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This cheap leafy vegetable helps nourish the liver, nourish the heart, fight cancer and diabetes

Summer is very diverse with vegetables, but not everyone knows how to take advantage of this extremely cheap vegetable with many health benefits.

By Ken aquariumsPublished 7 days ago 4 min read

Water spinach is considered one of the popular vegetables, extremely popular, easy to buy and cheap in our country. Most people eat spinach out of habit, preference or because of its cheap price without knowing that hidden behind it is a treasure trove of nutrients and valuable benefits for health and beauty.

Nutrition in spinach, in addition to protein and fiber, also contains vitamin C, B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium... and many other antioxidants.

Health benefits of spinach

Here are some surprising health benefits of spinach that not everyone knows:

Good for the liver

This leafy vegetable has been shown to have many substances that help protect the liver from damage. Especially the ability to regulate detoxification enzymes with free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties. Therefore, spinach helps protect the body against liver damage caused by toxic chemicals. At the same time, this leafy vegetable also helps cool and clear the body, improving and protecting liver function. Fiber and niacin in spinach help reduce fatty liver.

Cardiovascular protection

Water spinach contains high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C and beta-carotene. These are antioxidants that reduce free radicals in the body, thereby preventing cholesterol from oxidizing. This reduces the risk of blood clots, clogged arteries and many other cardiovascular diseases.

Folate in spinach also helps metabolize homocysteine ​​- a potentially dangerous substance that can lead to heart attack or stroke. Or the magnesium in spinach has the effect of naturally lowering blood pressure. This vegetable is also extremely rich in iron so it is good for the blood, increasing the number of red blood cells. Niacin and fiber in spinach help reduce bad blood fat effectively.

Reduce the risk of cancer

Experts concluded that spinach contains up to 13 different types of antioxidant compounds. These substances can remove harmful free radicals from the body, thereby hindering the multiplication of cancer cells. In particular, spinach is very effective in helping prevent rectal cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer and breast cancer if eaten regularly in moderate amounts.

Prevent diabetes

In addition to fiber content, spinach also contains a compound similar to insulin that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that eating spinach regularly enhances the ability to fight oxidative stress that leads to diabetes. In traditional medicine, spinach is also a dish that helps prevent and reduce gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

Boost immunity and sleep better

This leafy vegetable is very nutritious, especially rich in vitamin C, so it has become a cheap dish that helps you strengthen your immune system very well. It also helps clear heat, detoxify, reduce stress and increase good bacteria in the intestines. This helps the immune system become stronger. In addition, selenium and zinc in spinach have the effect of relaxing the nerves, giving you a good night's sleep.

Improve digestion

Water spinach is rich in fiber and contains a lot of water, so this is a food that helps you naturally reduce digestive disorders. Thanks to its laxative properties, dishes from spinach and boiled water spinach are beneficial for people with constipation and indigestion.

Eating spinach can reduce intestinal acidity and prevent intestinal bacterial imbalance. Water spinach is also used to treat worms.

Good for bones and eyes

Few people know that spinach is very good for the eyes. It is rich in carotenoids, vitamin A and high in lutein. These are important nutrients for the eyes. Water spinach also helps the body produce glutathione - an important substance that prevents cataracts. At the same time, spinach also contains high levels of calcium so it is good for bones, and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce pain caused by arthritis.

Treatment of skin diseases

Water spinach tops can be used as a poultice to treat a number of skin diseases, effectively treating acne, eczema and psoriasis. Besides, spinach also helps reduce pain and stinging when itchy skin due to rashes or insect bites.

Beauty benefits of spinach

Green leafy vegetables like spinach are rich in antioxidants, preventing cell damage and reducing wrinkles to a significant extent. Therefore, regularly eat spinach to prevent and reverse the aging process inside the body as well as skin aging. Besides, thanks to being rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, carotenoids and lutein, spinach will give you youthful, bright, smooth skin.

This vegetable also helps nourish hair, reduce hair loss and nourish nails thanks to its rich mineral content. The anti-inflammatory properties of spinach are also beneficial for treating dandruff and reducing bad breath. It is rich in fiber, low in calories, suitable for weight loss and slimming diets. At the same time, it also supports faster weight loss by reducing bad cholesterol and triglycoside levels in the body, increasing metabolism and detoxification.

Some notes when eating spinach

Although it is very familiar and has many uses, when eating spinach you also need to keep in mind a few things.

Water spinach easily contains worms and harmful microorganisms, so wash it thoroughly, eat it cooked and drink it boiled

Choose to buy fresh water spinach from reputable places. Because this vegetable is often grown in aquatic environments, it is easily contaminated with bacteria that are harmful to the body. You should prioritize eating shallow-grown water spinach or wash it thoroughly, making sure to eat it cooked and drink it boiled. It is best to wash the vegetables and then soak them in diluted salt water or vegetable washing solution for 30 minutes. When cooking, cook over high heat for a short time, limit opening the lid to avoid nutrient loss.

You should also not eat too much spinach or only eat this type of vegetable. Need a variety of vegetables to supplement nutrition, the amount of spinach to eat is about 100 - 300g per person a day is best.

There are some cases where water spinach should not be eaten, such as severe physical weakness, cold sores, open wounds on the skin, and water spinach should not be used. Wait until the above symptoms are completely gone before using. When taking oriental medicine, you should not eat too much spinach because it can reduce the effectiveness of the medicine.

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About the Creator

Ken aquariums

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (1)

  • Mark Graham7 days ago

    This is a very interesting article. I am a person who really likes spinach and I really have not heard of this variety though.

 Ken aquariumsWritten by Ken aquariums

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