/my-timecapsule

Heather HublerWritten by Heather Hubler

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