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How Self-Mastery Led Me to Success

The Power Of Self-Mastery

By Kabinga Charline MazabaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

You've heard it said that to achieve anything great in life, you first have to master yourself. I'm here to tell you that this is true. If you want to succeed in life, you need to be in control of yourself. You need to be able to control your emotions, your thoughts, and your actions. This is what self-mastery is all about.

I'm not going to lie, achieving self-mastery is not easy. It takes time, effort, and discipline. But it is so worth it. Once you have achieved self-mastery, you will be amazed at what you are capable of achieving. I should know, because self-mastery is what led me to the success I enjoy today.

Why Self-Mastery Is Important

If you want to achieve anything great in life, you first need to master yourself. This is because self-mastery requires you to be in control of yourself. It requires you to be able to control your emotions, your thoughts, and your actions. When you are in control of yourself, you are better able to deal with the challenges and obstacles that life will inevitably throw your way.

Self-mastery also allows you to tap into your full potential. When you are in control of yourself, you are able to harness all of your talents and abilities. You are able to use them to their fullest potential. As a result, you are able to achieve things that you never thought possible.

Achieving self-mastery is not easy, but it is so worth it. Once you have achieved self-mastery, you will be amazed at what you are capable of achieving.

By Austin Schmid on Unsplash

If you want to achieve success in life, then you need to achieve self-mastery first. This may not be easy, but it is definitely possible with time and effort. Once achieved, however, the benefits are limitless! With self-mastery comes increased emotional control, improved tap into full potential , and the ability to better deal with life's challenges . So if success is what you're after , start with mastering yourself.

Top tips for self mastery:

1. Get in touch with your innermost desires and what motivates you. What do you really want to achieve in life? Why?

2. Understand that there is no magic formula or "right" way to do things. Everyone has their own path to follow.

3. Be willing to experiment and take risks. Try new things and see what works for you.

4. Be persistent and never give up on your dreams. It may take longer than you expect, but if you keep going, eventually you will reach your goals.

5. Surround yourself with positive people who will support and encourage you. negativity will only hold you back.

6. Take responsibility for your own happiness. Don't wait for someone else to make you happy - it's up to you to create your own happiness.

7. Be grateful for what you have, even if it's not everything you want. Appreciate the good in your life and let go of the negative thoughts that bring you down.

8. Live in the present moment as much as possible and enjoy every moment of your life. Worrying about the future or dwelling on the past won't do you any good - focus on the present and make the most of it.

9. Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. A healthy mind and body are essential for achieving success in all areas of life.

10 .Create a vision for your life and visualize it often. What do you want your life to look like? What kind of person do you want to be? See yourself achieving your goals and living the life of your dreams.

These are just some suggestions- ultimately, it's up to YOU to decide what works best for YOU on YOUR journey to self-mastery! Follow your heart, believe in yourself, and go after your dreams! You CAN achieve anything you set your mind to!

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About the Creator

Kabinga Charline Mazaba

- Blogger & Content Writer

- Founder of the clothing brand "Lifemotiva": a mission to inspire people to live their best lives.

- I help people who have experienced trauma in their lives to heal and move forward.

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    Kabinga Charline MazabaWritten by Kabinga Charline Mazaba

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