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The Actual Health Benefits of Fasting

The vast majority of chronic ailments that people today are suffering from all over the world. The headquarters are located in the stomach, where poisons build up over time and make you dense both physically and mentally. It affects how you feel, perceive, comprehends, and live.

By Ahamed ThousifPublished 10 months ago 9 min read

Benefits of Allowing Our Relationship with Food to Be Renewed

For instance, I'll first share a little story.

Los Angeles is the location of this incident. A cardiac surgeon was the one who drove him. He was a little captivated by his Ford Mustang. He was rather happy with his car, which was his own. One day, it started to cough a little bit. He then took it to a nearby mechanic, explained the situation, and requested that he fix it. He said, "Doctor, it'll be ready tomorrow morning."

The doctor went there tomorrow morning before starting work, but it wasn't ready, so he advised coming in the evening because it would be. The mechanic noticed that I was in that kind of attitude and said, "See you're a heart surgeon, you also fix engines, and I also fix engines, how come you're not here in the morning when you said I'd come," when he arrived in the evening. So after giving him a quick once-over, the doctor replied, "Let me see if you can fix the engine while it's running."

Therefore, it is necessary to fix human life or a human body when it is functioning; else, it is useless. Okay, but what's the point of posting at the bottom? When this body is moving, we must fix it. You must first understand that we are talking about the digestive process if you want to fix this body while it is still functioning.

Following the act of putting anything inside your body are the processes of ingestion: digestion, absorption, and excretion. The four aspects of food and the full process. Because there is so much food available today, people can eat anytime they choose, whether they are sitting or standing, day or night. There is a lot of food, but it has never been this way in human history. Sadly, people often do not understand when to eat and when to avoid eating.

Because time has cycles, we can only understand time through cycles. When the planet rotates in this way, we refer to it as a day. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to determine if the moon revolves once a month. Our idea of time is built on cycles since we go around the sun and therefore say one year. Our birth and death are cycle-related issues as well. When we were born, our mothers' bodies were in sync with the phases of the moon. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here. As a result, a cycle underlies every aspect of our physical existence.

Even though you could go into great depth about the entire spiritual process, it's important to note that it isn't cyclical, which indicates that you're traveling in circles. Why am I saying you're going around in circles? Then, people find themselves going in circles. that you won't succeed in your goals. That can mean you've lost your bearings. So once you've fully identified with your physical and psychological makeup, you'll start going through cycles.

Yogic Culture in Cyclical Life

In India's yogic tradition, this is therefore referred to as samsara, which is Sanskrit for "cyclical life." So, even if a merry-go-round is excellent, you know, if you organize it well, it's still just a merry-go-round and won't get you anywhere. A merry-go-round can be fun for kids if all the grownups ride it and act like they're going around in it. That is exactly what happens.

The human body is a cycle as a result. The planetary cycles, the moon cycle, and the sun cycle are all vital to the body, as are the lunar cycle, solar cycle, and earth cycle. You can detect when your body doesn't need food if you have the right awareness. Each and every other species is aware of this. Humans have forgotten, sadly, because every other sense they have is superimposed by their brains or stupid minds.

You should not eat if you don't feel like it on a given day, according to your body, but you might stuff yourself nevertheless because you're at a friend's house for a party or because you should ignore your body's warnings.

All the creatures are visible to you. Have you seen anything similar? He won't eat either dogs or cats, even if you have a dog at home that day. He will consume a few blades of grass if it is available, then throw up to clean himself. He is conscious, hence he is awake. Even though digestion and excretion happen constantly, intake is more efficient. Consumption is compulsive, but the body also needs to function in other ways. The digestive system must also work in other ways.

Absorption happens all throughout the basic canal, and digestion happens all along the alimentary canal, not just in the stomach. Excretion has spread beyond the elementary canal. The process of excretion must also occur within cells. You gradually fill up with contaminants and get heavy in body and mind. It will accumulate if you don't pick up after yourself. We refer to this as karma because as it builds up, it shapes the way you perceive, feel, comprehend, and live your life. They may not be aware of it, but they will think I am this way. I am just like this. You aren't like this. You ruined your life in this way.

Giving ingestion a break is a crucial part of this cleansing process because other systems are essentially uncontrollable. They can be stimulated, but they're not eager to. They function properly. Although eating is a choice, for most people it has tragically turned into compulsive behavior.

I should eat when I wish to eat in a self-directed manner. I'll eat anytime I'm hungry. The choice of when to eat is not in my hand. One thing you should be aware of is that this is something that happens frequently. I'm convinced that if we dropped a box of delicious chocolates nearby, your hands would consume them.

There are several ways to bring this consciousness, but one of the main ones is fasting. Ingestion should be a conscious process.

Simply denying yourself food and liquids could be detrimental to your health. You must support it with the appropriate procedures. If you take the necessary steps, the impulse to eat will lessen. There are other sources of energy than the food we eat. In fact, according to the yogic sciences, if you truly maintain the health of your systems, you can find it in sunlight, air, and water. You should focus 60 to 70 percent of your energy on these three aspects. sunlight, fresh air, and water.

Since you'll be eating less overall, the remaining 40% should come from the food you consume.

I Must Introduce Myself to You

When I was younger, I was a huge eater. Due to my extreme physical activity, I never gained weight, but what I consume now is one-tenth or less of what I used to. I've maintained the same weight since I was 19 years old, and I still do. The only issue was that I was carrying the entire load at the time. This caused me to constantly feel the pull of gravity, yet I was able to maintain my balance.

The Fasting Process Must Be Performed with the Required Knowledge

If people in India don't know that, we'll fix it. On the eleventh day of the lunar cycle, you must fast. If you can't fast, you should eat something healthy. It is called "pal heart." This requires eating solely fruit. Because fruit contains more than 90% water, you should drink water, not fruit, says yogic science. You drink as much water as you can. Always be conscious of the foods you consume.

If you eat a cooked meal, how much of it contains water, similar to a South Indian dinner?

I'm referring to 60 to 70% water if you eat very quickly. It's much higher in some products, even at so-called organic stores, but the food you're eating now, which was baked a month ago, is probably that minimum. At least a month or a week had passed. If they don't have fresh bread, nobody will come anyhow. You make up for the fact that the bread was either baked without water or with very little water by drinking a bucket of Coca-Cola or something comparable.

This does not, however, work if you consume any beverage along with your meal. If the food contains water, the necessary digestive acids will be diluted, and your entire digestive system will become ineffective as a result of the food it enters. It will help if you pour some liquid on top of it. The food will linger in the stomach bag for an excessively long time, as you'll see. This is something we are particularly concerned about in yogic culture and living. We shouldn't keep food in our stomach bags for longer than 2.5 hours.

No matter what or how much I've consumed in the last 2.5 hours, it needs to go somewhere else. If it continues, you become dulled and lose your sense of perception. Awareness level If you eat food without coke, coffee, tea, or anything else after lunch, your perceptual sharpness will wane and you will feel unhappy. It has a way of bringing you down. A huge group of people have developed a culture around it. They must retire to bed.

Consider filling up at the petrol station and then attempting to start your automobile, only to find that there is still fuel in the tank. There you have it, then.

The headquarters are in the stomach to make sure that the digestive system is functioning fully due to the majority of chronic illnesses that people nowadays experience. However, a lot of people are changing the way they eat and the way they consume, with their main focus being their stomachs.


They consequently consume in this way. Eating much simpler, easier-on-the-body foods on one or two days a month is a simple method to create discipline. If you can only subsist on water, or a little lemon and water, or a little water mixed with honey, that will help. If that is not possible for you, try a fruit or something else that won't tax your system too much.

It is intended to halt the digestion and absorption processes. Therefore, when the rest of the body begins excreting on a cellular level, it has to get rid of all impurities.

self caremental healthmeditationhumanityhealthdietbodyagingadvice

About the Creator

Ahamed Thousif

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