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Why hiccups come, know the reason and ways to stop it

Why hiccups come

By SanaPublished about a year ago โ€ข 3 min read

Hiccups are a common and often annoying occurrence. They can occur unexpectedly and can be disruptive to daily activities, such as speaking, eating, and sleeping. While hiccups are generally harmless, they can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. In this article, we will explore the causes of hiccups, their effects on the body, and ways to stop them.

What are Hiccups?

Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle. The diaphragm is a large muscle located between the chest and the abdomen, which helps with breathing. When the diaphragm contracts, air is drawn into the lungs. When it relaxes, air is expelled from the lungs. During a hiccup, the diaphragm contracts involuntarily, causing a sudden intake of air that produces the characteristic "hic" sound.

Hiccups can occur for a variety of reasons and are typically short-lived. However, in some cases, they can persist for an extended period of time, causing discomfort and disrupting daily activities.

Causes of Hiccups

Hiccups can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Eating too quickly or too much: This can cause the stomach to become distended, which can irritate the diaphragm and trigger hiccups.

Consuming spicy or acidic foods: These foods can irritate the esophagus and cause hiccups.

Drinking carbonated beverages: The carbonation in these beverages can cause the stomach to distend and irritate the diaphragm.

Consuming alcohol: Alcohol can irritate the esophagus and stomach, leading to hiccups.

Sudden changes in temperature: Going from a cold environment to a warm one, or vice versa, can cause hiccups.

Emotional stress: Anxiety and stress can cause the body to go into a state of fight-or-flight, which can trigger hiccups.

Medical conditions: Hiccups can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), pneumonia, or a stroke.

Effects of Hiccups on the Body

While hiccups are generally harmless, persistent hiccups can have negative effects on the body. Prolonged hiccups can cause:

Fatigue: Hiccups can be tiring and cause a person to feel fatigued.

Dehydration: Prolonged hiccups can cause a person to become dehydrated, which can lead to other health issues.

Malnutrition: If hiccups persist, they can interfere with a person's ability to eat and drink, leading to malnutrition.

Social embarrassment: Hiccups can be embarrassing, especially if they occur in public or during an important event.

Ways to Stop Hiccups

While hiccups are generally short-lived and do not require medical attention, there are several ways to stop them. These include:

  • Holding your breath: Taking a deep breath and holding it for as long as possible can help stop hiccups.
  • Drinking water: Drinking a glass of water quickly can help to interrupt the hiccup reflex.
  • Gargling with water: Gargling with water can help to stimulate the vagus nerve, which can stop hiccups.
  • Eating something sweet or sour: Eating a spoonful of sugar or a wedge of lemon can help to stimulate the vagus nerve and stop hiccups.
  • Breathing into a paper bag: Breathing into a paper bag can help to increase the carbon dioxide levels in the blood, which can help to stop hiccups.
  • Pull Your Knees Up to Your Chest: Another way to stop hiccups is to pull your knees up to your chest while sitting down. This can help stretch the diaphragm and stop hiccups.
  • Use Pressure Points: Pressing on certain pressure points on the body, such as the area between the thumb and forefinger, can also help stop hiccups.

Try Other Remedies

There are many other remedies that people claim can help stop hiccups, such as drinking a glass of warm water with honey, biting on a lemon, or drinking pickle juice. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these remedies.

When to See a Doctor

In most cases, hiccups are not a cause for concern and will go away on their own. However, if hiccups persist for more than 48 hours or are accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, or vomiting, you should see a doctor.

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