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A Hands-On Approach to Treating Anxiety

An Efficient Treatment for Anxiety That You Can Do Yourself

By The Enlightenment JourneyPublished 11 months ago 13 min read
A Hands-On Approach to Treating Anxiety
Photo by Uday Mittal on Unsplash

It's time for you to stop allowing worry to control your life and to start dealing with it in a simple, secure manner. Like you, I've observed that there are a number of stories in the news these days that, in addition to the normal fare, may be cause for concern.

You need to be knowledgeable about the topic I'm presenting if you regularly consume traditional types of media.

It could give off the impression of engulfing someone. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a treatment for anxiety that results in long-lasting tranquility and peace?

The relentless barrage of bad news may lead to a broken heart, an empty sensation within, betrayal, grief, desertion, annoyance, or even hatred. It may be difficult to function normally while experiencing all of these emotions.

Whatever your pain is, you may be able to learn to relax and let it go with the use of a natural anxiety cure.

Treatment for Anxiety Disorders That Works

Giving up some authority in this way.

One of my very first radio programs, "Liberate the Past," was created when I learned that the bulk of people's issues could not be treated via the use of traditional methods.

I had been studying conventional talk therapy methods for a doctoral degree in psychology, but I hadn't yet seen any proof that they would be effective in real-world settings when I came to this understanding.

Since creating that initial application, I have created a large number of others, all of which have the same objective: to assist users in solving their difficulties. Many of these may be found in my website's "Release Your Past" section.

Learning to let go is, in my opinion, the first and most important step towards getting rid of anxiety. This served as the basis for the therapy I developed.

What Does Letting Go Mean to You?

"Letting go" refers to removing the root causes of a problem. Every time we have an emotional response, our underlying beliefs are put into motion.

Many people are unaware that the core reasons can be eradicated and dissipated. Once you've done that, you'll feel more secure, anchored, and prepared to explore new things. Although I am aware that many people have their doubts, I can guarantee you that they do.

Finding the underlying causes of anxiety and using therapy to relieve the ensuing tension takes time. This is due to the fact that every problem that causes a response was established over time and then reinforced.

This is because every component that causes a reaction initially emerged over a lengthy period of time and has subsequently been reinforced.

Your feelings of self-assurance and control over the situation will increase as a result. You'll experience less tension overall and a broad sense of liberation and lightness.

When you Cling to Anything, You are Clenching

Even if something simply causes pain and misery, the mind has a natural impulse to grasp onto it. I'm aware that, when considered logically, it makes no sense at all. Do you have a concern about someone's motivations? By no means is it a difficult idea to understand.

The mind has developed a vast range of protection mechanisms and shielding programs to help us feel more safe. This encompasses a wide range of mental and emotional emotions, including denial, fear, rage, stress, and worry.

The mind makes the incorrect assumption that if it disables one of your protections, you would be vulnerable to injury. This is why it maintains vigilance, even when doing so could be uncomfortable.

A variety of judgments and ideas might elicit various kinds of emotional reactions. Rarely are there more than a few of them...

  • I'm totally undervalued.
  • My supervisor holds me in low regard.
  • I allow my anxiety to rule my life much too often.
  • I am aware that if my present relationship were different, I would be content.
  • The universe is a harsh place.
  • My parents are both really terrible people.
  • Why did they have to leave me in that situation?
  • I hope to eventually get more gratitude from this individual.
  • Nothing I do appears to be able to protect me from bad fortune.
  • What shabby treatment I've had!
  • I'll end up returning it if I receive it.
  • My biggest health worry is getting a newly discovered illness.
  • Every potential negative outcome occurs.
  • I have a dreadful feeling that something negative is about to happen.

The vast majority of individuals want to be happy, healthy, affluent, intellectual, and loved. The issue is that most people are lacking in at least one of these areas, which causes them to second-guess their decisions.

Even if you disagree with the outcome, when you reach a point of acceptance, you are in a position for your own personal development.

When you really think about it, you'll see that most issues end up being fixed on their own. Things that were difficult to experience at the time are often recognized as advantageous in hindsight.

When you are in pain, it is tough to see or believe that. When you're feeling that way, it's difficult to accept that.

Let's imagine for a moment that, despite your relationship not meeting your emotional requirements, you have made the decision to stick with it.

As a result, you can experience even more annoyance and agony than before, and you might be left with the thought, "If only I could get out of this and find someone better, then I'd be happy."

One solution to deal with this situation is to divorce or separate from your spouse, but this is often a tough decision to make. Either you or the other party may feel like a failure in a failing relationship.

These two feelings often grow in unhealthy relationships. In either situation, there is a considerable amount of stress and emotional suffering.

Although going through a divorce may seem horrible at the moment, it may turn out to be a useful lesson that enables you to move on to better circumstances in the future.

The notion is that you lose sight of the fantastic possibilities because you are so emotionally charged and upheaved in the moment. Your sorrow is brought on by emotions clouding your judgment.

Let's Get Some Quick Help with our Concerns

You must consider the root causes if you want to heal and conquer your worry. Their behaviors may not be obvious to you, but they are motivated by concealed beliefs.

Though most of our views are retained subconsciously, every emotion has a notion at its root.

This implies that both the conscious and unconscious root causes of anxiety should be addressed in any therapy for the condition.

1. If you want to understand your anxiety, asking yourself questions like "What do I believe is making me anxious?" is a great place to start.

Do not hurry; take a break, and then consider: "What else would a person believe that would cause anxiety?"

After giving it some thought, ask yourself, "What am I telling myself about my anxiety?"

The first step to permanently eradicating your worry is to understand its source.

2. Now that you are aware of the causes of your anxiety, you may begin to question your presumptions. Ask inquiries like:

  • Where may one get unflinching evidence that their viewpoint is correct?
  • Do all worried people have the same kinds of thoughts?
  • Is it feasible that there are people who have experienced similar things to mine and have not developed anxiety as a result?
  • So what could they possibly think that contradicts what I do?
  • What if something I believe to be false is really true?

3. It's a positive indicator if your responses to this kind of query cause you to start doubting the accuracy of your own assumptions.

The prior question I presented sets up the third phase, which is to create contradictory affirmations to replace the ones that are troubling you.

Take into consideration:

  • Your life's events shape your views.
  • Your opinions are supported by your research.
  • Your sentiments are a result of the thoughts and beliefs you have.
  • Your actions will depend on how you are feeling at the time.

The outcomes you get are mostly a product of your own activities. Therefore, if you desire different outcomes, you must reconsider your presumptions and doubt the veracity of your earlier perceptions.

An affirmation is a short, declarative sentence that is used in the present tense to express something good, such as "Every day and in every way, I am growing more and more happy and successful."

You are free to direct your positive affirmations toward whatever you want, including your health, professional achievement, romantic aspirations, or any other objective.

It's just as simple to think of bad self-affirmations as it is to think of positive ones. When you initially start repeating positive affirmations, however, your mind could attempt to oppose what you're doing.

At first, there is a strong desire to cling to what is comfortable, even if doing so would hurt. We will finally accept the novel concept.

You may build the ideas, attitudes, and deeds that will result in the changes you desire by starting with an affirmation.

Persistence is Important in Anxiety Therapy (According to Recent Research - Repetition)

You must keep in mind that a single affirmation won't miraculously change your life in a single day, no matter how many times you repeat it or write it down.

The secret is consistent training. Something starts to penetrate your awareness from the ground up when you think about it often enough. You may serve as your own success coach in this manner.

Here is my five-step method for boosting the effectiveness of your affirmations:

First-Stage Treatment for Anxiety

Take all the negative out of your positive comments. Contradictory notions cannot exist in the same thought process at the same time.

You shouldn't use phrases like "I am not anxious and I don't worry" if you don't want your mind to become stuck on negative word associations. Try using affirmations instead, such as "I am calm, relaxed, and confident."

When describing your ideal result, use the present tense. Writing your affirmations as if they are already true is the secret to successful affirmations.

Affirmations like the ones below may help foster a good sense of self:

  • I consider it to be my destiny to be fearless in my daily existence.
  • To the degree that my genes, my environment, my education, or other factors have
  • I have finally broken free from their restrictions.
  • I have optimistic thoughts for the future.
  • I now understand what a wonderful person I really am.
  • I have the ability to see the good in everything.
  • I am quite confident.
  • I always look for the bright side.
  • Right now, I feel really calm and in control.
  • I've made the decision to live my whole life with a positive mindset.
  • I enjoyed myself overall.
  • For me, every issue can be resolved. Simply put, absolutely.
  • I have a lot of strength.
  • I don't have any problems right now.
  • All is well thus far. Yes, I believe it to be true.
  • I like to consider myself a hip consumer.

Second-Stage Treatment for Anxiety

Affirmations should ideally be practiced while you are feeling optimistic. Positive instructions that are reinforced emotionally become ingrained in the subconscious and begin to modify behavior on their own.

Repeating your affirmations while focusing on your heart might help you infuse them with more uplifting thoughts.

I'll show you by putting the palm of one hand right in the middle of your chest. Continue saying your affirmations despite what your mind is thinking.

The more often you do this, the easier it will be to relish the present and look forward with hope.

I'll reveal yet another huge secret to you:

Slowly, gently, and quietly repeating your objectives in the form of positive affirmations could make it easier for you to understand and merge with their meaning.

The affirmations have greater weight since the person has invested emotional energy in them.

Third-Stage Treatment for Anxiety

You should repeat your affirmations for at least 10 minutes at a time, ideally at intervals when you won't be interrupted. It's unlikely that just saying your affirmations a few times a day would have the intended outcomes.

Although it might be good to say your affirmations randomly throughout the day, if you truly want to see benefits, you should set aside at least 10 minutes each day to concentrate only on them.

If you are able to practice for more than 10 minutes each day, the advantages significantly increase.

Fourth-Stage Treatment for Anxiety

Closing your eyes will help you concentrate on the words as you speak slowly and thoughtfully.

Your subconscious mind could be reprogrammed to reject unhelpful thinking patterns in favor of empowering ones when you're at peace.

Your newfound beliefs will have a permanent impact on every aspect of your life. You can enter any door once you feel entirely at peace.

Just before you go to sleep and shortly after you get up are the two periods of the day when this happens most easily and naturally.

You've undoubtedly observed that after a restful night's sleep, your mind is entirely still when you open your eyes.

This occurs as a result of your body being entirely at peace. While lying in bed, you are fully awake and cognizant, but your degree of awareness is still relatively low.

These are the times when you'll most naturally be able to tap into your subconscious.

Positive affirmations work best whether they are said out loud or softly in your head.

Even if no one else can hear what you're saying, you still need to produce the sounds of the words with your lips and tongue.

It nearly sounds like a whisper because of how faint it is. Your objectives must be expressed in precise terms and phrases in order to attract the attention required to effectively communicate with your subconscious mind.

The subconscious will ultimately accept the new programming if the sentences are repeated often.

The Fifth Stage of Treatment for Anxiety

Before repeating an affirmation, take a few deep breaths to allow it to sink in more fully. An easy way to do this is to take full, deep breaths in between each affirmation.

Before continuing, take one or two deep breaths to center yourself. Repeat your affirmations as you gently let your air out after three seconds. Repeat.

As a result...

Remember that because these actions and beliefs have been ingrained in your mind for many years, it will probably take many weeks or months to completely change your deeply ingrained belief system.

However, you can be assured that your efforts will eventually pay off.

I have 16 tools that could assist you in letting go of the past and eliminating the root of your anxiety. They're all listed here: Release Your Past.

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