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Learn 9 Ways To Make Money Online

How To Make Money Online

By JackPublished about a year ago 11 min read
Work From Home


If you’ve been on the internet for more than a few hours, you’ve likely seen at least one advertisement teaching you how to make thousands of dollars a minute, working from your underwear, in the comfort of your own home.

These ads are so ridiculously popular that if you’re like most people, you start doubting whether it really IS possible to make money online.

The truth is, it IS possible. It might be hard to make thousands of dollars a minute from the get-go, but there are certainly ways you can make money working from home with ease.

In this report, I am going to share 9 different ways in which you can create more income. I have tried to cover all types of methods for all different personality and skill types, and I am confident that you’ll be able to find at least a few that sound good to you.

While some of them require more work than others, please know that you can mix and match. For example, maybe you can do a few hours of forum moderation at $10 an hour for $30, and then make up the extra $70 doing something else. The key is to have fun and do whatever you enjoy.

I have given an overview of each idea, and then fleshed them all out a little bit so you could get started on whatever you like, immediately.

It is my sincere hope that you get a lot out of this report, and that you take action and start making money!

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

1. Forum Posting:

One of the easiest ways to make money online, if you have a flair for talking, is by forum posting.

A lot of webmasters have started hiring people to post on their forums so that their forums look busy and popular. They feel that by making their forums look more popular, they will be able to attract more long-term visitors.

When you’re posting in forums, all you would have to do is initiate new threads, or respond to existing ones, and keep conversations going. You may do this by posting interesting thoughts, thought-provoking conversation, or teaching people things.

A cool perk of this job is that you get to learn new things. Also, if you post in forums that you’re already interested in, you basically get paid to have fun. In order for you to become a forum poster, here are some steps you can take:

  • Browse through freelancing sites such as,,, etc.
  • Apply for forum posting jobs on those sites
  • Respond back to the buyer on time if you are called for an interview
  • Agree on the pay per post and the deadline
  • Get the job done within the accepted deadline
  • How much can I make out of forum posting?
  • For each forum post you make, the general prices range anywhere from

$0.10 to $0.50 per post. If you have time to devote to this during the day and are able to make between 200 to 1000 posts (depending on how much your job is worth), then you can earn $100 a day. You can also, of course, do whatever you would like per day and then mix and match with another suggestion from our lists.

2. Forum Moderator:

As long as forums exist, forum moderators need to exist.

This is because webmasters need people to block negative comments, make sure things are running smoothly and forum users are getting their questions and comments responded to.

To be a forum moderator, you would need to monitor comments posted by users, delete spam, answer questions from users, and reply to user messages. You would also encourage threads, add new content to the site, and block comments posted by people who ignore forum rules.

If you have an interest in certain forums, this could be very interesting for you to do. Just like with forum posting, you also have the potential to learn a lot.

  • In order for you to become a forum moderator, here are some steps you can take:
  • Post a profile on freelancing sites such as,, and Describe your interests and your levels of expertise.
  • Look for forum moderator jobs on the same freelancing sites, and apply for them.
  • Google forum moderation job openings.
  • If there are forums you’re interested in, check with the owner. A lot of people don’t post on freelancing sites but rather prefer to hire people who post a lot.
  • How much can I make out of moderating forums?
  • Depending on your role and experience, you can make anywhere from $3 to $20 an hour.

3. Article writing:

If you are a good writer, you can earn money by writing articles for people with websites. Many website owners know that they need to keep their websites current and up to date, but don’t have the time to constantly create new content for them. Because of that, they hire people who can write on their behalf.

In order for you to become a content writer, here are some steps you can take:

    • Post a profile on freelancing sites such as,, and Describe your interests and your levels of expertise.
    • Look for writing jobs on the same freelancing sites and apply for them.
    • Google writer job openings.
  • Ask the owners of websites that you already like if they are looking for writers.
  • How much can I make out of writing?
  • Content writing jobs pay anywhere from $1 to $100+ based on the length of the article and your expertise. If you’re already an expert on the topic you’re writing about, you can often charge a premium.

  • Even if you are new to writing, you can make upwards of $.50 for each 100 words on an article.
  • 4. Become A Blogger:

If there’s something you’re passionate about, you can create a blog where you can talk about it.

This is a fun way to share your passions while learning and teaching about what you’re already excited about. In order to do this well, you would need to be a good writer with the ability to make people interested. You would also need to be able to post fairly regularly to a blog.

Blogs can be monetized in several ways. Just some ways are to have companies pay you to post their advertisements (this is better for blogs with a lot of traffic), or put Google AdSense on your blog. With this option, Google pays you every time someone clicks on an advertisement.

In order for you to become a Blogger, here are some steps you can take:

  • Choose a company to blog with. Two of the most popular ones are Blogger or Wordpress.
  • Decide if you want a free account or if you would like to host the blog on your own domain (if you bought a domain, your blog could like, or a free account would look like

  • Most people opt to buy a domain so that their blog appears more professional. If you choose to do this, you’ll need to sign up with a hosting company (I recommend HostGator – their plans are as low as $4.95 a month), and then have your domain routed to the hosting company.

  • After your blog is set up, decorate it however you would like (Wordpress calls the blog skins “themes”, and Blogger calls them “templates”)

  • Post news, lessons, stories, or anything relevant to your blog.
  • Add content as frequently as possible so that you build up a regular readership base.
  • Start advertising your site on social networks, amongst friends, or via other traffic methods (you can outsource a lot of this to Burn Your To Do List if you don’t have the time or knowhow).
  • How much can I make out of blogging?
  • It can take some time to establish a blog, but the profit potentials can be quite large. Some people report making in the millions of dollars from a blog. Your earnings will vary based on traffic you get to the blog, how interesting your content is, how often you post, and the types of advertisements you put on your blog.

5. Guest Writer:

Webmasters sometimes need specific experts to create content for their websites. They might not know enough about a specific topic, or want to have someone else’s insight.

If you’re an expert in any particular niche, you can make some excellent money by writing in and offering your wisdom.

In order for you to become a guest writer, here are some steps you can take:

  • Make sure to establish yourself as an expert in your niche by making a presence in the websites and forums in your area of interest. Sometimes, people will just ask if you’re interested in creating content.
  • After you’ve established a presence, you can also write to website and forum owners and let them know what your expertise is and that you’d be interested in creating content for them should they be interested.
  • When you get a writing job, make sure your content is written and submitted as early as possible. If you establish a good reputation, you can get references for other sites and hopefully end up writing for more.
  • How much can I make out of being a guest writer?
  • Depending on the length of the piece you create and the obscurity of the topic, you can make anywhere from $25 to $200 each time you write.

6. Podcasting:

Podcasting is similar to blogging, only you would do it via voice instead of typing. You would get the same benefits and approach it the same way (post regular content, etc.)… but it’s just a way to suit people who would rather learn via listening versus reading.

To get started with podcasting, you need a headphone, microphone, and software in which to record your audio. You can earn money with podcasting the same way you would with blogging – via advertisements, Google AdSense, and by recommending other programs that offer commissions.

In order for you to become a podcaster, here are some steps you can take:

Create a website with which to put podcasts on

  • Record your content – you can use a free recording program such as Audacity if you don’t already have something
  • Convert your recordings to mp3
  • Upload your mp3 along with a description to your website
  • Start sharing it!
  • Get it converted in to MP3 format
  • Upload the mp3 on your site
  • Add content as frequently as possible so that you build up a regular listener base.
  • Start advertising your site on social networks, amongst friends, or via other traffic methods (you can outsource a lot of this to Burn Your To Do List if you don’t have the time or knowhow).

7. Online Counselor:

Many people like to go online for counseling instead of meeting people in person. They feel that they can be more anonymous this way, and they also have the convenience of not needing to drive anywhere.

If you have the ability to counsel people effectively, this could be a fun job for you. You do not need to have a special degree, although it would obviously give you a cutting edge.

In order for you to become an online counselor, here are some steps you can take:

  • Create a website that discusses your qualifications and how you are able to help people. If you don’t have a degree or qualifications to prescribe anything to people, let them know. Some people just want to pay you so that you can listen to them and they can vent their frustrations. Just make sure not to overstep what you can legally do.
  • Start advertising your site on social networks, amongst friends, or via other traffic methods (you can outsource a lot of this to Burn Your To Do List if you don’t have the time or knowhow).
  • Start building up your customer base. Do a great job, implement word-of- mouth referral programs, and start collecting testimonials from the people you help.
  • How much can I make out of being an online counselor?
  • Depending on your skill level, you can make from $100-$200 an hour and upwards.

8. Translation:

If you know any other second language, then it will help you make money by opting for translation jobs. This is another easy way to make use of your spare time and convert it into money. Especially if you know any of the languages for which translators are in huge demand.

In order for you to become a Translator, here are some steps you can take:

  • You can get hired for translation jobs through any of the freelancing sites
  • There are many sites which provide translation services exclusively. You can submit your interest and get hired through any of those sites as well
  • Identify the sites which post all the jobs related to translation. Get yourself registered in those sites
  • You can start your own site and make people know about the translation services that you are ready to offer
  • How much can I get paid for translation jobs?
  • You can get paid anything from $0.01 per word depending on the demand for the language. If the number of translators for the language are scarce, then you can charge a good rate per word

Are you interested in acting as an agent or intermediary? Do you have a knack for business and are good in dealing with people? Then listed below are some ideas that might suit you:

9. Outsourcing Middle-Man:

Many companies look to hire people in order to help them expand their web presence, to create content for their blog, or help assist them with other tasks.

If you are good at managing people as well as marketing, you can act as an “agent” for some outsourcers.

Identify people that can do certain work, and then advertise their services to other businesses. Mark up the price so that you can make a profit.

In order for you to become an outsourcing middle-man, here are some steps you can take:

  • Browse through freelancing sites, forums, and websites to find people that you can hire.
  • Create a website where you lay out the services your team can do, as well as prices and turnaround times.
  • Start advertising your site on social networks, amongst friends, or via other traffic methods
  • Start building up your customer base. Do a great job, implement word-of- mouth referral programs, and start collecting testimonials from the people you help.
  • How much can I make out of being an outsourcing middle-man?
  • A lot of how much you can make depends on the type of services you offer, how many clients you can handle simultaneously, and how well you can market your services.

To Know more

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Work From Home - Blogger

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    JackWritten by Jack

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