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If you want to stay fit even on vacation

Then do these 6 quick workouts

By MayaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Going on a vacation is a great idea to take a break from the fast-paced life and relax your mind and body. However, taking a break from work during the holidays does not mean that you should also take a break from working out. If you are going on a vacation, do not make the mistake of skipping fitness from your daily routine. If you are thinking that for this you have to carry workout tools or make time for gym, then it is not so at all. To stay fit for the holidays, just take a few minutes and do some quick workouts. For this you just need an open space and fitness motivation.

Celebrity trainer Anshuka Parwani says that even if you have gone on a trip and are in a holiday mood, don't be lazy. Eat, drink, move around, but remember to work out. He says that you do not need to do heavy workouts during the holidays, but doing some quick exercises will not harm you. Instead, exercise can make you more energetic, happier, and fitter. So let's know from Anshuka, what are those workouts, which we can do even during the holidays and keep ourselves fit.

Jumping Jacks

Stand straight with your hands at your sides and feet together.

Bend your knees slightly and then jump.

Open your legs and reach your hands above your head as you jump.

Now come back to the position in which you started.

Keep repeating this again and again and do it for one to two minutes.

Spine and Shoulder Mobility

Bringing your body into the plank position, place the palms on the yoga mat.

Take your right foot near your right palm.

Keep your right arm in front and try to extend your right arm as far as possible.

Now do the same process with the left hand and left leg.

Repeat this at least 10 times.


Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and your toes facing forward.

Bending at the ankles and knees, drive your hips back and open your knees slightly by pressing them.

Sit in a squat position with your toes and heels on the floor. Keep your chest up and shoulders back.

Get into a parallel position, which means you have your knees bent at a 90-degree angle.

Press into your heels and then straighten legs to stand.

Repeat this at least 10 times.

Jump Squats

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly.

Get into a full squat position as you bend your knees.

Move the body up and down from the ground. Keep your legs fully extended. The feet should be a few inches off the ground.

Now jump and control your body. Come back to the squat position for one more jump and immediately do the next jump.

Repeat this process at least 10 times.


Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.

Look down at the ground and bend down to place your hands on the floor in front of your feet. Let your back also arch forward and bend your knees slightly as needed, so that your hands reach the ground.

Place your hands on the ground in front of your feet and then one by one use your hands to propel yourself forward. As your body begins to straighten, allow your heels to lift off the floor.

Keep your legs straight and keep moving them forward one by one until they reach the hands.

Slowly raise your back from the hips and stand back up.

Repeat this at least 10 times.


First of all, keep the soles and palms of your feet on the ground and lock the fingers of your hands on the yoga mat.

Keep your head between both the palms. Now by bringing the feet near the head, straighten the waist and neck.

Now slowly try to straighten one of your legs upwards while making the balance of the body. During this, you can also take the support of the wall.

Now after straightening the leg upwards, create your balance and then slowly raise the other leg as well.

Now keep both the legs together and keep them straight. In this position, your neck, waist, hips and legs should be in a straight line.

According to your ability, do this for one to two minutes. Anshuka advises not to repeat it. According to him, doing it once is enough.

Note - Anshuka says that if you are an expert in doing headstand, then only do it. If you are a beginner, then you can take the support of a wall or a partner to do this.

weight losswellnessself carehealthfitnessdietbodyadvice

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