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45-year-old man died of cerebral infarction: There are 4 things not to do at night because of increased risk of disease

At only 45 years old, but having had such a severe stroke and cerebral infarction, the emergency doctor shook his head when looking at the patient's CT scan results.

By HK DecorPublished 3 days ago 3 min read

The 45-year-old man died late at night from a cerebral infarction

Mr. Cao (45 years old, from Shanghai, China), often tosses and turns in bed, unable to sleep. That day, he felt more uncomfortable than usual. His wife was worried and turned around to ask if he was okay. He covered his head with his hands, saying he felt uncomfortable, had dizziness and a headache, and probably had a cold. His wife asked if he needed to go to the hospital right now.

The man replied that it was too late to go, wait until tomorrow morning. It was this decision that caused the man to miss the best treatment opportunity. The next morning, the wife suddenly discovered that her husband was unresponsive so she quickly called an ambulance. 120 minutes later, the man was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead. The cause of his death was cerebral infarction.

At only 45 years old, but having had such a severe stroke and cerebral infarction, the emergency doctor shook his head when looking at the patient's CT scan results.

The patient showed symptoms of cerebral infarction at 12 o'clock at night. If you go to the hospital quickly at that time, you still have a chance to survive. Obviously, he missed the best time to dissolve the thrombosis, causing his condition to worsen and unfortunately to him to die.

After diagnosis, the man was taken to the intensive care unit for further treatment. He died 8 days later due to unsuccessful resuscitation.

The question is why did a 45-year-old man suddenly suffer such a large and severe cerebral infarction? What did he do before he got sick?

After asking his wife, the doctor learned that that day this man did a total of the following: Eat a lot of greasy dishes for dinner and drink alcohol. Around 9 p.m., his friends called him out for a drink again. At 11:00 p.m., he returned home, sat on the sofa, smoked, and watched TV until 11:40 p.m. before going to bed.

In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg. These are things Mr. Cao often does.

According to experts, the occurrence of cerebral infarction is related to unhealthy living habits. There are two special times when cerebral infarction occurs, one is in the morning, the other is in the evening. In the morning, the sympathetic nerves are excited, blood pressure is easily increased, at this time it is easy for a stroke to occur.

Absolutely do not do things at night because it can easily cause stroke or cerebral infarction

1. Drink a lot of alcohol at night

Many people have the habit of drinking alcohol at night. They feel that after a busy day, drinking a little wine can relieve fatigue. The problem is that once you drink too much alcohol, it will be difficult to control.

Drinking alcohol like that in one night, whether short-term or long-term, is very harmful. In the long term, it can easily lead to high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and a higher risk of cerebral infarction over time.

Many people already have basic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. If you drink alcohol at this time, your blood pressure will increase, easily causing cerebral infarction and stroke.

2. Eating too much food rich in fat, calories, and salt in the evening

Dinner is different from breakfast and lunch. It's best to eat less. Eat until 8 servings are full, then you should stop.

At the same time, dinner should be low in salt, low in fat and low in calories. A high-fat, high-calorie diet can easily lead to high blood pressure, dyslipidemia and high blood sugar levels, which will negatively affect the blood vessels in the brain.

3. Stay up late

Many people have the habit of staying up late and may never sleep before 12 o'clock at night. Staying up late is very harmful to your health, easily damaging the endocrine system, leading to increased secretion of many harmful hormones.

Over time, this habit can easily cause high blood pressure and diabetes. These are all high risk factors leading to cerebral infarction and stroke.

4. Smoking, emotional

Many people like to smoke when they stay up late, one cigarette after another. Smoking that much for a long time is very harmful to your health. Harmful substances in cigarettes, including nicotine, tar, nitrosamine, carbon monoxide... not only cause cancer but also easily damage blood vessels, causing brain infarction.

In addition, you should keep your mood stable at night and not be too emotional. The more emotional you are, the more excited your sympathetic nerves become, easily increasing your blood pressure, increasing the risk of stroke and cerebral infarction.

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HK Decor

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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  • Sweileh 8883 days ago

    Thank you for the interesting and delicious content. Follow my story now.

HK DecorWritten by HK Decor

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