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'Unscramble' Challenge

a poem/microfiction unofficial challenge!

By Heather HublerPublished 4 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - March 2024
Created with NightCafeStudio

Hi there to all you fantastic creators out there doing your thing! It's been a hot minute since I've gotten to connect with you in an unofficial challenge. I've been working hard on balancing the ups and downs of life while trying to stay focused on some non-Vocal projects, but I always miss the connection I feel to the creators on this platform.

So this is my selfish attempt to keep myself engaged :) I hope you indulge me, and this inspires you. Win-win!!

Ever since I did the 'Write me a letter' unofficial challenge last year, I've been itching to do a new one. There just hasn't been time. But I've been sitting on quite a few ideas and keep coming back to this one. I played around with this concept very briefly in my recent poem, So I will, but wanted to expand it further.

So here it is without any more bloated introductions, lol:

Unscramble a 12-letter word of your choosing. Incorporate at least 20 words (that have 4 or more letters) from the resulting list into a poem or microfiction story. You can always use more. In fact, I encourage it!

Simple, right? Okay, maybe there's a catch (or two).

RULES: (in addition to the challenge prompt above)

1) Must identify the main word you unscrambled (does not go into the word count). Then bold all the words you used from the unscrambled list in your piece (see my example at the end).

2) Must publish your poem/story in either the Poets or Fiction community and reference this challenge (with a link, pretty please). Use 'Unscramble Challenge' in your sub-title.

3) Must be a newly published story.

4) Must post link in the comments section of this article to be considered for the prize.

5) Minimum word count of poem/microfiction: 20

6) Maximum word count of poem/microfiction: 150ish

7) Maximum entries per creator: 5

8) Challenge open immediately. Challenge closes on Wednesday, April 17th, 11:59pm EST. Your story MUST be posted to the comments in this story by that time, so don't wait to get it published by Vocal and get stuck in a holding pattern.

9) Challenge winners will be posted on Wednesday, April 24th in an announcement write up.

10) First place winner - $20; Second place winner - $10, maybe some runners-up - $5 (I like to leave things open and flexible). Winnings will be paid as tips to your story on Vocal.

Looking forward to your unraveling...

Much love,



Here's my first attempt!

Consummation - main word, 22 unscrambled words used

I'd commit passionate atrocities,

Throw caution to the wind,

Summon ruinous tsunamic waves

To feel the satin of your skin,

To see the vision of you bared to my

atomic revelations

Spread beneath a stoic moon,

At the altar of our somatic conflagration,

moans purged in manic harmony

Me, the tinman and you, the saint

Our actions climbing mountains

Seeking noon-day summit with no restraint.

Yet I'm painfully aware it's all a masterful illusion,

you can't see through my rusted armor

to embrace our preordained communion.

And I know you'll never sanction

the foolish notion of my obsession,

So I'll cast a wider net and

drag you in with my confession.


Just a few notes/instructions:

As I was creating this challenge, I found a number of online options for listing 12-letter words and for unscrambling them. I tried quite a few, and here are the two I liked the best :)

Step 1: Click on the link directly below to find your main word.

Step 2: Click on the link directly below and enter your main, 12-letter word. You will get a list of all the words you can make from those letters. Incorporate at least 20 of those words into your poem/story (along with any other words you want/need to make the poem/story coherent up the word count maximum).

Good luck and thank you for participating!!


Update - Wednesday, April 24th - Curious as to who placed? Take a look at the challenge winners write up!

PromptsWriting ExerciseInspirationCommunityChallenge

About the Creator

Heather Hubler

Reading/writing/science/family/coffee = my life


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Comments (74)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran3 months ago

    Heyyyy my sweet looney partner!! I'm finallyyyyyy done hahahahahaha. I'll leave the link in the comment below

  • Teresa Renton3 months ago

    Fabulous idea and beautiful example. I only found this today so too late, but I can enjoy the fruits of everyone’s labours 🤗

  • D.K. Shepard3 months ago

    Cutting it very close but voila! https://vocal.media/poets/wordsmithing-94460zbt

  • Thavien Yliaster3 months ago

    I think this is the last one that I'll be capable of entering. I did hope to have enough time to try to cram in two entries of Your as an entry for L.C.'s challenge as well. Oh well, I can always try on my own some other time.

  • Penny Fuller3 months ago

    Under the wire, but here it is... https://vocal.media/poets/metamorphose-sz14w0f0s

  • Thavien Yliaster3 months ago

    I've made a new poem for You, my friend.

  • Here’s my attempt… closer to the deadline than Lamar’s story!😃 https://vocal.media/poets/absentminded-who-me

  • Lamar Wiggins3 months ago

    Hurray! I beat the deadline. https://vocal.media/fiction/acknowledged Now let's see if I can beat the one for finishing my taxes, lol.

  • Paul Stewart4 months ago

    A microfiction entry, if you will - https://vocal.media/fiction/vainglorious - 3rd entry - I know you will have a spreadsheet and all that, but just keeping note for myself too! :)

  • Grz Colm4 months ago

    Intriguing challenge Heather. I just read Paul’s and my brain hurts now haha. Loved your version above though! 😁 Glad you did another challenge as I remember reading a few of those memorable letters. ☺️

  • Kendall Defoe 4 months ago

    One more for the challenge: https://vocal.media/fiction/flex-vc530yty

  • Thavien Yliaster4 months ago

    Well, I hope that this qualifies.

  • The Dani Writer4 months ago

    This is such a MEGA-COOL IDEA!!! Way to go Heather!!!

  • Cathy holmes4 months ago

    I finished my project, Empress. Here you go. https://vocal.media/poets/my-experimental-heart

  • Babs Iverson4 months ago

    My second unscramble challenge poem - https://vocal.media/poets/appreciation-qy1a20u3x

  • Joe O’Connor4 months ago

    Excellent idea Heather, and I like how specific the constraint is, but how open the category is! Your piece is a great example of how to do it, and there are some excellent words and lines in it, including "moans purged in manic harmony". Love this!

  • Kendall Defoe 4 months ago

    Here is my microfictional brain burst (congrats on Top Story, by the way): https://vocal.media/fiction/mental-health-ud19j0mmb

  • ROCK 4 months ago

    I must say this challenge was/is way over my head, lol! You are always surprising me Heather! Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Anna 4 months ago

    Congrats on Top Story!🥳🥳🥳 Planning on entering...😊

  • JBaz4 months ago

    Yikes , Now this is a challenge and a half. Where to start- how to fill and where to end. I am looking forward to seeing the results and entries

Heather HublerWritten by Heather Hubler

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