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Who is Really in Control?

Power matters & You have Power. . .For Now. . .Don't give them your power for then, they will have power over you.

By Peter ThwingPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Who is Really in Control?
Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Who is really in control? Some might say, 'the rich' are in control. Some might say governments. Some might say the public. Others might say the government is an institution that embodies the will of the public, with access to an exorbitant amount of funds (sometimes even infinite spending). Well, let's explore this concept a bit further to see who is truly in control, and regardless of reality, how you can not only attain power, but maintain all power you have currently, and ever will have.

When assessing government policy, consider the following things:

How much will it cost? Who is going to pay? Who/how many will benefit? How likely, in fact, is it achieve the desired effect?

Consider higher education. If university prices are subsidized, then prices are too high. If prices are too high, then loans are given. However, this maintains incentives for both universities to continue over charging students, AND for students to continues attending overpriced universities, as well as discourage families from saving for their children to attend college.

Consider healthcare. If healthcare costs are too high, mandating insurance, with a promise to pay, regardless of amount charged, before a bill is even seen, how can this have the desired effect?

In both instances, prices will stay high, because there are incentives for prices to stay high, and no disincentives, that would propel prices lower.

We want to be able to afford housing. We want to be able to afford healthcare. We want to be able to afford higher education.

IF the GOAL is to be able to afford these things, then we only have two options, drop prices, OR offer aid to those who can't afford the prices. Based on recent decades of worsening public policy and social issues, most understand on which wide of that spectrum Governments align.

But why? The answer is in fact simpler than most people realize, but the solution to the problem is infinitely more difficult, both to digest, and implement.

Governments want control, power, influence. They want to take as much as they can from you. They have no incentive to give the public more power, freedom, and discretion with spending, because it relieves reliance on government, which in turn causes those currently in power within the status quo to lose power, authority, and control.

As with pharmaceutical drugs, and all formerly mentioned areas of society, they (those in power/control) have no desire to "fix" the problems we face, because it is not a problem for them; in fact, they are disproportionately benefiting from the current status quo, and don't see a need to fix anything!

Why charge get paid $15 for offering someone a cure, when you can charge them $15,000 for mere treatment, and never offer them a cure?

They want to keep you sick. They want to keep you uneducated. They want to keep you misinformed/uninformed. They want to keep you poor. They want to keep you indoctrinated, because it is all in their own best interests, NOT in your best interests.

Because "they" will NEVER "fix" it.

"They" want to keep you sick. "They" want to keep you uneducated. "They" want to keep you misinformed/uninformed. "They" want to keep you poor. "They" want to keep you indoctrinated, because it is all in their own best interests, NOT yours.

So when are we going to actually do something about it instead of waiting for them to fix it for us, only in the end to find out they kept making it worse?

Governments don't 'solve' problems; they manage and perpetuate them by continuously seizing more control. Then they impose their influence and authority over everything, and everyone; who is going to stop them when they have all control?

Humans have always desired one thing, power. Knowledge is power. Information is power. Money is power. Time is power. Access to resources and opportunities is power. Influence is power. Authority is power. Free will is power. Right to bear arms is power. Right to free speech is power. Right to the free exercise of religion is power. Military might is power. Technology is power. Ownership is power. Freedom is power

Slavery and debt are NOT power. We are currently slaves to a system where the status quo is fully controlled by those in power. Do not give them more power, or you will find yourself powerless against them, at their mercy, or their lack of it. They don't see you as human, they see you as prey. They are the predator. Is what they do. They are the bullies. They are the deplorables that feed on the weakest, slowest, and dumbest among us. United we are stronger than them, therefore, their only goal is to keep us divided.

Feel divided yet? They promised to bring unity. Oh, don't worry, they will unite us, eventually. But on what grounds will we find ourselves united?

Given this information, what now are you going to do with that power you've gained? Whose side are you on? Choose wisely.

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About the Creator

Peter Thwing

Husband, Father, Talkshow Host/Podcaster, Server. Born in 90's both Millennial and Gen-Z. I love learning and have an open mind. I'm looking forward to having my mind changed amid the process of trying to better understand people/the world.

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