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Ancestor Worship

Healing ancestral wounds through ritual and ceremony

By Priestess GanesaPublished about a year ago 10 min read

Ancestor worship is a form of religious or spiritual practice that involves the veneration and honoring of one's ancestors or deceased family members. It is a common belief in many cultures that the spirits of the dead continue to exist and have the ability to influence the living world, and therefore, the living can seek the assistance, guidance, and protection of their ancestors through various rituals and offerings.

Ancestor worship is practiced in many cultures around the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Americas. In African traditional religions, ancestor worship is a central practice, as ancestors are believed to be intermediaries between the living and the divine. In Asian cultures, such as China and Japan, ancestor worship is also widespread, with families honoring their ancestors through rituals, offerings, and prayer.

In Shamanic cultures, ancestors are revered as powerful spiritual beings who can provide guidance, protection, and healing to their living descendants. Here are some common features of ancestor worship in shamanic cultures:

  • Ancestral lineage: In shamanic cultures, ancestry is traced back through the generations, and the spiritual power of each ancestor is believed to accumulate over time. The oldest ancestors are often considered to be the most powerful and wise.
  • Offerings and sacrifices: In many shamanic cultures, offerings and sacrifices are made to honor the ancestors and gain their favor. These offerings can include food, drink, tobacco, or other items that were valued by the ancestors.
  • Ancestral altars: Ancestral altars are often set up in homes or sacred spaces to honor the ancestors. These altars can include photographs, objects, or other items that are associated with the ancestors.
  • Rituals and ceremonies: Shamanic cultures often have specific rituals and ceremonies that are designed to connect with the ancestors and gain their guidance or protection. These rituals can include drumming, chanting, dancing, or other forms of spiritual practice.
  • Divination and trance states: Many shamanic cultures use divination techniques or trance states to communicate with the ancestors. These can include methods such as scrying, dreamwork, or journeying to the spirit world.
  • Ancestral healing: Ancestor worship in shamanic cultures often involves healing ancestral wounds and releasing negative patterns or beliefs that have been passed down through the generations. This can involve working with the ancestors to identify and heal these wounds, as well as making offerings or sacrifices to honor and appease any ancestors who may be causing harm.

In the Afro-Caribbean traditions, ancestor worship is an integral part of religious and spiritual practices, particularly in Cuba. The practice of ancestor worship in Cuba is known as "regla de ocha," "santeria," or "lucumi," and is a blend of traditional African religions and Catholicism. In this tradition, ancestors are believed to have the power to intercede with the divine on behalf of the living and can provide protection, guidance, and blessings.

In Cuba, ancestor worship is often practiced through the use of altars or "bovedas," and ancestral spirits are believed to communicate with the living through dreams, divination, and possession trance, where the ancestor's spirit enters the body of a person to communicate with their living family members. Here are some common features of ancestor worship in Cuba:

  • Ancestral altars: Ancestral altars, known as bovedas or ngangas, are often set up in homes or sacred spaces to honor the ancestors. These altars can include photographs, objects, or other items that are associated with the ancestors, as well as candles, flowers, and offerings.
  • Offerings and sacrifices: In Santeria, offerings and sacrifices are made to the ancestors to gain their favor and assistance. These offerings can include food, drink, tobacco, or other items that were valued by the ancestors. Sacrifices are typically performed by trained priests and involve the use of animals such as chickens or goats.
  • Rituals and ceremonies: Santeria has a rich tradition of rituals and ceremonies that are designed to connect with the ancestors and gain their guidance and protection. These rituals can include drumming, chanting, dancing, or other forms of spiritual practice, and often involve the use of specific offerings or sacrifices.
  • Divination and trance states: Santeria practitioners often use divination techniques or trance states to communicate with the ancestors. These can include methods such as cowrie shell readings, dreamwork, or journeying to the spirit world.
  • Ancestral healing: Ancestor worship in Santeria often involves healing ancestral wounds and releasing negative patterns or beliefs that have been passed down through the generations. This can involve working with the ancestors to identify and heal these wounds, as well as making offerings or sacrifices to honor and appease any ancestors who may be causing harm.
  • Ancestral lineage: Santeria practitioners place great importance on ancestral lineage, and many trace their spiritual lineage back through the generations to specific ancestors or Orishas (deities). This lineage is seen as a source of spiritual power and guidance.

There are many reasons why people practice ancestor worship, including the desire for protection, guidance, and blessings from their ancestors, as well as the belief that it can bring a sense of connection and continuity between the living and the dead. Additionally, ancestor worship can provide a sense of community and support, as people come together to honor and remember their ancestors.

Although different cultures have their own unique rituals and practices when it comes to ancestor worship, there are commonalities that can be observed across various traditions. You already saw some commonalities between the santeria and shamanic traditions previously shared. Here are some of the most common similarities amoungst known traditions:

  • Creating a sacred space: Many cultures believe in the importance of creating a sacred space in order to communicate with ancestors. This can include setting up an altar, lighting candles or incense, or performing a purification ritual to cleanse the space.
  • Making offerings: Offerings of food, drink, or other items are often made to ancestors as a way of showing respect and gratitude. This can also be seen as a way of maintaining a relationship with the ancestors.
  • Prayers and invocations: Prayers and invocations are commonly used to call upon the ancestors and ask for their guidance and protection. These can take many forms, such as reciting specific prayers or chanting mantras.
  • Divination: Many cultures use divination as a way of communicating with ancestors. This can include using various tools, such as bones, shells, or cards, to receive messages from the ancestors.
  • Music and dance: Music and dance are often used in ancestor worship ceremonies as a way of connecting with the spiritual realm. This can include singing traditional songs or performing dances that have been passed down through generations.
  • Ancestor reverence: One of the most fundamental elements of ancestor worship is the idea of revering one's ancestors. This can involve maintaining family traditions, sharing stories about ancestors, and honoring their memory.

Here is a simple Regla de Ocha ritual that can be done at home to connect with ancestors:

  1. Set up an altar: Find a space in your home where you can set up an altar to honor your ancestors. You can place pictures, mementos, or other items that represent your ancestors on the altar. You can also include offerings such as candles, incense, or food and drink.
  2. Cleanse yourself and the space: Before beginning the ritual, it's important to cleanse yourself and the space. This can be done by smudging with sage or palo santo, or by sprinkling water around the space.
  3. Light a candle: Light a candle on the altar as a symbol of the light of your ancestors and the connection you seek to them.
  4. Offerings and prayers: Make offerings of food and drink to your ancestors and say prayers to honor and connect with them. You can also ask for their guidance and blessings.
  5. Divination: Use divination tools such as tarot cards or cowrie shells to receive guidance and messages from your ancestors. You can also meditate or journey to connect with them and receive guidance.
  6. Close the ritual: Once you feel complete, thank your ancestors for their presence and guidance, and blow out the candle to close the ritual.

Here are some simple shamanic techniques that can be incorporated into rituals done at home to connect with ancestors:

  • Connect with nature: Sit or stand with your bare feet on the ground or floor, and take deep breaths to connect with nature. Close your eyes and visualize a connection with the earth and the sky, and feel yourself becoming grounded and centered.
  • Invoke your ancestors: Call upon your ancestors by speaking their names out loud or in your mind. Ask for their guidance, wisdom, and protection.
  • Drumming or rattling: Use a drum or rattle to enter into a trance state and connect with your ancestors. Allow the rhythmic sound to take you deeper into a meditative state and visualize your ancestors coming to you.
  • Journeying: In shamanic practice, journeying is a technique used to communicate with spirits, including ancestors. You can journey by visualizing a journey to the spirit world, guided by your ancestors. Ask for their guidance and receive any messages or insights that come to you.

It's important to note that these are very simplified versions of a santeria ritual and shamanic techniques, and that these practices have a rich and complex set of traditions and practices. If you are interested in learning more about ancestor worship, it's recommended to seek guidance from a trained practitioner or teacher.

Ceremonies or rituals centered around our ancestors can also be effective tools for healing ancestral wounds. Here is a simple shamanic ritual that can be done at home:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space: Choose a quiet and comfortable space in your home where you won't be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  2. Create a sacred space: Set up a sacred space by lighting candles or incense, playing calming music, or anything else that helps you feel relaxed and centered.
  3. Call upon your ancestors: Speak their names out loud or in your mind, and invite them to join you in the ceremony.
  4. Begin to drum or rattle: The sound of a drum or rattle can be used to help you enter a trance-like state. Focus on the sound of the drum or rattle, allowing it to take you deeper into the shamanic journey.
  5. Journey to meet your ancestors: Once you are in a trance state, visualize yourself journeying to the spirit world. As you journey, visualize yourself entering a sacred space where your ancestors are waiting for you.
  6. Ask your ancestors for healing: Once you are in the presence of your ancestors, ask for their help in healing any ancestral wounds that you are carrying. Ask them to show you what you need to do in order to release any negative patterns or beliefs that may be holding you back.
  7. Receive their guidance: Allow yourself to receive whatever messages or insights your ancestors may have for you. They may offer guidance or wisdom that can help you on your healing journey.
  8. Return from the journey: When you are ready to return from the journey, thank your ancestors for their help and guidance. Slowly return to your body, taking deep breaths and allowing yourself to become present in the physical world once again.
  9. Ground yourself: Take some time to ground yourself after the journey. Drink some water, eat a light snack, or spend some time in nature.

This ritual can be repeated as many times as necessary to continue the healing process. Remember to always approach these practices with respect and reverence, and seek guidance from a trained practitioner if you have any concerns or questions.

Here is a simple Santeria ritual that can be done at home:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space: Choose a quiet and comfortable space in your home where you won't be disturbed. Sit or stand in a comfortable position.
  2. Create a sacred space: Set up a sacred space by lighting candles or incense, placing a bowl of water or flowers, or anything else that helps you feel connected to the spiritual realm.
  3. Call upon your ancestors: Speak their names out loud or in your mind, and invite them to join you in the ceremony.
  4. Cleanse yourself: Take a cleansing bath or shower to purify your body and mind. You can use salt, herbs, or essential oils in the bathwater to enhance the cleansing process.
  5. Offerings: Make offerings to your ancestors, such as food, drink, flowers, or other items that they may have enjoyed in life. Place these offerings on a plate or tray in front of the altar.
  6. Light candles: Light candles to honor your ancestors and create a sacred atmosphere. You can use white candles for general healing or different colored candles for specific purposes.
  7. Prayers and invocations: Recite prayers or invocations that are specific to your ancestors or to the Orishas, which are the deities of Santeria. Ask for their guidance, protection, and blessings.
  8. Drumming and dancing: Drumming and dancing are important aspects of Santeria ceremonies. Play a recording of traditional Santeria music or use a drum to create a rhythm that resonates with you, to help connect with the spiritual realm and facilitate healing.
  9. Perform divination: Use divination tools such as cowrie shells, coconuts, tarot cards, or runes to communicate with your ancestors and receive guidance.
  10. Give thanks: After the ceremony, thank your ancestors for their guidance and presence. Eat or drink the offerings, or leave them on the altar as a sign of respect.
  11. This ritual can be repeated as often as necessary to continue the healing process. Remember to approach these practices with respect and reverence, and seek guidance from a trained practitioner if you have any concerns or questions.

Overall, the commonalities in ceremonies and rituals between cultures that practice ancestor worship highlight the importance of maintaining a connection with one's ancestors and the spiritual realm. While the specific practices may vary from culture to culture, the underlying beliefs and intentions remain similar.

Ancestor worship is a practice that involves the veneration and honoring of one's ancestors or deceased family members. It is a widespread practice in many cultures worldwide, and is an integral part of religious and spiritual practices around the world. Ancestor worship provides a sense of connection, continuity, and support to the living, as well as the belief that ancestors can provide protection, guidance, and blessings to their living family members.

The claims in this article are based on my own personal research and experience as a shamanic apprentice and initiate, and as a child of the Orisha raised in Afro-Carribbean traditions, and are in no way meant to be taken as medical advice. Always consult a medical professional for medical advice and care.


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About the Creator

Priestess Ganesa

Artist, ordained minister, wellness empowerer and supporter. Plant based holistic services, resources, education, and reiki charged art.

Because we’re all connected, part of the same whole, I help others maintain the energy that connects us.

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    Priestess GanesaWritten by Priestess Ganesa

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