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The Dark Side of Dubai

Unveiling the Truth Behind the Glamour

By Sajjad Rana HussainPublished 10 months ago 7 min read

The Dark Side of Dubai: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Glamour

Dubai, a city known for its luxurious lifestyle, world-class shopping, and iconic skyscrapers, captivates the imagination of visitors from around the globe. It is a place where a lavish existence and opulence seem to know no bounds. However, behind the dazzling facade lies a harsh reality that remains hidden from the rest of the world. In this article, we will delve into the dark side of Dubai and uncover the shocking truth that may come as a surprise to many.

Table of Contents


The Allure of Dubai

The Plight of Migrant Workers

Living Conditions and Exploitation

Inhumane Working Conditions

Severe Heat and Health Risks

Escalating Suicide Rates

Ignorance and Lack of Compassion

Dubai's Troubled Past

Dubai's Multilayered Society

The Price of Glamour

Concealing the Truth

The Reality for Expatriates

The Culture of Silence

A Call for Change


Dubai has long been hailed as a modern oasis in the middle of the desert, captivating visitors with its stunning architecture, impeccable service, and extravagant lifestyle. It is a city that seems to have it all, attracting expatriates from all walks of life. However, beneath the surface of this cosmopolitan metropolis lies a darker side that is rarely discussed.

The Allure of Dubai

Dubai entices people with its promise of a better future and unparalleled opportunities. Expatriates, especially from South Asia, make up the majority of Dubai's population, lured by the prospects of higher income and a better quality of life. However, the truth is far from the glamorous image portrayed in brochures and tourism videos.

The Plight of Migrant Workers

Dubai's towering skyscrapers and modern infrastructure are the result of the labor of thousands of migrant workers. These workers, predominantly from countries like Bangladesh and India, are drawn to Dubai in search of a brighter future. Unfortunately, their dreams are shattered when they arrive and find themselves trapped in a cycle of exploitation.

Living Conditions and Exploitation

Migrant workers in Dubai endure abysmal living conditions in the outskirts of the city. They are crammed into small rooms with limited access to basic amenities and often live in squalid conditions. Many workers have their passports confiscated upon arrival, leaving them effectively trapped and at the mercy of their employers.

Inhumane Working Conditions

The working conditions for migrant workers in Dubai are nothing short of inhumane. They are forced to work long hours, often up to 12 hours a day, six days a week, for meager wages. The government's lack of intervention and regulation in terms of pay and working standards exacerbates the situation, leaving workers with no means to file complaints or seek justice.

Severe Heat and Health Risks

Dubai's scorching desert climate poses a significant health risk to migrant workers. Temperatures regularly exceed 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), yet workers are expected to continue working under such extreme conditions. While tourist attractions may close during excessive heat, workers have no respite and face the dangers of heat exhaustion and dehydration.

Escalating Suicide Rates

The unbearable conditions and despair faced by migrant workers have led to a disturbing increase in suicide rates. On average, there are approximately

Ignorance and Lack of Compassion

The plight of the expatriate workers in Dubai largely goes unnoticed and ignored by the local Emiratis. There is a general lack of awareness and empathy for the harsh working conditions and hardships faced by these individuals. The focus on economic expansion and the pursuit of wealth seem to overshadow any concerns for the well-being and rights of the migrant workers.

Dubai's Troubled Past

To truly understand the roots of the issue, we must explore Dubai's history. When the British departed in the late 1960s, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had just begun to discover its vast oil and gold reserves. Sheikh Maktoum, an Emirati leader, saw an opportunity to transform the desert nation by inviting foreigners to contribute their skills and expertise. In return, these expatriates were promised a tax-free lifestyle and a chance for a better future.

Dubai's Multilayered Society

Dubai's population is composed of three distinct social strata, each heavily reliant on the others. At the top are the affluent local Emiratis who enjoy immense wealth and luxury. The middle layer consists of wealthy foreign workers who hold important positions in the country, such as CEOs, bankers, and project managers. Finally, at the bottom, are the impoverished foreign workers who toil away in construction sites and other labor-intensive industries.

The Price of Glamour

While Dubai may dazzle with its glamorous lifestyle and luxurious amenities, the true cost of this opulence is borne by the exploited migrant workers. Behind the shiny facade of extravagant cars, high-end restaurants, and lavish shopping malls, lies the hidden suffering of those who built this city with their blood, sweat, and tears.

Concealing the Truth

Dubai has made extensive efforts to whitewash and conceal the realities of its treatment of migrant workers. Propaganda-style tourism videos and carefully curated images on social media platforms present a distorted image of the city, promoting a narrative of prosperity and progress while conveniently ignoring the exploitation and human rights abuses that occur behind closed doors.

The Reality for Expatriates

For expatriates living in Dubai, there exists a culture of silence and self-indulgence. Many are so immersed in their own luxurious lifestyles, enjoying the perks and privileges that come with living in this affluent city, that they turn a blind eye to the suffering of the less fortunate. The allure of the city's superficiality and the fear of disrupting the status quo prevent them from questioning the hypocrisy and injustice that surround them.

A Call for Change

It is high time for Dubai to address the systemic issues and human rights violations that plague its migrant worker population. The government must establish and enforce fair labor practices, regulate wages, and provide avenues for workers to voice their grievances and seek redress. Additionally, international pressure and awareness can play a significant role in holding Dubai accountable for its treatment of migrant workers.

In conclusion, Dubai's glittering exterior masks a dark reality for its migrant workers. Behind the towering skyscrapers and extravagant lifestyle lies a tale of exploitation, inhumane working conditions, and a lack of compassion. It is crucial that we shine a light on these hidden truths and work towards creating a more just and equitable Dubai for all its inhabitants.


1. Is Dubai truly as glamorous as it appears?

Dubai's glamour is undeniable, with its luxury cars, lavish hotels, and extravagant shopping malls. However, behind this facade, there is a darker side that often goes unnoticed.

2. How are migrant workers treated in Dubai?

Migrant workers.

3. What can be done to improve the situation for migrant workers in Dubai?

To improve the situation, it is crucial for the government to enforce fair labor practices, establish minimum working standards, and regulate wages. It is also important to create avenues for workers to voice their concerns and seek legal recourse in case of mistreatment or exploitation.

4. How can tourists contribute to positive change in Dubai?

Tourists can play a role by supporting businesses and organizations that prioritize fair labor practices and ethical treatment of workers. By choosing responsible tourism options and raising awareness about the issue, tourists can help create pressure for change.

5. Is there hope for a better future for migrant workers in Dubai?

While the challenges are significant, there is hope for a better future. Increased awareness and international scrutiny have already brought attention to the issue. It is essential for governments, organizations, and individuals to work together to advocate for the rights and well-being of migrant workers in Dubai.

As the dark side of Dubai is unveiled, it is crucial that we acknowledge and address the injustices faced by migrant workers. Only by shining a light on these issues and working collectively can we create a future where dignity, fairness, and human rights prevail in the shadows of Dubai's gleaming skyline.

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