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Being Someone's Angel

This can hinder their personal growth and autonomy, ultimately inhibiting them from becoming self-sufficient. Also their source of guidance, emotional support, and constant assistance.

By The Lost GirlPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

Not everyone treat you as an beautiful angel in real life. But if someone expects you to be their holy angel in his life, that gonna sets a significant responsibility upon you.

Firstly, the expectation to be someone's angel necessitates a deep level of commitment and dedication. It suggests that they rely heavily on your presence and assistance, relying on you as a crutch to navigate through the challenges of life. As a graduate school student, one must be cautious about assuming this role without compromising personal boundaries and wellbeing.

The implications of such a role and the potential consequences that may arise from fulfilling or denying these expectations. Being someone's angel, suggests being their source of guidance, emotional support, and constant assistance. However, it is essential to recognize the potential limitations and challenges that come with this role.

Moreover, it is crucial to assess the reasons behind the expectation. It is possible that the person placing this expectation on you is seeking guidance because they lack the necessary skills or experience to handle their own life's challenges. However, it may also signify dependency, where the individual is unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions and choices.

On the other hand, it is important to consider that some individuals may place expectations on others out of genuine trust and belief in their abilities. They may see you as a reliable source of support and guidance, valuing your insights and perspective. In these cases, it can be a rewarding experience to be able to assist someone in their journey and contribute to their personal growth. However, it is crucial to establish healthy boundaries and communicate openly about the level of support you are able to provide, ensuring that you are not compromising your own well-being in the process.

Furthermore, the pressure to be someone's angel can be emotionally overwhelming. Graduate school is a demanding period filled with academic and personal stressors. Taking on the added emotional burden of someone else's life can lead to burnout and impact one's own mental health.

In addition, fulfilling this role may foster a sense of enabling behavior. By constantly providing support and solving their problems, there is a risk that the individual becomes reliant on you rather than developing their own coping mechanisms. This can hinder their personal growth and autonomy, ultimately inhibiting them from becoming self-sufficient.

On the other hand, if one delcines the expectation of being someone's angel, it is important to communicate openly and honestly. It may be necessary to explain the limitations and commitments that prevent you from fulfilling that role. This conversation can lead to greater understanding and potentially encourage the individual to seek out other forms of support or personal growth opportunities.

However, rejecting the expectations may also bring about feelings of guilt or resentment in both parties. It emphasizes the importance of setting clear boundaries and establishing realistic expectations in any relationship or friendship. It is essential to recognize that support should be mutual and that everyone holds a responsibility to take charge of their own lives.

Ultimately, being someone's angel should not be taken lightly. As a graduate school student, it is crucial to prioritize personal growth, establish boundaries, and consider the emotional impact of taking on such a role. Effective communication and a shared understanding of expectations are key to maintaining healthy relationships and promoting personal development for all involved parties.

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About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

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