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6 Indications That You've Found Your Future Husband

Feeling safe and protected by those we love and who love us is what gives us the courage to face whatever challenges life throws at us.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The older we get, the more we respect the things that truly count in life, and we tend to choose these things above the superficiality of worldly items. It's because with age comes maturity, and with maturity comes the realisation that money, power, a large house, automobiles, and parties are not what make a human being feel complete. True love, trust, and the sense of being loved, cared for, and respected are what complete us sentient beings. We are sustained by love. Feeling safe and protected by those we love and who love us is what gives us the courage to face whatever challenges life throws at us.

1. You are the person you are around him:

Most women have a history of falling into relationships with guys who never completely embraced them for who they were. Women understand what it's like to shoulder the burden of becoming someone else around the man they're seeing because he doesn't love her enough to accept her for who she is. Nobody deserves to feel unwanted and rejected for being their true selves. That's why, if you're in a relationship with a man who makes you feel completely at ease being yourself around him, you don't have to put on a show for him. Congratulations! He adores you for your good, terrible, and everything in between. You've struck gold. Not to mention your future husband, he is the appropriate man.

2. He's your happy place

He's the calm after a storm, the rainbow after a wet day. He is your safe haven, the reason for your grin, your comfort zone; in short, he is the one you go to after a bad day. When you're worked up, stressed out, angry, or upset, you simply want to be in his arms because he helps you forget about your problems and makes you feel like you'll never be alone through them. If you feeling insulated in this way, you've met your potential husband. Spending your life with a man who is there for you through thick and thin, whose love makes you stronger, is the man you should marry because you deserve nothing less.

3. He is the finest listener

He pays attention to what you say. He never makes you feel as though what you're saying is uninteresting, insignificant, or irrelevant to him. Instead of responding with "ohs," "mhmms," or "yeahs," he provides you advise, answers your inquiries with interest, and your words have worth to him. If this man is always interested in whatever you do and say, he genuinely cares about you. He's the proper person.

4. Your contentment is his prime concern

Meeting a man who finds his delight in yours is a truly divine gift. Not everyone will be pleased when you are happy. But if he loves you so much that his primary source of enjoyment is your happiness, fulfilment, and comfort, don't ever let him leave. Get married to him!

5. He is still setting up dates.

It's natural for the frequency of your dates to decrease after being in a relationship for a long period. Planned dates frequently morph into nights in front of the television vegging out on pizza as the two of you get more snug in your relationship and comfortable with each other. However, if your guy is still organising dates with you days or even weeks in advance, it's a dead giveaway that he's your future spouse. A man who is thinking about the future would go out of his way to impress you and keep you smiling. He may not take you to the most expensive places, but he will prepare a romantic picnic for the two of you in the park. He does these things because he knows they make you happy, and he is eager to do whatever it takes to keep your relationship alive.

6.You Share Similar Values

When it comes to marriage, it's critical to ensure that you and your potential spouse are on the same page when it comes to the main problems in life. As time passes, the two of you should sit down and talk about how many children you want to have, where you want to raise your family, and any other critical concerns that may arise in your relationship.

If the two of you are on the same page and share the same ideals and values, he is unquestionably your future spouse. If you and your partner can agree on what is most important to you,it does not imply that your marriage will be ideal, but it will make living as a married couple a little simpler in the long term.

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About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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