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Meditations on Consciousness, God and Optimising Humanity to Live in Perpetual Bliss

The journey from Survival Mode to Enlightenment (Fear to Love) is rarely something that happens by chance or is given to you. It happens by choice. Repeated, consistent choices. Your choices.

By Kayleigh Fraser ✨Published 4 months ago 21 min read
Meditations on Consciousness, God and Optimising Humanity to Live in Perpetual Bliss
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

When you find yourself alone and without distraction from outside sources for months on end - there is very little left to do but to turn all of your attention inward.

Especially whilst existing in a Buddhist country it would be extremely difficult not to realise the similarities between the Buddhas path and my own. A path that actually began many, many years ago for me. Once upon a time in the year I was 21 and stumbled upon a second hand book fare in an old sugar plantation on the north shore of Oahu. There, sitting atop one of the local market stalls, was a little orange book that insisted I buy it.

I tried to walk away from this book many times and on each I was powerfully, magnetically turned back. I still remember laughing aloud in deep confusion as to why I was seemingly unable to put down the book, walk away and stay away. Even the stall owner laughed gently and told me that sometimes books do indeed choose us.

As a young woman who had only really heard passing references to Buddhism in high school Religious Education, I had little interest in the book’s title or content at that time. I was undertaking my first ever solo travel adventure to the most exciting place I had ever been or imagined going to. I didn’t need nor want it.

By Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Each time I would put down the book and start to walk away, I would feel my body stop and watch my hand reach back and pick it up again. I had by now read the back cover many times, opened and closed it, returned it and kept telling myself I was in Hawaii - I was supposed to be having fun and really ought to choose something light to read. If I even wanted to read!

Being of broken attachment, I had brought a ridiculous 25kg on my back which already included two books that I hadn’t even started reading yet - why would I buy another? What interest did I have in this? Especially at $8. Especially given my extremely tight budget and that food on this island had proved far more expensive that the guidebooks had credited.

I walked around the market for perhaps another half hour before heading back outside to my hired bicycle and to continue on the epic journey I had embarked upon. A cycle ride that I really did not wish to add any more weight to! It was now midday, the sun was burning hot and my lack of fitness was being to be powerfully challenged!

By Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

And this would be again when that force that I cannot explain in any way other than God* sent me back inside.

With absolutely no understanding of why and against my own will, I walked back inside, found the stall again and exchanged my hard earned dollars to become the rather unwilling new owner of this book. The entire scene was far beyond my comprehension, logic or understanding that day. Which explains why I forgot all about this until now.

[When we lack understanding - our mind will quickly dismiss, forget and / or distract from the event. This is especially true for minds which are heavily programmed to believe only in the tangible, physical and visible. What we cannot quickly file into a mind folder of already known information - we release. The mind doesn’t like untidiness or loose ends so it just moves on.]

It is only as I look back now that I see just how early in life this guidance was present and powerfully influencing me. This past year it felt like a new happening in my life but reflection tells me I’ve had countless moments like this - being guided against my own rationalisations and logic. Something beyond me. Something unexplainable.

Definitions of God

** I am very open to all definitions of this word because I believe it’s quite probable that one, some or ALL are indeed correct (for they don’t necessarily contradict each other).

Some define God as Nature. All that is. The invisible force connecting every atom of existence. Some define God as the collective souls of all ancestors (and animals) who ever walked this earth.

God could be you and everything and everyone you see around you is a projection of your complex internal state. All shattered pieces and fragments of yourself.

Is it all because of a white man on a throne who was the creator of all life? It’s a very simplistic and the somewhat typical view of religion from the working classes of the western world. All spiritual and religious people I hve met do not hold this view.

However, just because it seems far less likely than other theories - none of us actually know. Could be. 💁‍♀️

By Jesson Mata on Unsplash

Perhaps God is a couple. The energies of sacred masculine and feminine which (when in balance) have the power to create worlds. Did it all begin with these sacred energies forming man and woman as physical manifestations? A couple who then realised their own magic and set to work designing the rest?

Are we all fragments of the fallen world that they created and the Jewish / Christian / Muslim Adam and Eve story wasn’t actually too far from the truth? Just a little glossed and modified by patriarchy over the centuries…

Perhaps what we believe to be a connection to God is actually just an alien signal. A species of higher consciousness on the outside sending messages to us through vibrations that we interpret with our senses (thoughts, sight, smell etc are all a translation of these vibrations. They are manipulating our reality to advance our consciousness. We are the animals by comparison and they are training us.

By Giovanni Calia on Unsplash

Right now do you really think that any conscious species would make contact with Earth? Absolutely not. That would be like the chirpy and chatty Graham Norton rocking up in a pink suit to a cocaine den in Mexico City and expecting to make friends. It’s not going to end well. Obviously.

With that theory - perhaps this species of higher consciousness aren’t even aliens. Perhaps they are the original humans who left earth before it plunged into energetic darkness. The mythical, original ancient Egyptians. Those who had mastered the art of life and gained their immortality. They are out there still trying to help those of us stranded here to evolve and join them.

By Omar Elsharawy on Unsplash

Some people do genuinely believe the earth is flat and that there is a gate to another world beyond Antarctica - reasoning that’s why the most remote place on earth is so heavily militarised.

Perhaps it is. Perhaps the most sensitive and loving people live behind a crystal ice wall shielding them from the anger, hostility and poisonous low frequency energies of the present day collective human consciousness. If they exist I hope they rescue me soon.

(Joking, not joking).

By Tengyart on Unsplash

These theories would certainly explain why the purer your system and the higher your energy is (appreciative, loving) - the more synchronicities, luck and wisdoms you receive. It’s as if these beings are choosing to help protect, teach and guide only those who are worthy of their wisdom. Those who can and will use it for good as opposed to those self poisoning with alcohol and numbing their sensitivity or complicit in the murder of innocent creatures, for examples.

Or is this reality all a simulation and we are like Sims in someone’s computer game? Given the sacred geometry and mathematics that make up the world we live in it seems impossible that it was not designed. It is also statistically unlikely that we are not in a simulation. In which case that would make God the creator of the game.

A game which blesses us when we follow the rules. Rules which are sewn into the fabric of the reality. God may be watching and playing, or he/ she / they / it (you?!) may just have written the program in a way where the program responds to us and they have left to create other worlds - whilst leaving us all the clues we need to become Gods (creators) ourselves if we choose to follow the right paths.

By Compare Fibre on Unsplash

Perhaps it’s not a game per se. Perhaps a species exactly like us learned to clone itself using AI and biological membranes and we are the clones. They created a selection of us in different colours, shapes and sizes and put us all together on earth. They gave the wisdom for living joyfully (gods “commandments”) and warned us never to infect our bodies with animal consciousness. But we did. Or someone did. And the rest is history. One mouthful of snake flesh and Pandora’s box flew open, plunging us all into hell.

The ‘stars’ we see above could actually be cameras from those other worlds (the ‘real’ world) and we are just the celebrities of the ultimate galactic AI reality show. Some of us are stars. Some are background characters.

Somewhere out there beings may well arguing for our human rights, saying that it’s unethical to cage us and watch us like this - whilst others may say we don’t have rights because we are just AI and not sentient. Just as we say about the fish we imprison in tanks and aquariums, birds in cages and animals in zoos. Others may say we deserve all we get for that very reason. We are collectively cruel, so why should we be treated respectfully?

I could go on for months with such theories - my point is - the word God really can mean anything. I mean, more accurately God really means Everything.

We don’t know what that Everything actually is or how it came to be and we may never know.

Whether this world is simulated or not, whether we are real or not, whether God is nature or a computer game designer…. Whether we ARE god playing at a human experience and WE are all that is?!

It actually doesn’t matter.

By Ben White on Unsplash

What matters is the understanding that there are patterns to follow to live healthily and joyfully on this earth and there are patterns to follow to exist in suffering and disease.

Those patterns that you are living in dictate whether you have health, joy and connection (or not) and they are all are a result of your choices and (going back to your foundation / inherited karma / state of consciousness at birth and growing up) the choices of your ancestors.

By Letizia Bordoni on Unsplash

To live in suffering is to live without effort or when you are putting your efforts to unappreciative places (which are thus depreciating you) with unsustainable energy fuelling you (you are jacked up on caffeine, sugar and chocolate, lack in sleep etc etc) leaving you completely depleted and in low vibrational frequency. And in a universe founded upon the Law of Attraction - you will only experience things that are at the same frequency you emit.

To live in joy and love takes effort, consistency, patience, devotion and faith. To live with peace takes you to correctly protect your energy which requires great awareness. It all takes deliberate choice. Repeated choice. It takes choosing patterns that appreciate your energy longterm - no matter how pressured or compelled you feel in the short term (internally or externally) to do otherwise.

By Egor Myznik on Unsplash

Something every religion has in common is that they are all attempting to teach you how to live in ways which will take you to a place of higher frequency and consciousness. God consciousness. The good feeling living I mentioned earlier. That place of inner peace and bliss. That frequency where love and sweetness pour out of you all the time.

Generally speaking - do not kill, lie, steal, cheat, be promiscuous or intoxicate yourself are common cores of each religion. These are acts which will take years, decades and in some cases their entire existence until death to recover from energetically speaking.

They take you so far from the path of God consciousness, create such trauma for you and others and set all beings involved on paths of disease. Which is probably why it was decided not to state these wisdoms as advisories.

Rather, they were shared as commandments.

By Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

But there is no surer way to make someone rebel than to tell them what they must do - especially when offering no true explanation as to why. Especially when the person listening does not trust the person instructing.

Trust is essential between teachers and pupils which is something missing en masse in Christian and Buddhist faiths. The worldwide sexual child abuse of young (especially) boys by Catholic priests and subsequent coverup by the church obliterated that essential trust. The imprisoning, forced labour and abuse of young women by Catholic nuns and selling of their babies has also scarred countless generations.

This widespread, worldwide and systematic abuse by the people entrusted as teachers and guides, has resulted in the most powerful mass aversion to religion we have probably ever experienced in earth. Which means the valuable and essential teachings which lay behind these false representatives are lost to the masses.

The same issues exist in the Buddhist faith also - certainly in Sri Lanka. Many young men I have met speak of how they will never go near a temple again. They angrily turned away from their faith after being abused by the monks who were entrusted to teach and care for them. They also see the corruption and political connections.

I can’t help but think that this is all something like refusing to go and view the house of your dreams because the estate agent is a creep. Of course it is off putting. In the cases of those who were abused (and for their biological children) it is far beyond off putting. Highly triggering would be more accurate.

By John Thomas on Unsplash

So What To Do?

What makes far more sense to me is to explain to young humans that every person can choose a infinite number of directions to take their life in - and that they are no exception to this. They are free and sovereign. However - some choices will lead them to unhappy or scary places and feelings which will prove challenging to undo, whereas other choices will lead them to great places and feelings.

We ought to be asking them to trust from the wisdom of our collective past experience (which is at the heart of religious text - it is collected lessons and learnings, philosophies on life and how best to live it) and for them to learn that certain actions will ALWAYS lead to immense suffering.

What actions are those? Well that’s back to the Ten Commandments again (and equivalents in the other religions). Murder will always lead to great suffering (and paying your butcher to do it doesn’t negate you from the karma), as will lying, cheating and stealing for example.

We can lovingly explain that there are no set rules (other than our country laws - which are always advisable to follow unless they go against moral conscience) and that exceptions always exist in the extremes - especially if your life is in danger - but the risk to reward must be greatly weighed before breaking any of them. To truly explain this we need to really understand Karmic principles - which the Christian / Jewish / Muslim faiths somewhat lack in.

(It’s worth noting that if you follow these advices in full and work to have good awareness and correct judgement your life will never reach such extremes where you would have to lie, steal or murder to stay alive)

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Back to the Book 😉

I remember enjoying the Teaching of Buddha immensely. I disliked and skimmed over the elements which seemed a little too ‘religious’ for my liking (from memory - something about repeating chants and instructing behaviours that sounded like a tutorial for programming OCD into a person).

Back then (as with many people who come from impoverished and traumatic beginnings) any reference to God or religion truly had me cringe inside. It’s probably the main reason I tried to talk myself out of buying the book in the first place. I still strongly resented having been force fed Christianity as a child.

The distaste of being forced to give 50p to a collection plate when my parents couldn’t even afford the 15p for the bus to school for my sister and I still lingered. As I looked around at the grand opulence of the church I was in, my 6 year old moral conscience told me it wasn’t right. None of it was right. Singing hymns about how much Jesus loved me also made no sense to a child who felt abandoned by love and was starved of affection.

However, much of this book was not ‘religious’ as I had expected. It was philosophy. It was (at that time) presenting the best argument I had ever heard in regards to what true love and virtue are, an explanation for human suffering that was teaching a way out of it and was the first book to help me understand attachment.

By Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Most importantly it taught me the distinct difference between attachment based ‘love’ (which is more accurate to call ‘addiction’) and true love. When people speak of love they are typically referring to the former with the conviction that is what love is - because that’s all they have ever known. It’s not love.

By Leo on Unsplash

All religions offer a path. A path that is to help you learn practices which protect, maintain and raise your energy and thus align you to higher love, consciousness and wisdom (which is the only place true freedom exists).

It’s helpful to use this analogy to gain my meaning here. Think of yourself as an analogue radio. A radio cannot emit high frequency songs if it’s not attuned to a high frequency station. If it is constantly tuning itself to low frequency stations it will play low frequency songs. It can only experience what it is tuned into.

By Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa on Unsplash

Thus you cannot live attuned to low frequency people, foods, intoxicants, songs, tv shows etc etc and expect to feel high frequency feelings (like love, generosity, grace, forgiveness). Instead you are conditioning yourself through those choices to remain stuck in low frequency feelings - such as anger, greed, jealousy, hostility and so on.

Your dial is stuck on Fear FM because you have practiced behaviours that make it nearly impossible to turn that dial anywhere else. And the catch 22? Being in fear makes us cling to the known. Even if it’s toxic. Which makes breaking out of these patterns of attachment and addiction one painful process.

The ego (who only exists in the fear frequencies) will work cleverly and tirelessly to keep you stuck. That’s the voice in your head telling you not to change. Giving you reasons not to. Telling you that it’s impossible or stupid to even try. It’s basically your shadow. It knows that once you step into the light it will cease to exist. And it is terrified of that. The ego fears death because it is not eternal. It was created after you were born. The image that you constructed to survive / be liked / accepted / ‘special’ etc.

By Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

The ego is so terrified of it’s demise that it becomes violently defensive when threatened by insight. Have you ever laughed away someone else’s opinion or angrily defended an opinion you were raised believing? This is your ego in action. Protecting itself.

Have you ever had the experience of trying to help an addict see the cycle they are trapped in? How well did that go?!

Their reaction is the ego.

The shadow.

The fear.

By Martino Pietropoli on Unsplash

So let’s say you are a truly conscious and loving person who doesn’t just look at all the suffering people of the world and want to alleviate - you acutely feel it. Your purpose is assisting in raising the consciousness of the others and optimising how best to do this. This is the heart of philosophy and religion. Concepts, ideas and beliefs about how best to do just that.

[Of course, in this world of light and dark, we also have opposing energies working to do the very opposite. There are many industries and individuals profiting immensely from the unconscious masses. Sadly in their own unconscious state of greed, they have no comprehension of the damage they are also doing to themselves in the process. That’s for another essay].

By GeoJango Maps on Unsplash

From each part of the world different systems came. Now of course we all know that if you have truly devised the best system - your devotees will be shining so brightly that everyone else flocks to see what you are doing better that them. You don’t need to argue, murder or enforce your religion by law. There isn’t just great irony in doing so, it’s utter lunacy. It’s the bigger, more traumatic equivalent of teaching your child not to hit by hitting them.

No religious war was ever actually was about uplifting people, however. For as much as I would love to paint them as being a highly misguided attempt to do that, I just can’t stretch that far. You don’t prove you care for someone by threatening them. Ever. My powerful disgust for such historic crusades has me need needing to skim over this quickly.

Men who have never felt love seek respect, power and control.

Anyone who has ever experienced love, seeks to love.

It may all sound very complicated but it is actually that simple. That’s the bottom line that this all boils down to.

By krakenimages on Unsplash

Each religion has many things right.

Each is also missing many things that the others offer.

All are currently being marketed under the concept of gods command rather than “loving advice for those who want to optimise their body, mind and experience of life”.

If I were in charge of their marketing policy? I would be rebranding with the message “don’t follow our system of optimisation because you believe you have to, follow because you want to live your life in a way where you get to experience it in all of its glorious magical fullness. Follow because you want to experience and SUSTAIN the best feeling you’ve ever felt or knew possible”. Followed by a lot of public apologies for past representatives of the system and explanations for misunderstood or not understood teachings.

By Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Happy and healthy life is not sustained by accident. It is sustained by effort. Optimism is only for the optimised. You need all your systems to be optimised within you to experience perpetual bliss that you are capable of and it takes continued effort to sustain it.

That effort stops feeling like ‘work’ once you reach the level of optimisation I am taking about. At this point your continued efforts are felt as devotion and ‘work’ is undertaken with a smile. You no longer spend time resenting anything or anyone who lowers your energy because you are more concerned with doing the work to get back to bliss in the shortest time possible. You also understand.

I have what I call the 85% rule when it comes to learning from or following anyone else’s path. I try to stay 85% open and 15% critical. I don’t believe it is healthy to follow anything or anyone 100%. You were born to walk your own path and add your own creative input to what you see on earth, not to blindly follow others. This absolutely includes reading any religious or philosophical text.

By Kirill Balobanov on Unsplash

This has served me extremely well and I am a strong advocate for others diving in and learning about religions from a multi- religion stance. The teachings of the Buddha are immensely valuable to the mind, as are the teachings of Jesus for the heart. Yoga philosophy strongly influenced the Hindu (and Buddhist) religions and has the single greatest understanding of sacred geometry - especially in regards to aligning the energies of the body. The Muslims have practically perfected the practical aspects of life in their teachings.

All blended together and put into practice? There’s serious power there.

By Fauzan Saari on Unsplash

And these I mentioned are just scratching the surface of the knowledge that exists for our optimism. Ancient Tibetan, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek philosophies are fascinating and expansive. Do you even realise the privilege you have today for learning? Priviledge that our ancestors did not have. Privilege your parents did not have.

You don’t have to travel halfway across the world to seek knowledge or even spend money for it. You don’t even need to leave your sofa for it. That’s a privilege that once was only available to kings and queens of the past - and what you have today is even better.

You have a device that you are reading this very article on. A portal to information. A vast library of information on practically any topic of your choosing. If you want to advance and learn, you will. For the majority of people ignorance and subsequent suffering are choices.

Choose better.

By Ben Kolde on Unsplash

Choose to direct your attention on your own optimisation. Finding out just how good you are supposed to feel and just how long you can sustain that feeling for. It’s what your soul is crying out for. It’s what your ego will go to war to resist. Who are you allowing to be in charge?

The false construct you, or the real you?


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About the Creator

Kayleigh Fraser ✨

philosopher, alchemist, writer & poet with a spirit of fire & passion for all things health & love related 💫

“When life gives you lemons,

Know you are asking for them.

If you want oranges, focus on oranges”


INSTAGRAM - kayzfraser

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Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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Comments (9)

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  • Babs Iverson4 months ago

    Wonderful and insightful essay!!! Enlightening!!! Loved it!!!

  • I am,yes i am. Very good job.

  • Test4 months ago

    I really enjoyed the discussion here. I have always been fascinated by other beliefs. On the whole, I think people spend too much time worrying about what comes after instead of being mindful of the life they are leading and the choices they are making. And the concept of hating another of killing in the name of a doctrine is shockingly arrogant. I have no idea what the 'truth' is, though I suspect there are many. But It doesn't much matter.

  • Excellent enlightening piece that I will enjoy over the holidays

  • I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your name in my notifications! I'm soooo happy you wrote this! Oooo, I was so glad you mentioned Antarctica! I've came across so many theories and videos that say the same thing that you said! I've also come across the theory where stars are actually cameras and also another one where it said that stars are holes poked through the container for us to breath. "Whether we ARE god playing at a human experience and WE are all that is?!" I've always heard of this saying, 'We're all spiritual beings at a human experience.' "But there is no surer way to make someone rebel than to tell them what they must do - especially when offering no true explanation as to why. Especially when the person listening does not trust the person instructing." The fact that there is no true explanation to why I should follow something is why I don't follow it. But if I feel it's valid and doesn't go against my moral values, I don't mind following it. Just like you, I'm 85% open and 15% critical. Whoaaaa, I knew about the sexual abuse of young boys by Catholic priests but I didn't know Catholic nuns were selling women's babies and Buddhist monks were abusive!!! "Murder will always lead to great suffering (and paying your butcher to do it doesn’t negate you from the karma), as will lying, cheating and stealing for example." That's what I tell people who argue with me saying that it's someone else killing their "food" for them. "To truly explain this we need to really understand Karmic principles - which the Christian / Jewish / Muslim faiths somewhat lack in." I think this is mainly because, please correct me if I'm wrong, they do not believe in reincarnation. You're so right about the blind leading the blind thingy. See, I've lost faith in my religion (Hinduism) and all religions as well. It's all about money and business and there's just so much of corruption and politics. I do believe God exists though and I have a personal relationship with God. I believe God is omnipresent so I don't need to go to temples. I can connect with God anywhere I want, deep in my heart.

  • Lana V Lynx4 months ago

    So glad to see you back, Kayleigh. Hope everything is alright with you and you are safe. I enjoyed this essay tremendously, and it put some ideas for me into better focus. You might be interested to read, if you haven't yet, Dalai Lama's book "Beyond Religion: Ethics for the Modern World." It also talks about how to become a better human without or beyond any religious path.

  • Paul Stewart4 months ago

    So, sorry, I've not fully read this yet, lassie. But, I had to comment to say, hope you're doing alright over there...missed your presence, Kayleigh!

  • Poppy 4 months ago

    YOU’RE BACK!!! I’ve missed you😩 hope you’re doing well!!

  • Sara 4 months ago

    I have no words but thank you 🙏🫶🥺

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