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7 Symptoms of Emotional Trauma in Your Marriage (And You Need To Leave at Once)

You may be in an emotionally abusive relationship and be unaware of it.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 4 min read

It's unfortunate, but there are far too many relationships and marriages where emotional abuse is widespread. You've definitely heard of physical abuse, but do you know what it means to be emotionally abused in a relationship? It's a different type of torment, but it's hell all the same. However, the indicators of emotional abuse are more subtle than those of physical assault, which makes it far more deadly. You may be in an emotionally abusive relationship and be unaware of it. That's risky because you can't get out of a bad situation if you don't even realize it exists.

Furthermore, even if you are aware of the emotional abuse you are experiencing, you may be underestimating its influence on your life. And this is not a good thing. You must understand that emotional and psychological scars may be just as damaging to a person's life as physical scars. It's simply that these scars and wounds aren't always apparent, which is why many people overlook them. And that is always incorrect. If you are in an emotionally abusive marriage with someone, you cannot just choose to ignore it.

You must always ensure that you handle these issues before they have a substantial negative influence on your life. And it all starts with knowing whether or not you're in an abusive relationship emotionally. The first step is always to become aware. It will always be the most important part of crawling out of your emotional pit. That is precisely the purpose of this post. It will help you have a better perspective on things. It will provide you with the information you need to overcome emotional distress in your relationship.

So, if you see that several of the indications listed in this article are present in your relationship, you should take action. You must be capable of taking action. You must be careful not to put yourself in a compromising situation like that. You can't stand emotional assault for long. When you notice it in your marriage, you must be able to call your partner out on it; and if nothing changes, you must acquire the determination to simply walk away from everything.

1. You're not enthused about the prospect of your relationship's future.

You're not overjoyed at the prospect of spending the rest of your life with this individual, and there's a reason for that. You despise the state of your relationship right now. You despise how you're feeling as a result of your connection with your lover. You understand that things must alter or you will eventually drive yourself insane.

2. You are lonely and secluded.

Even if you're meant to be in a long-term relationship with someone, you nevertheless feel quite lonely. You feel so alone. You feel alone and alone, and it's hurting you on the inside. You are isolated from the rest of the world. You're on your own to cope with your troubles.

3. Your spouse constantly demeans and belittles you.

You have a spouse who is always attempting to pull you down, to convince you to believe you are useless and sad. You're with someone who brings you downward instead of lifting you up.

4. You have the impression that there is a perpetual cloud of negativity in your relationship.

No matter how hard you try, your relationship is always so bad. You attempt to be as optimistic as possible, but your partner's negativity constantly seems to outweigh your efforts. You are never happy or pleased in your relationship.

5. Your spouse bombards you with ultimatums and threats.

You have a spouse that is constantly seeking for ways to threaten you. Every threat is an example of emotional manipulation. Your lover is attempting to persuade you to do something you don't want to do by dangling your love and relationship right in front of you as a bargaining chip.

6. Your partner is continually condescending towards you.

Your lover clearly regards you as a lower being. You're married to someone who does not consider you a partner. You are with someone who does not treat you equally.

7. You always feel as though you have to proceed cautiously around your spouse.

You know that even the little thing may set off your mate. You can tell you're with someone whose lid is about to explode at any moment. As a result, you always feel like you have to be extra cautious. In your own marriage, you are never made to feel protected.

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About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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