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Simple Workouts at home!

5 Simple Workouts you should try as a Beginner during your Weight Loss Journey. So, try these 6 Simple Workouts at home!

By SANTHOSH TPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Workouts at home!

Starting your fitness journey with Simple Workouts at Home offers several advantages. Firstly, it eliminates the need to commute to the gym, saving time and money.

Secondly, home workouts provide privacy and a comfortable environment, especially for beginners who may feel shy in a public setting. Additionally, exercising at home allows flexibility in scheduling, as you can work out at any time that suits you.

Lastly, with a wide range of online resources and fitness apps, home workouts offer access to professional guidance and various exercise routines.

So here, we will discuss 5 Simple Workouts at Home a Beginner can do in their comfort zone. Let's get Started.

5 Simple Workouts at Home especially for Beginners are as follows:

1) Squats:

Here comes the first Workout, Squat.

The Squat is a universal exercise that mainly targets your thigh. Squat enhances the stiffness of the Thigh region and enhances your body's overall fitness.

But be sure, you need to do a Squatting pose Properly.


Spread your legs wider. Make sure your Hip, Shoulder, and Feet all should be in a straight line.

Now, lower your body by bending down in the shape of sitting in a chair. Inhale when you bend your body, and Exhale when you come to the original position.

Please repeat this step as long as you can do it comfortably. Try to do three sets with a time gap of 50-55 seconds between each Set.

So, try to add this effective workout during your Weight loss Journey.

2) 8-Walk Exercise, (the Simplest Workouts at home):

Secondly, here comes the Simplest Workout ----> 8-Walk Exercise. The cheapest exercise you can perform is the Eight-Walk.

8-Walk Exercise, (the Simplest Workouts at Home)

Eight-Walk is nothing but walking in the shape of the number Eight. It sounds funny but targets your Thigh and Hip region, making the extra fat molecules lose strength.

Do it for at least 50- 60 minutes in the morning.

Another Bonus you can get from this exercise is maintaining your Blood Sugar level.

3) Plank:

Here comes the best exercise in Business. Yes, Plank has numerous health benefits.


Let's see the working procedure of the Plank.

Rest your arms on the flat floor. Keep your shoulders and elbows in a straight line.

Squeeze your Belly and But areas gently, and try to be in the Plank pose as much as possible.

You should not strain your muscles, and be sure to do it gently.

Do this posture for 1 minute or as much as possible, and take a break for 45 seconds. As a result, you can burn maximum calories.

"If you cannot do this Workout, you can do a Dead Bug which is the best alternative for Plank."

4) Crunches, (Simple Workouts at home):

The most effective and highly impactful exercise is Crunches. This exercise can tone your belly as soon as possible.

Crunches, (Simple Workouts at home)

Let's see the working procedure.

Rest your body on a flat surface. Now, gently bend the upper half of your body with the help of your hand.

During this exercise, you should not give more stress to your neck region with your hand. Place your hand on your neck region and move it slowly.

Repeat this step at least 10-15 times for three Sets with a time gap of 35-40 seconds between each Set.

As a result, you can experience belly size loss slowly

5) Lunges:

Lunges can tone your thigh region and can give you slim thigh muscle.

Lunges follow the same procedure as the Squats. Let's see the working Procedure.


Spread your legs wider. Make your Shoulder, Hip, and Feet all should lie in a straight line.

Now bend your right leg forward as much as you can. Make sure that the other knee should not touch the ground.

Be in that posture for 3 seconds and then return to the initial point.

Start with your left leg now and repeat this process at least 5-7 times each leg for three sets with a time gap of Thirty-five seconds between each Set.

Creating a Workout Schedule:

Establishing a workout schedule is important to ensure consistency and progress. Determine the number of days you can commit to exercise each week. Try to allocate specific time slots for your workouts.

So, creating a Workout Schedule will help you to stay dedicated to your desired fitness goals.

Tracking Your Progress:

Tracking your progress is vital to stay motivated and evaluate your fitness journey. Consider keeping a workout sheet or using fitness apps to record your workouts at home and track goals.

Whether it's increasing the number of repetitions, reducing rest time, or achieving a specific weight target, Tracking will keep you focused and driven.


These are all the 5 Simplest Workouts at home a Beginner can do easily.

You can perform and test all these exercises in your comfort zone. You don't need to go out and spend thousands of money on losses.

So, Try to start your Weight loss Journey with these Simple Workouts at home.

Stay Positive and Consistent in your Workout Routine to see quick results.

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Stay Fit and Be Happy!

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About the Creator


Fitness Enthusiast and Trainer from INDIA. I'm here to share my "key points" on Health and Fitness in a beginner-friendly language. So, Stay with me, and we all lead a healthy lifestyle together.

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