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7 Most Insane Fitness Trends

Tapeworms to Snail Facials

By Sannan APublished about a year ago 3 min read
Image by István Asztalos on Pixabay

There are constantly emerging new trends in the fitness industry.

Some may produce real impacts, while others are nothing more than a gimmick.

But what about those that are both harmful and ineffective?

The ones that leave you wondering if people have lost their minds?

We’re going to talk about the 8 most absurd and insane fitness trends that you ought to avoid.

We’ll investigate the weirdest corners of the fitness industry and expose the truth behind these strange methods, like snail facials and tapeworms.

So fasten your seat-belts and get ready for a crazy journey as we unveil the most absurd fitness fads ever.

#1 The Tapeworm Diet:

By Richard Bell on Unsplash

Consuming tapeworms in order to reduce weight is illegal.

In addition to being illegal, it can result in fatal health issues such as intestinal obstructions, malnutrition, and even death.

The tapeworms can expand to a length of 30 feet and remain inside a human body for up to 25 years.

It’s a dangerous and inhumane way to lose weight, should be avoided at any cost.

#2 The Cotton Ball Diet:

By Hanna Balan on Unsplash

This trend involves eating cotton balls dipped in juice or a low-calorie dressing to feel full and suppress appetite.

Not only is it ineffective, but it can also be dangerous, causing intestinal blockages and other health problems.

Eating cotton can also lead to a lack of essential nutrients and can cause long-term damage to the digestive system.

#3 The Tongue Patch Diet:

By Girl with red hat on Unsplash

A patch is stitched over your tongue to make chewing solid foods uncomfortable.

It is not only ineffective, but it can also be harmful, causing infections, tissue damage, and other health issues.

The technique is also unlawful in several states, and no medical professional recommends it.

#4 The Snail Facial:

Photo by Andrey Shpak on Pexels

This trend involves applying live snails to the face as a form of exfoliation. Not only is it ineffective, but it’s also unsanitary and can cause allergic reactions.

Snail mucin, which is the main component of this facial, there is no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.

The process of obtaining snail mucin is immersing snails in water with salt, vinegar, or other chemicals, which is very cruel method.

#5 The Vampire Facial:

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Drawing a person’s blood, processing it to extract the platelet-rich plasma, and then injecting it back into the face.

Not only is it painful, but it can also lead to serious infections and there have been reported cases of HIV and hepatitis transmission.

#6 The Leech Therapy:

Image by EllWi on Pixabay

This method includes putting leeches on the skin to suck blood and supposedly aid with a variety of health problems.

It is not only inefficient, but also unhygienic, and it can cause serious infections and allergic responses.

The procedure is not recommended by any medical expert.

It is also prohibited in some countries.

#7 The Waist Training:

Image on Internet Archive

In order to shape the waist, this trend involves wearing a corset-like garment around the waist for extended periods of time.

Not only is it ineffective, but it can also cause serious health problems like organ damage, respiratory problems, and even rib fractures.

No healthcare professional recommends this procedure, and there is no scientific data to back up its effectiveness.

Additionally, it is uncomfortable and constricting, and it may be dangerous for those who already have respiratory issues or other health issues.


By Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The fitness world is full of strange and sometimes ridiculous trends that promise quick fixes and overnight transformations. But as we have seen, many of these trends are not only ineffective but also dangerous to our health.

So next time before you try any new trend, make sure you do your research and don’t fall for the snake oil salesmen of the fitness world.

And remember, a healthy lifestyle takes time, effort, and consistency, not a leech on your skin or a corset wrapped around your waist.

So let’s stick to the tried and true methods of exercise and healthy eating and leave the absurdity to the trendsetters.

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About the Creator

Sannan A

College Student Who Likes to Write Fiction & Non-Fiction.

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