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Just A Normal Day


By StaringalePublished 6 months ago 3 min read

As the clock strikes 2:00 pm, sighs and chatter fills the air, echoing through the corridors of a bustling college. As the gates open a torrent of youthful exuberance is released into the world. The once bustling hallways now hum with a newfound sense of liberation. I grab my bag and step outside immediately my senses get overwhelmed by the symphony of voices and the vibrant energy that permeates the air. In the midst of it all I embarked on a leisurely stroll homeward. Taking a walk along the familiar path with the sun casting shadows on the pavement as if to tell that the nature itself is rejoicing in this moment of respite. The gentle breeze is like the very essence of freedom, allowing my thoughts to wander. The warmth from the sun engulfs me in a comforting embrace trying to infuse me with a renewed sense of vitality.

Each step I take feels like a small victory, a fleeting escape from the confines of academia. I pass by familiar faces, exchanging smiles and nods, some are animatedly engaged in conversations, their gestures painting vivid pictures in the air. Others find solace in the melodies flowing through their earphones, as they lose themselves in a world of their own creation. As I approach my destination, I can't help but carry a piece of this magical moment within me, forever etched in my memory.

As a weary traveler I finally reach the sanctuary of home, a wave of tranquility washes over my weary soul. The tiredness that felt as if the weight of the world was on my shoulders dissipated as soon as I layed on the couch after placing my bag on the table. A soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains cast a gentle glow upon the room as if illuminating the path to inner peace. Taking a deep breath I release the accumulated tensions like shedding the burdensome armor that shielded me from the outside world, revealing in the haven of familiarity and solace.

In this sanctuary of stillness, thoughts dance like wisps of smoke, weaving tales of forgotten dreams and untrodden paths. The mind becomes an artist, painting vivid landscapes of possibility and hope. Memories resurface, like old friends returning from distant shores, offering solace and reminding them of the threads that connect them to their truest self. Time seems to stretch, granting respite from the relentless march of obligations and responsibilities. 

The aroma of home-cooked lunch wafts through the air, instantly evoking a sense of comfort and nostalgia. Wandering into the kitchen I find a carefully prepared lunch awaiting their return, a testament to the love and care bestowed by my mother's hands. Filled to the brim with joy I savor each bite with gratitude, once my hunger is satiated I retreat to the cozy comfort of the couch. The symphony of relaxation plays on, a melody of serenity and self-discovery.

It is a time devoted solely to relaxation and introspection. Closing my eyes and allowing the strains of life to melt away, as if carried by a soft current into a realm of serenity. The gentle hum of silence is punctuated by the distant chirping of birds, lullying me into a state of blissful repose as the world outside fades to a mere whisper and the inner landscape unfurled in vibrant hues, revealing hidden dreams, aspirations, and the essence of my being.

Time becomes an ethereal concept, surrendering to the ebb and flow of thoughts and emotions. This sanctuary of the self, I find solace, renewal, and a profound connection to the essence of what it means to truly be home. Writing to you all from the comforts of my couch I am delighted to say that it is an enlightening experience that you must often have experienced but never took a moment to stop and think about it.


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  • Doc Sherwood6 months ago

    Your stories really do take me back to my own college days, because there's so much truth in each one. It is indeed very important to take time for yourself - essential, in fact, if you're going to maintain a healthy balance between you and your studies. It's not that I disliked the confines of academia, as you know, since I've spent my later life there too! However, as a student I always made sure to do plenty of what you do here, which is walking, rest, and reflection. That moves me on to the lovely irony of your title, because an afternoon spent with old memories, forgotten dreams and aspirations of what's to come is surely something special, and anything but normal! You also acknowledge those aspects of life to be thankful for, such as your mother's cooking (I know I've said it before, but I do like the sound of her!). So this is in fact a spellbinding tale of the truest kind of happiness, whose title reminds us we can all find that even in a normal day. Every student should read this piece, and be reminded to make good use of their couch. I remember mine!

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