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Money Crystal: How to Attract More Money Into Your Life

I started seeing results the next day!

By Nataly ConcepcionPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Money Crystal: How to Attract More Money Into Your Life
Photo by Edz Norton on Unsplash

Are you looking for a way to bring more money into your life? Have you heard of the Money Crystal? This mysterious crystal is said to have the power to attract money and abundance into your life. In this blog post, we'll discuss the Money Crystal, how it works, and how you can use it to bring more money into your life. Read on to find out how you can use the Money Crystal to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life.

Choose the right crystal

When it comes to selecting a crystal that attracts money, Citrine is the most popular choice. This crystal is known as the “Merchant’s Stone” and has been used for centuries to bring abundance and financial success. Its warm, energizing yellow hue is said to attract wealth and prosperity by stimulating the flow of energy throughout your home or office. It is also believed to boost creativity and inspiration, making it easier to manifest your desires. Citrine encourages generosity, generosity, and self-confidence, inspiring you to make wise decisions about your finances and investments. Additionally, this crystal may help you to recognize and seize new opportunities to increase your prosperity. As an added bonus, Citrine is also believed to protect against negative energies.

Cleanse your crystal

Cleansing your crystal is an important step in activating its energy and allowing it to bring more money into your life. The act of cleansing a crystal helps to clear out any negative or unwanted energies that may have become attached to the crystal. Cleansing can be done in several ways, including smudging, visualization, or the four elements.

Smudging is the burning of sage or another cleansing herb like palo santo or cedar and passing the smoke over the crystal. This is a great way to cleanse a crystal and fill it with positive energy. As you move the smoke over the crystal, visualize any negative energy being cleared away and replaced with positive energy that will attract money.

Visualization is another great way to cleanse your crystal. Hold the crystal in your hands and visualize a white light washing over it and any negative energy dissipating away. You can also picture money or abundance entering your life as you hold the crystal in your hands.

You can also use the four elements - water, earth, air, and fire - to cleanse your crystal. You can bury the crystal in a bowl of salt for twenty-four hours, dip the crystal in a bowl of water for an hour or two, leave the crystal in direct sunlight for an hour or two, or place it near a candle flame for ten minutes or so. All of these elements work to cleanse the crystal and infuse it with positive energy.

After you have cleansed your crystal, it is ready to be programmed and used to attract more money into your life.

Program your crystal

Programming your crystal is the next step in manifesting money. It is a way to connect to the energetic properties of the crystal and send it your intentions. To program your crystal, you will need to focus on your intention and visualize it. Start by holding the crystal in both hands, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Visualize a white light surrounding you and the crystal. Focus on your goal of attracting more money into your life and imagine what it will feel like when it comes to fruition. Now, start sending positive affirmations out from your heart space into the crystal. State your intentions out loud and allow yourself to become one with the crystal. Once you are finished, thank the crystal for helping you achieve your goals.

Place your crystal in your home

Crystals have the power to attract money into your life, but in order for that to happen, you need to know where to place them. Placing your crystal in the right location is a key part of manifesting wealth and abundance.

Ideally, you should place your crystal in an area of your home that represents abundance and financial security. The best places for this are usually the entryway, near your front door, or in a room of your house that you use for business or financial matters.

In Feng Shui, the kitchen is thought to represent abundance and wealth, so if you want to be extra careful, you can place your money crystal there as well. This will ensure that energy associated with wealth and abundance flows throughout your home.

If you don’t have an obvious spot to put your crystal in your home, you can also choose to keep it in your pocket or purse when you’re out and about. Having it close to you will help amplify its positive energies and draw more money into your life.

Meditate with your crystal

Meditation is an important tool for manifesting money. By meditating with your money crystal, you can attract more abundance into your life. To begin, find a comfortable seated position and close your eyes. Focus your attention on your breath and take several deep breaths. Once you feel relaxed, take hold of your money crystal in both hands and begin to focus on your intention to manifest more wealth and abundance. Visualize the energy of your crystal flowing through your body and out into the world, helping to attract more money into your life.

Continue to hold this visualization as you focus on your breath. As you breathe in and out, mentally affirm that wealth and abundance are being drawn to you. Remain in this meditation for as long as feels comfortable, and when you’re ready, open your eyes. After completing the meditation, take some time to write down any insights or ideas that came to you during the session.

Give thanks

Expressing gratitude is an essential part of manifesting more money into your life. By expressing gratitude for what you already have, you open up the opportunity for even more abundance. Each time you look at your crystal, or carry it with you, take a few moments to give thanks for all that is coming into your life. This could be anything from expressing gratitude for an increase in money coming into your life, to the material possessions you already have. Focus on feeling gratitude for the present moment and watch as more abundance comes into your life.

Buy your money crystal where I got mine! Money started coming to me the next day! Click here now!

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About the Creator

Nataly Concepcion

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