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Exercise In Moderation


By Mariann CarrollPublished 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - April 2024
Exercise In Moderation
Photo by Eneko Uruñuela on Unsplash

I try to exercise everyday, If I don’t my muscles can stiffen up. If you over due the exercise, muscle can cramp up. Moderation is my key.

I used to walk a lot and play tennis. Now a days, I walk and rest. If I over due it, I get numbness and prickly feelings. Our body need exercise or it go doormat. I have to drink more water these days because of the medications I take.

I walk a few times a week now. I do stretches every other day. I do yoga five to 10 minutes a day. I do not overdo it with my exercise. There are consequences, when I overdo my exercises.

My daily routine, I pray before I get up, used the bathroom and make my bed. If I have errands or appointments, I skip the exercise because when you do errands you move around a lot.

I usually take my medicines after exercise and before meals. Due to my stomach issues, it’s best for me to eat one meal a day. I try to drink two to three cups of water an hour before I try to eat. One of my medicine requires, I take it at least thirty minutes before I eat.

I actually read somewhere, it’s best to drink thirty minutes before and after meals. I usually drink while I eat but lately, I fallow the thirty minute before and after meals drinking water, if I don’t get thirsty. Certain foods makes me thirsty.

I used to eat three meals a day. I only eat one to two meals a day. I also switched my eating time depending on appointment and errands. If I am volunteering, I try eating very little. I do make up with drinking more liquid if I cannot eat a lot.

Let’s get back to exercising. I have my favorite stretching exercise video I watched and fallow. I also modified it, if it gets to much.

I like videos that has timers on them. It shows the seconds you are performing a certain exercise. I like stretching exercises because I do not get dizzy easily. I can do them in my on pace.

Exercises also comes with proper breathing method. Always, remember you are doing it right if, breathing in is expanding the stomach with the air you breath in. I like to breath out through my mouth and deflate my stomach. This also built you lungs strength while exercising.

Breathing excercise is a great destresser as well.

Fun Facts: It’s not your stomach that is inflating and deflating when you do breathing exercises, it’s really your diaphragm.

Yoga is my favorite. It’s nice and slow movement. If you are into losing weight, thirty minutes of yoga a day will definitely help you with that. I do not want to lose weight that’s why I only do ten minutes of yoga a day.

Yoga is very good at stretching and massage muscles in my opinion. I feel good physically and mentally after yoga.

When I am not feeling good I skip my exercises that day until I feel better. I learn to listen to my body. I also learned ignoring you bodies signs can put me to the hospital or doctor’s office.

They say your body is your temple. We have to listen to it and take care of it.

My favorite is the child pose in yoga because it’s very good and simple position for back pain. You start with both both knees bend on the floor both hand on the floor in front of you. You slowly stretch you hand in front of you and your forehead on the floor . It’s very relaxing position. They do have modifications of the child yoga pose for beginners.

Check this yoga video, it very easy to fallow and it shows modifications for beginners.

I am not a doctor or a physical therapy so be sure to consult your doctor before trying new exercises you have not done before.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy the videos I shared. Have a healthy day.

When you exercise do not forget you need to replenish your electrolytes. Here is the ingredients needed for homemade electrolytes drink; water, orange, salt and baking soda as demonstrated in this video below. It’s not good to be dehydrated.


About the Creator

Mariann Carroll

Proactive for positive change.Born in the City of Chicago ,Illinois.

Multi race .Studied in a foreign country .Fluent in several languages .

fascinated by diversity.A Romantic and a dreamer.Interest in healthy living

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Comments (25)

  • Angie the Archivist 📚🪶21 days ago

    All my life, I’ve been trying to learn Moderation!😵‍💫 I’m having moderate success 🤣. Excellent daily routine: “I pray before I get up,”✅

  • Chloe Gilholy26 days ago

    I've cut down on some classes due to the heat and been resting more enjoying the summer. I'm gonna try and make the electrites drink when I get the stuff at home.

  • JBazabout a month ago

    This was awesome and I do back exercise exactly like that ( not as graceful) and never knew it was called a child pose. Learned something Congratulations

  • Jeff Jr.2 months ago

    Balance is the key.

  • Jerado3 months ago

    I can see your life of health is very weak. Those medications will not do good, it will make the situation worse. You of to go natural. Herbs and vegetables is the healthiest way to go. End result long happy life with a healthy body.

  • Isabella3 months ago

    great story

  • Flamance @ lit.3 months ago

    Well understanding story great job

  • Cathy holmes3 months ago

    Good article. Congrats on the TS.

  • Anna 3 months ago

    Congrats on Top Story!🥳🥳🥳

  • Dana Crandell3 months ago

    I have to admit that moderation isn't my strong suit, and that includes exercise. I've recently picked up my weights again and that means I'll be a little sore for a couple of weeks, because I don't start out lifting light. I do alternate light and heavy days, and I do stretch before I start and focus on tightening my core, so maybe I'm only half stupid about it. lol Great article, Mariann!

  • patonice Flirt3 months ago

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  • Esala Gunathilake3 months ago

    Congratulations on your top story

  • D. D. Lee3 months ago

    Congrats on Top Story!

  • Melissa Ingoldsby3 months ago

    I agree with the idea of learning to listen to your body. Great routine and I enjoy your ideas on how to create a good circadian flow

  • Ahsan Ahmad3 months ago


  • Kodah3 months ago

    Congrats on top story Mariann!! 💌🙌🙌🥳🥳

  • Rachel Deeming3 months ago

    Thanks, Mariann for this article. I've been wanting to explore yoga for a while and I think that your advice here will give me the impetus. Hope you are doing okay.

  • Lamar Wiggins3 months ago

    I do like the moderation of exercise you speak of. I'm pretty active at work so at least I get my steps in. I've never tried yoga, but you make it seem easy and relaxing. I really hope the meds work so you can physically enjoy everyday. 💖 Congrats on your TS, Mariann!

  • Carol Townend3 months ago

    I try to do my exercises most days. It can be challenging to fit them in sometimes, but I do stretches, walk on a treadmill and outdoors, do weights and do yoga. Like you, I get cramps, too, and I have knee problems, which are worse when I don't exercise. Thank you for this encouraging story.

  • Babs Iverson3 months ago

    Wonderful exercise advice!!! Love it!!!💕❤️❤️ Congratulations on Top Story too!!!

  • Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • Tiffany Gordon 3 months ago

    Thx for sharing these health tips with us Mariann! I'm especially excited to try the homemade electrolyte drink and your favorite yoga pose that helps with back pain!

  • ema3 months ago

    I love yoga! I've been doing it at home for a few years, but I recently started doing it again in a class with other people, because it gives me more energy and involvement. I'm sorry about your stomach problems ❤

  • This will be helpful to many I think. Excellent article

  • May I know why you reduced your number of meals? I mean, I know you have stomach issues but what happens if you have 3 meals a day? I'm just afraid you'd get gastritis 🥺 Also, I'm happy that you skip your exercises when you're not feeling good. We deserve to take breaks every now and then.

Mariann CarrollWritten by Mariann Carroll

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