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Losing My Drive, Finding Myself

A Journey Of Rediscovery

By Freddie's Lost TreasuresPublished 9 months ago 5 min read
Hiding In The Shadows-Time To Claw Your Way Out (Photo by Freddie Vegas)

Everyone encounters moments when they feel trapped, lacking motivation, and unable to progress. In my case, this sensation persisted for months, and I reached a point where I was adrift, resentful, and uncertain about the future. However, the splendor of life lies in its unpredictability. You never know when and how things will metamorphose. And such was the case for me as well.

In this composition, I aim to divulge my odyssey of self-discovery after losing my fervor for life, finding my true self, and how my trials have bequeathed me with a fresh perspective on life.

For an extended period, I had been toiling away in a field that failed to ignite my passion. It felt as if I were merely existing rather than truly living. The tediousness and monotony of my job sapped my happiness each passing day. As weeks transformed into months, my motivation and enthusiasm dwindled further. I neglected my mental and physical well-being, spiraling into a negative mindset.

One day, everything changed. The company I was employed at carried out a significant downsizing, which included me. Initially, it was a jolt, but in hindsight, it was a blessing in disguise. I found myself with free time to pause and reflect on my next move.

During the initial stages of this unforeseen interval, I found myself descending into an even deeper state of melancholy, pondering over the uncertainty of my future. I realized that I had lost all sense of confidence, and the notion of starting anew seemed daunting. However, as the days passed, I recognized that it was time to explore uncharted realms and embrace the journey ahead.

I commenced my journey by focusing on broadening my horizons, immersing myself in long-held interests that I had never previously had the time for. I began volunteering in my community, partaking in charitable events, and relishing the gratification of giving back. Simultaneously, I prioritized my well-being, concentrating on consuming wholesome foods and maintaining a regular exercise regimen, which not only improved my physical state but also bolstered my mindset.

While delving into fresh opportunities, I happened upon a personal development workshop and resolved to attend. I had never been inclined towards self-help or talk therapy, but participating in this workshop proved to be the turning point in my journey. The facilitators posed thought-provoking queries that challenged my thinking, and I realized that genuine change had to originate from within.

With newfound clarity, I embarked on a process of introspection, extracting patterns from my past experiences that had led me to my current state in life. Through honest self-reflection, I discovered that I had been living my life in accordance with societal expectations rather than pursuing my own passions and desires.

I took a hiatus from my routine to embark on travels and exploration. As I journeyed, I encountered individuals from diverse backgrounds, and listening to their stories and struggles served as an eye-opening experience. These conversations illuminated the fact that we all face challenges, but it is our response to them that defines us.

During my travels, I subconsciously crafted a vision board that depicted the future I aspired to materialize. It may sound cliché, but this proved to be a truly therapeutic experience for me. By externalizing my dreams, even if only through images and words on a board, hope was instilled within me, providing a goal to strive for.

As time elapsed, I began piecing together the life I wished to lead. I realized that I desired to assist others in some capacity and work for a cause that resonated deeply with me. Additionally, I discovered a newfound affinity for creative endeavors, which came as a surprise as I had never previously considered myself a creative individual.

Taking a leap of faith, I commenced working with a non-profit organization that aligned with my values. Furthermore, I delved into writing, a pursuit I had always found enjoyment in but had never contemplated pursuing professionally. With passion and perseverance, I crafted an article that was published on a renowned website, marking an exhilarating milestone in my journey.

Reflecting on the past, I am indebted to the trials that confronted me and the expedition that reawakening embarked me on. I gleaned invaluable insights about myself, and the kaleidoscopic world around me, which I will embrace ceaselessly.

If you also find yourself ensnared, rest assured, it's acceptable. You are not alone. This is a gentle nudge that it's not too tardy to metamorphose and take a stride towards unearthing what propels you. Here are a handful of elements that assisted me:

1. Unwind: It's effortless to become ensnared in routine patterns, and at times, it becomes imperative to extricate oneself from these patterns. Granting oneself a pause and introspection can bestow newfound lucidity and perspective.

2. Pursue Your Passions: Devote time to engaging in activities that harmonize with your fervor and interests, which may lead to novel acquaintances and an augmented network.

3. Invest in Your Wellness: Nurturing your physical and mental well-being. It is critical to prioritize your welfare; this encompasses embracing self-care, meditation, exercise, and therapy.

Rediscovering oneself can be an awe-inspiring odyssey, but it is plausible. Taking a respite, delving into passions, investing in well-being, and nurturing patience and perseverance are pivotal strides in the process. It's paramount to bear in mind that there is no predetermined timeline for revelation and that each person's expedition is distinct. Once you uncover what propels you, it's crucial to pursue it with fervor and unwavering resolve. And always bear in mind that it's never too late to metamorphose and chase your aspirations.


Original story (created by me) published on Medium.com. Any changes and/or updates that have been added on Vocal.media are for content consumption purposes.

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About the Creator

Freddie's Lost Treasures

A traveler in search of lost and hidden treasures. I have assembled a lifelong learning of being in the business world and decided to take a leap to see what is outside the confines of brick and mortar and left the 9 to 5 behind.

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