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Life of an empath

By Liza SpiridonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Mara K on Unsplash

From early on in life, many empaths' are misunderstood. Their traits may be seen as flaws until they learn how to work with their extraordinary gifts.

Empaths can put themselves in another’s shoes and feel what they are feeling, oftentimes without even seeing or speaking with them. Empathy is ‘the experience of fully understanding what someone else is experiencing.’ They are different yet often mistaken as the same.

Empaths sponge other people’s emotions and may even experience physical symptoms. They process the world through their intuition and often just ‘know’ things without explaining how they know.

Sometimes this skill is voluntary and other times they have little control over it, especially if they are considered a ‘natural empath’ - a person highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of those around them. The downfall, empaths can be misunderstood and ridiculed because of their sensitivities, especially early on in life.

There are more positives than downsides to being an empath, although they can sometimes be viewed as weaknesses.

Some of the most common empath traits…

Highly Emotional

Because empaths pick up on the emotions and moods of others and mistake them as their own, others may think we are over-emotional or moody. People who don’t fully grasp this may see this as a character flaw.

However, without this trait, empaths would be less inclined to help and understand others. Empaths use this skill to tune in to others’ emotional and physical state, ultimately to help and support them. We listen and understand things as if we are in your shoes.

When we feel overwhelmed, we need time to process these strong sensations. We can also benefit from extra support when we are experiencing distress or low moods which can be extremely difficult since we are accustomed to always being there for others.

Sometimes it takes a life changing event for us to surrender and realize we need support, and cannot do it all on our own…we are not meant to!

Highly Sensitive

Many people claim empaths are overly sensitive. It is true that we hurt easily, partly because we feel things so deeply. At the same time, it is this trait that makes us able to respond to others in pain. It might be annoying when an empath easily takes offense at something you say.

However, when we acknowledge and embrace our sensitivities, a little reassurance can go a long way

Alone Time

Empaths are often described as lone wolves, aloof and/or anti-social. This is simply not true. Empaths love people. We thrive on deep meaningful interactions with others. We love to understand others and to be understood, in turn.

Our sensitivity to others' needs and a desire to help can deplete us - we need alone time to recharge and restore our energy. It’s up to us to communicate that since we have to remind ourselves not everyone else can ‘read us’ the way we do for others.

Far From Dull

Many empaths can be pretty intense. We are easily startled by small things such as someone walking into the room. Many empaths cringe when they watch any kind of violence in the news or scary movies - most empaths steer far away from the news because of this.

Some people think our lack of adventurousness makes us dull. Empaths have a lot to offer. We are reflective, thoughtful and highly self-aware. We might not ever choose to go parasailing, but we will delve deep into Know Thyself and enjoy exploring and discussing intellectual and spiritual realms.


Empaths often worry a lot! So much so it can be annoying to others. Many people wish I could lighten up and chill out. But my worrying is part of what makes me the person I am.

Even though I get annoyed with how much I worry at times, I have discovered tools to shift this including breath work, a conversation with a good friend, hiking, creative outlets, and playing my favorite tunes. I can often provide help and support to others because I sense their problems and needs so deeply but the key is to detach from worry.

Cheerleader For The Underdogs

Empaths often find themselves drawn to those who are suffering because we want to help relieve them of their pain. We have experienced deep pain and want others to know they are loved and not alone. We are also the first to be there for those who are grieving or unhappy.

Sometimes, our closest family and friends may think that we are neglecting them in order to take care of other people’s needs - rest assured that we will be there for you when you need us. That’s what we do, and we do it well when we have learned to work with our sensitivities.

Far From Lazy

Empaths can’t bear to do something if their heart and soul aren’t in it - we would rather go into debt than a job that sucks the life out of us. In my younger years, I worked countless jobs I loathed. The jobs were unfulfilling and I would pick up on everyone else’s energy - it was exhausting!

Some people might interpret this reluctance to do certain jobs as laziness or too picky. I am thankful I’ve done a lot of inner work and have found what makes me feel like I am using my gifts that benefit the world.

If you’re an empath…

If you are an empath and have experienced criticism for any of these empath traits, please know this is what makes you who you are - you are a very special, and a rare gift to the world.

To date, less than 2% of the world is considered empaths. There is a reason you may have felt misunderstood, but if you’ve found yourself reading this, please know you are not alone - far from it!

Do you resonate with being an empath? I want to know.

❤️ Liza

adviceanxietycopingdepressioneatinghumanitypanic attacksrecoveryselfcarestigmatraumaptsd

About the Creator

Liza Spiridon

CA/OR. I have degrees in Psychology, Criminal Sociology, am an RVT and empathic numerologist; I write from the heart, and about the paranormal. When I'm not writing I'm exploring hidden gems and reading about past lives and anomalies.

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