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How This Book Helped Me To Set Boundaries and Find Peace

A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself

By Kabinga Charline MazabaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
 How This Book Helped Me To Set Boundaries and Find Peace
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

A few months ago, I was struggling with setting boundaries in my relationships. I didn't know how to say no without feeling guilty, and I was constantly getting taken advantage of. I felt like I was never really able to put my needs first, and I was starting to resent the people in my life. That's when a friend recommended this book to me, and it completely changed my life.

What This Book Taught Me About Setting Boundaries

One of the main things this book taught me is that it's okay to put myself first. For too long, I had been putting the needs of others before my own, and as a result, I was getting burned out. This book helped me to see that it's important to set boundaries in order to protect myself. It also taught me how to communicate my needs in a way that is assertive but not aggressive.

I no longer feel guilty when I say no, and I have been able to start putting my needs first without feeling selfish. As a result, I have been much happier and my relationships have improved significantly.

This Book Also Helped Me To Find Peace

In addition to helping me to set boundaries, this book also helped me to find peace within myself. One of the things that contributed most to my anxiety and stress was the constant comparison trap that we all fall into on social media. This book helped me to see that comparison is the thief of joy, and it's so important to focus on my own journey rather than comparing myself to others.

Since reading this book, I have been much more mindful about how social media affects me mentally and emotionally. I now make a conscious effort to limit my time on social media, and when I do scroll through my feed, I focus on being grateful for what I have instead of comparing myself to others. As a result, I have been feeling much more peaceful and content with my life.

One of the things that I appreciate most about this book is that it doesn't try to sugar-coat anything. The author is honest about the fact that making these changes isn't going to be easy. But she also provides readers with the tools they need to persevere when things get tough.

After reading this book, I feel like I finally have a roadmap for my personal growth journey-and that is something I am incredibly grateful for.

Boundaries are essential for a healthy and balanced life. They help us take control of our time, our energy, and our lives overall. But knowing how to set boundaries can be tough, especially if you're not used to doing it.

Here are a few tips I learnt in the book:

Communicate Your Needs

This is probably the most important tip on the list. If you don't communicate your needs, nobody else is going to do it for you. It can be difficult to speak up for yourself, but it's so important. Be assertive and clear about what you need and why you need it. People can't read your mind, so don't expect them to.

Be Selective With Your Time

One of the best ways to set boundaries is to be selective with your time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but how we choose to spend that time is up to us. Stop saying yes to things that don't align with your goals or that drain your energy. Start saying no to the things that don't serve you and yes to the things that do.

Know Your Priorities

In order to be selective with your time, you need to know your priorities. What is it that you want to accomplish? What are your goals? When you know what's important to you, it becomes much easier to say no to the things that aren't.

If you're struggling with setting boundaries or finding peace within yourself, then I would highly recommend this book. It has completely changed my life for the better, and I know it can do the same for you.

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About the Creator

Kabinga Charline Mazaba

- Blogger & Content Writer

- Founder of the clothing brand "Lifemotiva": a mission to inspire people to live their best lives.

- I help people who have experienced trauma in their lives to heal and move forward.

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