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Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki

Brief history and explanation

By Priestess GanesaPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki is a spiritual practice that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. It is based on the belief that everyone has a life force energy, or "ki" in Japanese, which flows through their body and maintains their physical and emotional well-being. When this energy is disrupted or blocked, it can lead to physical and emotional symptoms. Reiki practitioners believe that by channeling this energy and directing it to specific points on the body, they can help restore balance and promote healing.

The founder of Usui Reiki is Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. According to legend, Usui was inspired to develop Reiki after a spiritual experience in which he received a message from the divine. According to the traditional story, Mikao Usui received a divine message during a 21-day meditation retreat on Mount Kurama in Japan. The message came in the form of a spiritual awakening in which Usui experienced a powerful flow of energy moving through his body, culminating in a profound spiritual realization. He is said to have received the symbols and techniques of Reiki during this experience, which he later developed into the Usui System of Natural Healing.

The exact nature of the divine message is not explicitly described in the traditional accounts of Usui's experience, but it is commonly understood to be a realization of the fundamental interconnectedness of all things, and a recognition of the innate healing power that lies within each person. This insight became the basis of the Reiki system and its emphasis on the use of universal life energy to promote healing and well-being.

Usui’s system for channeling and directing energy for healing purposes is a non-invasive, gentle form of healing that can be performed on oneself or others. It involves the practitioner placing their hands on or near the recipient's body in a series of hand positions, and focusing on channeling their own life force energy into the recipient. The recipient may experience a warm or tingling sensation, and the practitioner may feel a similar sensation in their hands.

There are several hand positions for Usui Reiki that practitioners use to heal various parts of the body. The following are hand positions for Usui Reiki, the significance of each point, and what each point is associated with:

The Crown Chakra Position: The practitioner places their hands on the top of the head, covering the crown chakra. This position helps to balance the energy flow in the body, promoting spiritual connection and enlightenment.

Third Eye Chakra Position: The practitioner places their hands over the forehead, covering the third eye chakra. This position helps to balance the energy flow in the body, promoting intuition, mental clarity, and inner wisdom.

Throat Chakra Position: The practitioner places their hands over the throat, covering the throat chakra. This position helps to balance the energy flow in the body, promoting effective communication and self-expression.

Heart Chakra Position: The practitioner places their hands over the heart, covering the heart chakra. This position helps to balance the energy flow in the body, promoting love, compassion, and forgiveness.

Solar Plexus Chakra Position: The practitioner places their hands over the solar plexus, covering the solar plexus chakra. This position helps to balance the energy flow in the body, promoting self-confidence, personal power, and inner strength.

Sacral Chakra Position: The practitioner places their hands over the lower abdomen, covering the sacral chakra. This position helps to balance the energy flow in the body, promoting creativity, sensuality, and emotional balance.

Root Chakra Position: The practitioner places their hands over the lower back, covering the root chakra. This position helps to balance the energy flow in the body, promoting grounding, stability, and physical health.

The Hand Positions for the Front of the Body: The practitioner places their hands on the front of the body, covering various organs and glands, including the lungs, liver, stomach, and kidneys. These hand positions help to balance the energy flow in the body, promoting physical health, vitality, and well-being.

The Hand Positions for the Back of the Body: The practitioner places their hands on the back of the body, covering the spine and other parts of the body, including the hips and shoulders. These hand positions help to balance the energy flow in the body, promoting physical health, relaxation, and stress relief.

The traditional hand positions for the front and back of the body are as follows:

Top of the head: Helps to balance the crown chakra and improve overall energy flow.

Eyes and forehead: Helps to ease tension and stress in the head, face, and sinuses.

Brain Hemispheres: Helps to balance and harmonize the left and right sides of the brain.

Back of the head: Helps to ease tension in the neck and shoulders and promote relaxation.

Sides of the neck: Helps to ease tension in the neck and shoulders and improve energy flow to the throat chakra.

Shoulder blades: Helps to ease tension and pain in the upper back and improve energy flow to the heart and throat chakras.

Hands on the chest: Helps to balance and open the heart chakra, promote feelings of love and compassion, and improve overall energy flow.

Left side of the body: Helps to release negative emotions and energy that are stored on the left side of the body, including the heart and spleen chakras.

Right side of the body: Helps to release negative emotions and energy that are stored on the right side of the body, including the liver and gallbladder chakras.

Lower abdomen: Helps to improve energy flow to the sacral chakra and promote feelings of creativity, pleasure, and emotional balance.

Hand positions for kidneys: Helps to improve energy flow to the kidneys and support overall kidney function.

Lower back area: Helps to ease tension and pain in the lower back and improve energy flow to the root chakra.

Hands on the hips area: Helps to improve energy flow to the root chakra and promote feelings of stability and grounding.

Hands on the knees: Helps to ease tension in the knees and promote mobility and flexibility.

Feet and ankles: Helps to ease tension and pain in the feet and ankles and improve overall energy flow.

In Usui Reiki, practitioners use these hand positions to promote healing and balance in the body's energy flow. By placing their hands on or over specific parts of the body, they can direct healing energy to where it is needed most. Each hand position corresponds to a specific chakra or part of the body, and by working with these positions, practitioners can help promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being in their clients.

Reiki practitioners believe that the practice has numerous physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. Physically, it is said to promote healing and alleviate symptoms of a wide range of conditions, including pain, stress, anxiety, and depression. Emotionally, it can help individuals overcome feelings of sadness, fear, and anger, and promote feelings of peace, joy, and contentment. Spiritually, Reiki is believed to help individuals connect with their own inner wisdom and spiritual guidance, and promote a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life.

There are several different types of Reiki that have emerged directly from Usui Reiki, each with its own unique approach to the practice. Some of the most popular include:

Traditional Usui Reiki: This is the original form of Reiki as developed by Mikao Usui. It is based on the belief that the practitioner channels life force energy into the recipient through their hands.

Karuna Reiki: This form of Reiki emphasizes compassion and the use of symbols to channel energy. It was developed by William Lee Rand in the 1990s.

Tibetan Reiki: This form of Reiki is based on the belief that the practitioner channels energy through their hands and into the recipient's aura. It was developed by Julie Long in the 1990s.

Jikiden Reiki: This form of Reiki is based on the teachings of Chiyoko Yamaguchi, a student of Mikao Usui. It emphasizes simplicity and a direct connection to the original teachings of Usui.

Shamballa Reiki: This form of Reiki emphasizes spiritual growth and transformation. It was developed by Ole Gabrielsen in the 1990s.

Usui Reiki is a spiritual practice that is based on the belief that everyone has a life force energy, or "ki," which can be directed and channeled for healing purposes. The practice has numerous physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits, and has given rise to several different forms of Reiki, each with its own unique approach. Whether you are seeking physical healing, emotional support, or spiritual growth, Usui Reiki may be a valuable tool for achieving your goals.

The claims in this article are based on my own personal research and experience as an Usui Reiki Master and are in no way meant to be taken as medical advice. Always consult a medical professional for medical advice and care.


wellnessspiritualityself caremeditationlongevity magazinelifestylehealth

About the Creator

Priestess Ganesa

Artist, ordained minister, wellness empowerer and supporter. Plant based holistic services, resources, education, and reiki charged art.

Because we’re all connected, part of the same whole, I help others maintain the energy that connects us.

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