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Don't Be Fooled: 9 Indicators of Phony Nice People to Avoid

Don't Be Fooled: Recognizing Phony Individuals Through Their Behavior

By KamyaPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Anna Tarazevich: pexels.com

Determining whether someone is truly nice or just pretending to be can be quite challenging. It can be likened to distinguishing a genuine masterpiece from a well-crafted imitation. This is because some individuals are exceptionally adept at concealing their true feelings. Despite their skills, there are still a few indicators that reveal their insincerity. Identifying these signs can be useful in recognizing phony individuals. Be mindful of the following traits of fake nice people so that you can identify their deceitful behavior when you encounter them in the future.

1) Disappear when you need help.

Fake people tend to disappear when you need them the most. They may stick around when they need something from you, but as soon as you require their assistance, they are nowhere to be found. Whether you need emotional support or practical help, fake people can't be relied upon to provide it. They are simply too self-absorbed to take time out of their busy schedules to help someone in need.

While everyone has some degree of self-interest, genuine people are consistent in their actions and attitudes, both inside and out. In contrast, fake people will pretend to have attitudes, behaviors, and thoughts that are not truly their own to manipulate the person they are trying to impress. It's important to watch out for these types of individuals and seek out more authentic and meaningful relationships instead.

2) They are unwilling to listen.

It can be frustrating when someone doesn't listen to you. A fake person is someone who may ask a question but doesn't actually listen to your response.

They might pretend to listen, but their attention is elsewhere, whether they're on their phone, updating their social media status, or talking to someone else while you're trying to talk to them. As a result, they may react inappropriately to what you're saying, or change the topic altogether. It's also common for them to forget what you've said, which can be hurtful and lead to misunderstandings.

3) They keep cutting you off while you speak

It's not hard to recognize when someone is constantly interrupting you while you're speaking. This behavior is a clear indication that the other person is not genuinely interested in listening to what you have to say. Instead, they might just be talking at you, rather than engaging in a conversation with you. Even if this person appears to be friendly, their insincerity is revealed by their tendency to interrupt you.

4) It’s All About Them.

Individuals who are not genuine have a tendency to center everything around themselves. They possess a certain quality that compels them to seek validation from others. They frequently boast about their achievements and act in a superior manner. Once you perceive the self-centered behavior, it won't be long before you become aware of their insincerity.

5) Seek Attention To Validate Themselves.

When you come across an individual who seems to crave attention and approval constantly, it's typically because they're seeking validation that their personality is pleasing to others. Unlike authentic individuals who present themselves as they are, insincere individuals require you to accept the façade they've created. If you don't provide them with the attention they seek, it's evident that you aren't falling for their act, and this can leave them feeling disoriented and unsettled.

6) They enjoy flaunting their achievements

When a person is genuinely kind, they don't feel the need to draw attention to their actions. They may not even acknowledge their kindness themselves. On the other hand, when someone is being insincere, they often act in a way that highlights their supposed kindness, as they want others to see them in a positive light.

They may donate money or time to charity but then boast about it to others, or they may create an elaborate birthday cake without taking into consideration the recipient's preferences or allergies, solely to receive praise. False individuals are only kind if it serves their interests or helps them gain recognition for their behavior.

7) They're pretending to make everyone happy

Fake individuals are constantly trying to manage multiple tasks, which they cannot realistically handle. Their fear of rejection or inability to live up to their claims pushes them to agree to everything. As a result, they often make promises that they cannot keep, leaving many people feeling disappointed and ignored.

8) Exaggerate And Lie

After hearing the same stories from a fraudulent individual numerous times, it becomes apparent that they are unaware of their repetition. Over time, inconsistencies and outright lies become noticeable as they recount slightly different variations of their self-promoting anecdotes. Verifying their stories or information may reveal that they involve exaggerated or false self-praise.

9) They tend to gossip about other people's misfortunes.

It is often possible to distinguish between fake and genuine people based on how they speak about others. Individuals who are insincere in their niceness often talk about the misfortunes of others and pretend to be concerned, but they actually derive pleasure from feeling sorry for them. Initially, their behavior may appear sympathetic, which can create a positive impression of them.

However, if this behavior is frequent, it becomes clear that there is a deeper, unpleasant meaning behind it - they may actually enjoy discussing the negative things others are experiencing. This behavior is not nice at all and suggests that they might talk about you in the same negative manner as they do with others.

wellnessspiritualityself caresciencepsychologymental healthmeditation

About the Creator


We should enjoy every moment fully, fall in love, make the most of our time, and live without regret. We should cherish the fact that there are still many moments in life that we have yet to experience for the last time.

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