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How Weight Loss Changed My Life For The Better

Healthy Lifestyle

By TinaPublished about a year ago 7 min read
How Weight Loss Changed My Life For The Better
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

When I first decided to embark on a weight loss journey, I had no idea how much it would change my life for the better. I had been overweight for most of my life and was always self-conscious about my appearance. I had tried numerous diets, with no success. Finally, I decided to make a long-term commitment to healthy eating and regular exercise. After months of dedication, I was able to lose the weight and transform my body. In this blog post, I will share my story and talk about how weight loss changed my life.

I Finally Felt Comfortable In My Skin

By Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Before I started my weight loss journey, I was unhappy with the way I looked and felt. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin and never truly felt confident or happy with my body. It was frustrating to see other people who were healthy and fit while I still struggled to reach my fitness goals.

But after I lost the weight, things began to change. I finally felt comfortable in my own skin. For the first time, I was able to look in the mirror and be proud of what I saw. Instead of being ashamed of my body, I was proud of how far I had come. I felt like I had taken control of my life and achieved something incredible.

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The transformation was more than just physical; it was emotional as well. The confidence I gained from losing weight gave me a newfound sense of self-worth. I was no longer ashamed or embarrassed by my body – I was empowered and excited about taking care of myself. This new mindset helped me move forward in other areas of my life as well, allowing me to pursue my passions and dreams with newfound vigor.

It’s hard to put into words the feeling of finally feeling comfortable in your own skin. But it’s a liberating experience that has changed my life for the better.

I Had More Energy

By Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

When I lost weight, I noticed a dramatic increase in my energy level. Prior to weight loss, I felt tired and sluggish all the time. I would be exhausted after even a short walk, or feel drained after just a few minutes of activity. After losing weight, however, I found that I had more energy than ever before. I was able to move around more and do activities I hadn't been able to before, such as going for longer walks or taking part in physical activities like biking or swimming. This newfound energy was incredibly freeing and made me feel like I could do anything.

I Felt Less Anxious

By Pradeep Ranjan on Unsplash

One of the biggest changes I noticed when I started to lose weight was a decrease in my anxiety. Before I began my journey, I was constantly feeling overwhelmed and anxious about everyday tasks. I was afraid of going out with friends and worried about how others would perceive me. I found that when I lost weight, I felt more confident in myself and less anxious about the way people saw me. This allowed me to take on more social situations and feel less intimidated by them. It also helped me to focus on the present moment instead of worrying about the future. Losing weight has enabled me to be more present in my life and enjoy every moment.

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I Slept Better

By bruce mars on Unsplash

For years, I had difficulty sleeping. My mind would race and I would often wake up in the middle of the night feeling anxious and overwhelmed. After I started losing weight, I noticed a marked improvement in my sleep quality. I was able to get into a deeper sleep and stay asleep throughout the night. I also woke up feeling more refreshed in the morning. This is because my body was not carrying around excess weight and my metabolism was working more efficiently. As a result, I had more energy during the day, which allowed me to focus better and be more productive. Additionally, I felt less anxious, which made it easier for me to relax and fall asleep at night.

I Was Able To Manage My Chronic Pain

By Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

One of the most difficult things I had to deal with before I started my weight loss journey was my chronic pain. I would often be in so much pain that it was hard for me to do the activities I enjoyed and I felt like I was missing out on life.

Once I began my weight loss journey and saw the results, I was able to better manage my chronic pain. By eating healthier and exercising regularly, I was able to strengthen my muscles, improve my posture and flexibility, and increase my overall health. As a result, I was able to reduce the amount of pain I was experiencing.

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I still have days where I have bouts of pain, but now I have a better understanding of how to manage it and what things I can do to help reduce the pain. I am also more conscious of my posture and physical activity, which has helped me stay in control of my chronic pain.

I Felt More Confident

By Gian Cescon on Unsplash

Losing weight did wonders for my self-esteem. I remember when I first started my weight loss journey, I was filled with insecurities and doubt. I had been overweight for most of my life, so I was used to feeling embarrassed and ashamed of my body. But as the pounds started to come off, I felt a newfound sense of confidence and pride.

I found myself standing a little taller and making eye contact with people more often. I stopped covering up in baggy clothing, and instead embraced the clothes that showed off my figure. For the first time in my life, I felt comfortable in my own skin.

I also stopped comparing myself to others. I was no longer focused on what others had that I didn't. Instead, I began to appreciate my body for all its capabilities and strength. I recognized that even though I wasn't perfect, I was unique and beautiful in my own way.

Weight loss gave me the confidence to speak up more often in conversations and take on tasks that intimidated me before. I wasn't afraid to try new things anymore, and overall, I became more confident in who I was and what I was capable of.

I Enjoyed Working Out

By Thomas Yohei on Unsplash

Exercising became a part of my everyday routine when I started my weight loss journey. It was something I had to do, but eventually it turned into something I wanted to do. It didn't take long for me to realize that I actually enjoyed working out.

At first, it was really intimidating, especially when I wasn't seeing any results right away. But after a few months of consistently exercising, I began to notice a difference in my energy levels, attitude, and body composition. And as I continued to work out, I started to enjoy it more and more.

There were some days when I felt so motivated that I would push myself to do more and better exercises. Other days, I would take it easy and do lighter workouts to give my body a break. Either way, I was always glad that I made the effort and stuck with my workout routine.

I found that working out gave me the opportunity to challenge myself and to be creative. Every day was different and I could switch up my routines to keep things interesting. I also started exploring new activities like yoga and Zumba classes which were not only enjoyable but also helped me stay focused on my goals.

Overall, working out has become an important part of my life and I'm so happy that I'm able to stick with it and continue to benefit from it. Even when it gets tough, I remind myself why I'm doing this and what great changes it has made in my life.

I Found New Hobbies

By Steve Johnson on Unsplash

One of the unexpected benefits of losing weight was the opportunity to explore new hobbies. When I had more energy, I was able to pursue activities that I had never considered before. For example, I started running and found that it was a great way to stay fit while also exploring my local area. I also took up yoga as a way to relax and focus on my breathing.

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In addition to physical activities, I also found myself drawn to activities like photography and painting. I spent time learning how to use my camera and then taking pictures of nature or everyday objects. Painting became a fun way for me to express my creativity and distress.

Overall, losing weight opened up a whole new world of hobbies for me to explore. These activities not only helped me stay in shape but also served as an outlet for my creativity and an escape from the stresses of everyday life.

beautybodydietfitnesshealthhow tolifestylewellnessweight loss

About the Creator


If it was about knowledge, we would all be skinny and rich. It’s not about what you know but what you do!

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