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Birth Month and Mental Health: What Science Says

Can the Month You're Born, Affect Your Temperament?

By KamyaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Image by Tú Nguyễn from Pixabay

Are you curious about whether your genetics or something like astrology influences your personality? The question of whether there's a connection between the season or month you're born in and your personality is a popular one, but what does science have to say about it? According to current scientific consensus, there is no concrete link between birth season or month and personality traits.

However, a study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Affective Disorders suggests that there might be a correlation between the seasons you're born in and your temperament.

In fact, the study goes so far as to suggest that certain psychiatric disorders may also be linked to the birth season. The study found a significant association between the season of birth, personality, and neuropsychiatric disorders.

The impact of seasonal changes on human beings has been recognized by psychologists.

Very well-minded author Kendra Cherry points out that the winter months can trigger Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and affect our mood. As reported by time.com, a baby's development in the womb can be influenced by several factors, including the mother's diet.

For example, a lack of protein or vitamin D or C can negatively affect the growth of the brain, heart, or bones. Additionally, mothers who experience SAD during the winter months may pass on similar issues to their infants.

A study conducted by the National Library of Medicine found that a person's birth season can have an impact on their personality. The study included 2962 college students who were divided into four groups based on their birth season and underwent a personality assessment using the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI).

The results showed that male participants born in autumn had a higher tendency towards disorderliness, while those born in summer and winter scored high on extravagance. Although there is an ongoing discussion about how much of this relationship is due to environmental factors, recent studies have traced back the personality traits of adults to the season they were born in.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Here are time's conclusions:


A study conducted in the UK in 2012 involving 58,000 participants found that babies born during the months of March, April, and May tend to exhibit high levels of hyperthymia or general optimism. However, individuals born in May may be more prone to clinical depression, but on the bright side, they have a greater tendency to focus on the positive aspects of things.


Newborns who arrive in the summer may be affected by the time when they were conceived, particularly in the winter months of December to February. They may experience mood swings characterized by sudden changes in their emotional state. However, it's worth noting that having these mood swings doesn't necessarily indicate bipolar disorder. Interestingly, people born in August have the lowest likelihood of being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.


Typically, individuals born in the fall experience lower levels of depression compared to other seasons. It has been found that babies born in November have the lowest rates of depression. Moreover, those born in autumn are less prone to developing bipolar disorder. However, people born in this season may have a tendency to be easily annoyed or agitated.


Newborns face a variety of obstacles, including a heightened risk of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and seasonal affective disorder.

However, there are a few advantages to being born in the winter. Babies born during this season tend to be less fussy compared to those born a few months earlier in the fall.

Additionally, a 2015 study that analyzed 300 celebrities found that those born in January and February are associated with unique and innovative problem-solving skills and creativity. Despite this, researchers are still uncertain as to why this is the case.


While the month someone is born in can have some influence on their development, genetics and environment may have a larger impact, even though there isn't much research on the relationship between birth month and development. However, this doesn't mean that parents should try to conceive children during a specific time of year to try and shape their personality in a certain way.

It's important to remember that there are plenty of individuals born in the spring who have a pessimistic outlook, and just as many born in the winter who are optimistic. Furthermore, our personalities are shaped by a multitude of factors beyond just the amount of light during our birth month. Our upbringing and the experiences we have throughout our lives are also important factors to consider.

self carewellnessspiritualitysciencepsychologymental healthmeditationhumanityhealthbody

About the Creator


We should enjoy every moment fully, fall in love, make the most of our time, and live without regret. We should cherish the fact that there are still many moments in life that we have yet to experience for the last time.

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