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Weight Loss Mindset: 5 Limiting Mindsets that Make Weight Loss Difficult

Shifting Perspectives: Transforming Mindsets for Lasting Weight Loss Results

By Vijay MistryPublished 17 days ago 9 min read

Have you ever attempted to lose weight? I've been there before. Even just a few months ago. For the last 30 years, I've assisted patients who wanted to improve their health. I studied how a weight loss mentality influences people and how such mindsets make weight loss challenging as a technical expert at listening to people. The good news is that we will triumph!

I spoke with Christine Carter on a recent episode of Your Hope-Filled Perspective podcast about how we can take charge of areas of our lives that are holding us back. We discussed her weight loss journey and the desire we have for a healthier body, mind, and soul in that episode. If you skipped it, you can listen to it here ( Hope for a Healthy Body, Mind, and Soul on Your Weight-Loss Journey

Weight loss mindset: what’s weighing you down?

In my three decades of working with patients, I've noticed that many people get depressed about themselves as people when they bear extra physical weight. They want to change their physical appearance and envision how their lives will change once they reach their "target weight. "However, studies show that the majority of people who lose weight gain it back and then some if they don't fix the restricting mindsets that got them there in the first place. Weight loss is just as much an emotional as it is a physical struggle. We must first change our minds to make long-term changes in our bodies and resolve weight loss mindsets.

Is it okay if I tell you about anything I've noticed? Many of the people I've met and even worked with may not have carried any extra physical weight, but our self-perceptions weigh us down emotionally and spiritually. I became an expert at listening to what people say and don't say, what they do and don't do, and what they mean as part of my professional practice. Physical manifestations of limiting attitudes and mindsets are common. You can see it in their expressions: their eyes can be blank, their smile is fake, or they walk with their shoulders bent over, as though they are weighted down by their self-perceptions.

Parents, teachers, coaches, and those in positions of influence over us during our childhood years can often instill in us values that restrict us. Often those convictions come from the Father of Lies, who is always telling us we aren't good enough, smart enough, small enough, brave enough, and so on. In my work with others, I've seen several instances where my patients have no idea what beliefs or lies they had agreed to!

There is a reason that God’s word tells us to take every thought captive! “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV). Every day, we have between 50 and 70,000 feelings. As a result, capturing every thought requires a significant amount of effort. However, if we don't take control of our emotions, they will run amok in our minds, hearts, and lives.

Taking your thoughts captive

My family and I recently relocated across the United States. In front of the home, the previous owner created a lovely garden. I'll never forget: one of the things that drew me to the house was the backyard. Though I spend much of my time indoors writing, planning for speaking engagements, or hosting a podcast, I feel most at ease when I'm outside...until I'm not. What exactly do I mean? This year, I wanted to give our yard a personal touch by planting a couple of new garden beds. My plants have been ordered, so I need to remove all grass, weeds, and roots before they arrive to make the soil pliable for planting. I just spent an entire day (8 hours!) in You're right... You can't break free from your addiction (which may be to food, comfort eating, rational thinking, negative self-talk, etc.) on your own, however, God can and wants to. the backyard. Working in the garden allows me to think, reflect, and converse with God in a calm and quiet environment. I realized about a third of the way through my day that I had spent the majority of my time having an imaginary conversation with a friend who had deeply hurt me. I had already lost my peace by the time I knew it. Since I had not taken any of my thoughts hostage, the pain continued to wash over me like the ocean waves pounding the shore.

I was still agitated later that night. I recently listened to a podcast in which we were encouraged to not only capture every thought but also to “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is real, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable–if something is excellent or praiseworthy–consider such things” (Phil. 4:8 NIV). I could have kept my peace and avoided reliving a very traumatic experience if I had caught myself early in my downward spiral of thinking and consciously altered the course of my thoughts.

Limiting mindsets that make weight loss difficult

There are many restricting mindsets that must be overcome to achieve a lighter body, mind, and soul when it comes to weight loss (physical, mental, and spiritual).

1. I Can’t

You're right... You can't break free from your addiction (which may be to food, comfort eating, rational thinking, negative self-talk, etc.) on your own, however, God can and wants to.

“However, he told me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is perfected in weakness.' As a result, I will gladly boast about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power can rest on me” (2 Cor. 12:9 NIV).

2. Fear of Failure

Fear of failure can be a paralyzing force that prevents us from even trying to make meaningful changes. We are afraid that failing in an attempt will make us feel much worse about ourselves than we already do. When you're afraid of failing, you'll think something like this:

You can think of other times in your life when fear of failure has prevented you from doing everything that God has planned for you. And, in answer to the fear of failure, God says, "The Lord is on my side; I will not be afraid." What can a man possibly do to me?” “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,” says Psalm 118:6. (Rom. 8:1).

3. Wanting Fast Results

I'll admit something: I'm not really the most patient guy. In a male-dominated industry, I've worked as a professional businesswoman. I'm used to focusing on the future and achieving my objectives. However, I like to see fast results for my efforts.

Recall a time when I was newlywed and decided to improve our landscaping, so I planted seeds and waited. The problem was that when I went back to check on my garden a few days later, I was disappointed to see that nothing had sprouted! On my weight-loss journeys, I've been the same way. We've all heard it, but it's especially true in this case when it comes to losing weight on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level: We didn't get into this situation immediately, and we can't hope to lose weight quickly either. If it's a pound on the scales or the weight of believing the enemy's lies. God has a few words for you about this mindset:

4. All or Nothing Thinking (a.k.a. Perfectionism)

This might not have affected you, but I've struggled to get started, or even restart, when I've gotten off track or worried that I wouldn't be able to do it perfectly. I recall a time when I was working hard to improve my fitness... I consumed more whole foods, exercised regularly, and made sufficient rest a priority. But then we were invited to another family’s home for lunch. Not wanting to be impolite or seem ungracious, I “cheated” on my healthy eating plan in favor of pasta, garlic bread, and a delectable dessert. Once I got off track at lunch, instead of extending myself grace and forgiveness, I reasoned that since I had already messed up, I might as well eat whatever I wanted at dinner too.

Instead, I wanted to understand that the enemy is always watching our every move. He has a good idea of how we will respond in any given situation. And he took advantage of that when I went out to lunch with a friend to persuade me that I couldn't do this right. God, on the other hand, offers mercy, knowing that it is only with His assistance and with Him as my priority that I will be able to prioritize my well-being and make better decisions, regardless of my previous mistakes.

Since He knows we are incapable of perfection, God never demands it of His children. He does, however, inspire us to do everything we do with zeal as if we were doing it for Him. “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive an inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians 3:23-24). God never expects perfection from His children because He knows we are incapable of it. However, He motivates us to do everything we do with enthusiasm as if we were doing it for Him. “And whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive an inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians 3:12–23)

5. Feeling Deprived and Left Out

When it comes to losing weight, it's easy to get caught up in all the things we're missing out on some off-limits foods, socializing over meals, and for others, limiting calories from alcoholic beverages.

The same is true when we talk about the weight we carry around in our minds and in our hearts. So often we are weighed down by feeling left out, rejected, or abandoned by others. That often leads to the devastating question, “What’s wrong with me?”

What if I told you that you are perfectly healthy? All of us were created with an inherent desire to be cherished, embraced, and included by God. God foresaw the problems we'd face and wrote about them in His Word to inspire us.

He also has something to say about our sense of deprivation: “Through our understanding of him who called us by his own glory and goodness, His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life” (2 Peter 1:3 NIV).

I feel compelled to share that verse alongside the verse, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not normal to man." God is faithful, and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your capacity, but he will also provide a way out of the temptation so that you can bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

I'm not sure where you are on your journey; whether you're trying to lose a few pounds in time for bathing suit season, or you're struggling with restricting mindsets, attitudes, and lies. In any case, I encourage you to ask Him to reveal your weight-loss mindsets and to assist you in overcoming them.

wellnessweight losslifestylehealthfitnessdietbodybeautyaging

About the Creator

Vijay Mistry

I am an Internet Marketer, Video and Affiliate Marketer. I promote sell digital products online. I like sharing meaningful content online in different niches which adds value for the viewer.

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