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The 12 Must-Have Skills for Professional Growth: Get Ahead in Your Career

Maximizing Your Career Potential: The 12 Skills You Need to Succeed

By KamyaPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly command respect and influence others, while others struggle to make a lasting impact? While there's no magic formula for gaining psychological power, there are certain principles and techniques that have been proven to work time and time again. Here, we're going to explore the 12 laws of psychological power, from understanding the importance of framing your message to mastering the art of persuasion.

1)Set yourself apart.

Sometimes good work can go unnoticed. Merely having a strong work ethic isn't enough to attain power. Those who achieve success and power are individuals who work hard and receive recognition.

It's easy to become overshadowed and forgotten if you don't stand out. You must take every chance to prove yourself and display leadership skills. By standing out, you can accomplish your goals before others do.

Image by Susanne Jutzeler, Schweiz 🇨🇭

2) Concel your intentions

It's essential to keep your intentions hidden, especially in negotiations. For instance, when you're buying a car, you should keep your excitement in check, so the salesperson doesn't sense your eagerness.

This is because if the salesperson knows your intentions, they can have the upper hand in the discussion and charge you more. On the other hand, if you act indifferent, you gain more power, and the salesperson will try to persuade you to buy by lowering the price. To maintain control in any interaction, give others enough information to remain interested, but don't reveal you're true intentions.

3)Actions over arguments.

Arguments are typically unproductive, regardless of how much effort you put into them. While you may feel vindicated by winning an argument, it doesn't always translate to gaining power.

Instead of wasting your time and energy arguing, let others argue and become defensive, while you focus on taking action. Your actions will speak for themselves and gain you more support and respect than a good argument ever could.

4) Be mindful of your speech.

The more you talk, the less valuable your words become, and this is a crucial principle of psychological power. By speaking only when necessary, you can increase the impact of your words and make people more inclined to listen to you.

This can help you earn their respect and be taken seriously. Additionally, being cautious about what you say can prevent you from making mistakes, such as leaking sensitive information or making promises you can't keep. By being intentional with your words, you can gain psychological power.

by Ilargian Faus on pexels.com

5)Build your confidence.

Along your journey to success, you will encounter numerous obstacles, failures, and setbacks. It's important to understand that your luck may run out, and some people may tell you to give up. However, giving up will rob you of your psychological power.

To strengthen your psychological power, cultivate confidence in yourself. Celebrate your small successes, and let each victory build your self-worth and give you the courage to tackle your next challenge. Remember that psychological power is not only about how you relate to others but also how you treat and motivate yourself.

6) Consider hiring your enemies.

Your friends can sometimes be a hindrance to your success. We tend to overlook their flaws and put too much trust in their decisions, which can lead to disappointment and setbacks.

Even when we trust someone, they can betray us, and this can negatively affect our careers. Instead of relying on friends who may let us down, it may be beneficial to hire someone we don't trust or even consider our enemy.

Having a clear-headed, objective perspective can be an advantage in making decisions. Moreover, people we don't trust have more to prove, so they may be more loyal and work harder to achieve results. While friends are important in life, they can take away our power without even realizing it.

7)People Prioritize their interests more.

People tend to prioritize their own interests over others. So, if you're looking for a favor, don't expect people to help you out of pure selflessness. They are more likely to assist you if they perceive they have something to gain from it.

If the return doesn't match what they give, chances are you won't get the assistance you need. To increase the likelihood of receiving a favorable response, avoid focusing on kindness or appreciation. Instead, appeal to their self-interest by explaining how they will benefit. Persuade them that by helping you, they will solve their own problems.

8) Avoid commitment.

Avoid making unnecessary promises or commitments. Commitments can be risky, as they may force you to take sides, putting you in a tight spot if things don't go as planned. This is why powerful people tend to avoid committing to a specific side or perspective.

They keep their options open and remain flexible so that they can take advantage of any situation. By not committing, they are committed only to themselves, which keeps them in control of the situation.

9) Play yourself down.

It is a natural human desire to feel intelligent. If you want to win people over, make them feel smart. Sometimes, you may have to downplay your own intelligence to achieve this. However, if you can act unintelligent, it shows that you have nothing to prove.

It is important to remember that most people are not interested in how smart you are, but rather, they want to feel smart themselves. If you make them feel smart and confident in their ideas, you will gain their favor. Trying to prove your intelligence, on the other hand, may lead to making enemies.

10) Support your superiors.

If you aspire to progress in your career, it's essential to demonstrate respect to your superiors. You shouldn't try to outperform them or steal their thunder. Your bosses can play a critical role in helping you climb the career ladder. Therefore, you must cultivate a positive working relationship with them. Become their right-hand person and don't view them as your competition.

When a potential opportunity arises, your bosses are more likely to recommend those who support them rather than those who don't. This may involve making your bosses feel more significant than they are and giving them more credit than they deserve, but it's crucial to remember that respecting and supporting your superiors is necessary for success.

11) Set Anger Aside

Are you quick to lose your temper? If so, anger can become a significant obstacle to success. Anger can cloud your judgment, making you impulsive, close-minded, and selfish. If someone knows how to make you angry, they can take advantage of you.

Instead of reacting with anger, it's essential to distance yourself from the source of your frustration. Being indifferent is a far more effective way to deal with such situations than reacting with anger. By ignoring someone, you strip them of their power and make them work harder for your attention. Strong emotions can impair your decision-making abilities, so it's essential to remain calm and objective in difficult situations.

So remind yourself to calm down, calm down! lol :)

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

12) The Calm Rush

Time is a crucial aspect of psychological power. Those who excel in time management have a lot of influence. They can accomplish significant amounts of work in a single day without succumbing to stress or pressure. Successful people are often composed and collected, never appearing rushed or stressed.

It's crucial to avoid rushing as it can lead to anxiety and hurt your reputation. Instead, stay in control of your time and schedule to maximize your psychological power. By doing so, you can become more effective and efficient in achieving your goals.

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About the Creator


We should enjoy every moment fully, fall in love, make the most of our time, and live without regret. We should cherish the fact that there are still many moments in life that we have yet to experience for the last time.

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