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Old-fashioned cures and proven home remedies

26 Natural Remedies You Must Know

By Shiran Kapila JayawardhanePublished about a year ago 11 min read
Natural Herbs for Home Remedies

Natural remedies are affordable, accessible, and more importantly – effective and helpful as much as a home doctor. There’s nothing like the power of nature to deal with our everyday problems. Lets see what are our proven home remedies.

Even the most widespread beauty products don’t compare to the power of natural ingredients to heal almost any skin ailment or disease.

Natural remedies have been around for centuries, which means that there must be something about them that works so well. Follow these home remedies advice and you will see positive results soon enough.

Table of Content

  • What is a home remedy?
  • Why use home remedies instead of home doctors
  • Home remedies for anything

What is a home remedy?

A home remedy is a treatment or cure that uses ingredients commonly found in a home. These ingredients can be used alone or combined with other substances to treat different ailments and conditions.

There are many advantages to using these types of remedies. Many are inexpensive to purchase, easy to find, and simple to use.

Garlic for Home Remedies

Some people even prefer to use home remedies because they are less invasive than traditional treatments. If you’re looking for natural ways to deal with certain health conditions, home remedies may be an option.

Why use home remedies instead of home doctors?

When you’re trying to find ways to treat common ailments, you may feel overwhelmed by the number of options available to you.

While you may be tempted to turn to over-the-counter remedies, dietary changes may be a better option.

These simple changes can go a long way in treating many common ailments. Home remedies are affordable, accessible, and more importantly – effective as well as a home doctor.

There’s nothing like the power of nature to deal with our everyday problems.

Even the most widespread beauty products don’t compare to the power of natural ingredients to heal almost any skin ailment or disease. For example, drinking a warm cup of tea is a great way to unwind after a long day.

There are plenty of different teas that can have beneficial effects on your health as well. Certain teas contain ingredients that can help lower your blood pressure, reduce anxiety, and even fight off certain types of cancer.

Home remedies for anything

1) Natural Remedies to cure cough and cold

If you’re suffering from a cold, not need assistance from a home doctor, try adding a couple of teaspoons of honey to your tea.

The honey is a natural anti-bacterial agent that will help fight off the cold and keep you from getting sick.

Another great option is to drink a few cups of lemon water. The vitamin C found in lemons has been proven to reduce the severity of colds.

Another great remedy for a cold is eucalyptus oil. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a humidifier to help clear your airways during the night.

While trying to recover from a cold, ensure you’re staying hydrated. The combination of the common cold and dehydration can be hazardous.

2) Natural Remedy for Dark Circles

Tomato paste is one of the most efficient dark circle cures. It is simple to create at home.

1 or 2 fresh tomatoes, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of gram flour, and turmeric powder Blend these ingredients until they form a thick paste, then gently apply it around your eyes. Gently rinse it with clean water after 10 or 20 minutes.

Lemon & Ginger Juice as Natural Remedies

Repeating this method twice or three times per week can lighten the skin tone around your eyes and eventually make your dark circles disappear.

3) Remedies for acne and pimples

If you suffer from acne, baking soda may be the answer. You can mix baking soda with water to create a paste that can be applied to acne and pimples. Let the paste sit on your skin for about 5 minutes before rinsing with water.

The baking soda will help dry out the acne and reduce redness. After your acne has cleared up, you can try adding a cup of apple cider vinegar to your daily diet.

Apple cider vinegar has many anti-aging properties and can help clear up acne breakouts. Another great home remedy for acne is aloe vera.

You can apply aloe vera gel to your face to reduce redness and calm your skin. Aloe vera has been shown to be an effective treatment for acne and can even reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

4) Eating an apple: first thing in the morning on an empty stomach improves migraine pain. This must be done every morning for a few weeks. I've been a migraine sufferer for ten years, and this one was the most effective among other remedies for me.

5) Natural remedies for dark circles and bags under the eyes

Try chilled slices of cucumber. The cool temperature of the cucumber will help reduce swelling and inflammation around your eyes. The cucumber will also reduce the amount of puffiness under your eyes and make you look more refreshed.

If you have dark circles, try mixing together lemon juice and turmeric. Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties that will reduce the appearance of your dark circles. The lemon juice will also help brighten up your under-eye area.

You can also try adding a couple of teaspoons of ground oatmeal to your daily diet. Oats have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes.

6) Ayurvedic cough syrup: can be made at home. Six medium onions, peeled and chopped Combine the pieces with four tablespoons of honey in a jar.

Cover and set aside for two hours in a water bath over low heat. Take one spoonful every three hours after straining.

7) Natural remedies for dry skin

If you have dry skin, try mixing together raw honey and coconut oil. The coconut oil will moisturize your skin and the honey will act as a natural exfoliant.

You can also try adding warm milk to your daily bath. Milk contains lactic acid that can help soothe dry skin. After your bath, you can use a loofah to exfoliate your skin.

If you have a dry scalp, try mixing together coconut oil and aloe vera. Coconut oil will moisturize your scalp and aloe vera will calm irritation.

You can also try adding some rosewater to your daily bath. Rosewater has been shown to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and can even help heal scars.

8) A banana smoothie with honey: can provide immediate relief from a hangover. Cold milk relaxes the stomach lining, while bananas with honey replenish low blood sugar levels.

9) Gargle with turmeric and salt: for the best natural cure for a sore throat. Mix: 12 cups warm water 12 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoons turmeric powder After gargling, wait at least 12 hours before drinking or eating anything to allow the salt and turmeric to perform their job of eradicating bacteria.

Ginger & Basil

You may repeat this a few times within the day as you need.

10) Home remedies for blackheads

If you’re dealing with blackheads, try adding a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal to your daily diet. Oatmeal is full of vitamins and minerals that will help exfoliate your skin. The oatmeal will help reduce the appearance of blackheads and make your skin look more radiant.

Oatmeal can also be used as a facial scrub. If you have blackheads, you can also try mixing together turmeric and apple cider vinegar.

The turmeric will help reduce inflammation and the apple cider vinegar will help balance your skin’s pH levels.

Read "Home Doctor-Practical Medicine" for more useful home remedies

11) Place a few fennel seeds: in a pot of hot water and simmer for five minutes on low heat. Drink the fluid after straining it. If you can stand the taste, you can chew on fresh fennel leafy plants.

Alternatively, you can boil fennel, cardamom, and mint leaves in water to prepare a concoction that can aid with stomach gas. This remedy is fantastic for gas and bloating.

12) Lemon: is one of the world's richest sources of Vitamin C, as well as Vitamin B, riboflavin, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium.

Lemon juice mixed with warm water can also assist remove waste and act as a liver tonic. Lemon water provides various health benefits when used on a daily basis:

It protects your stomach and treats nausea, heartburn, indigestion, high blood pressure, stress, and depression. A Lemon and warm water mixer help remove waste by acting as a liver tonic.

13) Remedies for mosquito bites

Mosquito bites can be incredibly itchy, but there are plenty of things you can do to relieve the discomfort. You can try adding a few drops of lemon juice to an ice cube and placing it on the affected area.

The lemon juice will help soothe the itchiness and reduce swelling. You can also try taking a warm bath that is mixed with baking soda.

The baking soda will reduce the itching and swelling. You can also try applying aloe vera to your bites to soothe the irritation.

Aloe vera has been shown to reduce swelling and calm itching. You can also try adding a few drops of clove oil to a piece of fabric and placing it on the affected area.

14) Daily use of pomegranate juice: is beneficial to the heart and beneficial to persons with low blood pressure.

Natural Herbs

15) After a meal, chew a few Basil (tulsi): leaves as a natural cure for acidity. This not only acts as an antacid by aiding digestion, but it also reduces reflux and ulcer formation.

16) Sucking a piece of Clove after a meal: can help reduce acidity. Clove is considered one of the best herbal medicines in ayurvedic.

17) A flake of garlic taken with water: on an empty stomach every morning will help with numerous stomach and digestive disorders.

18) Watermelon juice: can relieve a headache produced by the summer heat. One glass a day does wonder! watermelon is a wonderful natural fruit we can use for natural remedies.

19) Boil 6 dates in 1/2 liter milk: for 25 minutes on low heat. Three cups per day. This is the most effective dry cough treatment.

20) If you have persistent constipation or indigestion, eat half a cup of cooked beets before breakfast.

21) Combine 2 tablespoons of honey and an equal amount of ginger juice. The combination aids in mucus expectoration, providing relief from the common cold, coughs, and sore throat.

22) For acne and blackheads, apply grated cucumber to the face, eyes, and neck for fifteen minutes.

23) For anemia or iron deficiency, pound 3-4 soft dates with milk and mix in a little ghee. Eating this combo will aid in the prevention of anemia.

24) Putting a drop of garlic juice in your ear will help ease the pain of an ear infection. Garlic is also one of the best herbal medicine used in ayurvedic treatment.

25) Applying a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice underarms will eliminate body odor. Baking soda usually utilizes for many remedies.

26) Cough Treatment - For a severe cough, combine tulsi juice, garlic juice, and honey. Excessive coughing can be treated with a spoonful of this mixture administered every three hours.


Natural remedies or Home remedies are one of the best ways as preliminary curing methods at home for some symptoms and are existing since ancient.

Remedies or home remedies benefit people instead of a Home doctor when an emergency that people can't access a medical center.

In this article, we have mentioned 26 very useful and important natural remedies otherwise home remedies, such as ayurvedic, herbal, and OTC medicines as a preliminary treatment before consulting a doctor.

Garlic, Honey, and Lemon are commonly used for many natural remedies since they have considerable herbal benefits for the body.

We expect that you find valuable remedies in this article that will help you in your day-to-day life for minor symptoms commonly catch with, such as headaches, stomach pains, gastric,(gastritis)cough, acne, blackheads, pimples, dandruff, etc.

"Home Doctor-Practical Medicine" for more useful home remedies

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About the Creator

Shiran Kapila Jayawardhane

I am a blogger, writer, & freelancer, love writing, & preferred to write in education, science, tech: & health. And you can find me on Medium.com & quora.com.

I hope you may enjoy my articles

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